Abbott’s Mini Me Rides Again (Abbott’s a NewMan!)

Abbott’s Mini Me Rides Again (Abbott’s a NewMan!)

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.

Tony Abbott, a NewMan   (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Campbell Newman.

Campbell Newman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I wrote “Tony Abbott’s Mini Me”  to highlight the similarities between Abbott and Newman after Newman made cuts to pretty much everything using the, to say the least, “dodgy”, Costello audit.

Now at that time, Abbott and Hockey had flagged the possibility of having a Costello style audit when they “win” (that should read “STEAL”) Government.

Since then, their efforts to bring down a duly elected government have

The Abbott and Costello Cartoon Show

The Abbott and Costello Cartoon Show coming to a parliament near you (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

come to naught despite the constant intervention by that rabid right Tea Party supporter, U S citizen and Abbott’s puppet master Murdoch trying every trick in the Goebbels book of propaganda, to influence and subvert through his 70% ownership of the Australian media and backed up by  most of the remaining 30%.

I am revisiting the Abbott/Newman connection because of another public rally about to take place in support of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, which has been promised, talked about and planned for years, and is now under threat of privatisation thanks to the Costello audit and Campbell Newman.

The story of the proposed rally was written on page 15 of the Sunshine Coast Daily (Sat May 25), but sadly I cannot provide  a link as the story isn’t on their web site?

Anyway, the essence of the story is that another rally by QLD Nurses is to be held in an attempt to stop the Newman government from privatising what was always supposed to be a publicly owned University Hospital, in an  area of great need, and on a site where the private hospital is already near completion.

The SCUH is scheduled to open in late 2016, and is to deliver a large array of services sadly lacking in the area such as a cancer centre including radiotherapy and chemotherapy , and many other specialised services which people currently have to travel into Brisbane to access.  Many of whom are elderly and very sick, and don’t have access to public transport, and can be travelling for more than two hours to access these services.

The Newman government has been closing or privatising public health services all over QLD, and as the QLD Nurses Union correctly points out “Privately-run public hospitals have a track record of delivering worse outcomes and accountability than state-run public hospitals”.

A week, or so, ago, we saw another public rally, that time by school children and parents protesting about the governments proposal to close down and sell off some public schools.   On Labour Day we saw one of the biggest turnouts  in years against the Newman governments IR policies.

Almost every week, of late, we see another group of disaffected people protesting against what this government is doing to destroy the fabric of our society.  We see on the news the levels of public unrest in countries across Europe, as they suffer at the hands of right wing governments imposing more of their austerity measures, in spite of the mounting evidence that it isn’t working.

The questions that we all need to ponder are;

  • “Do we want to follow like demented sheep, the example of Europe and now QLD, in cutting services and spending as Abbott has already canvassed?”
  • “Do we really want to install a government  which is determined to oversee the degradation of our public schools and health care system?”
  • “Do we want to see a health system where we have to be there to wash, feed and care for our loved ones, in hospital, because the nurses are so understaffed and overworked that the system can’t cope?” (Which is already happening in QLD).
  • Do we really want a government that brags about all the medical staff they are training, and yet are laying off staff and leaving trained and qualified nurses and doctors unemployed, while the system is screaming for more staff?”(Which is also happening in QLD NOW).
  • “Are we prepared to have a government chosen by the likes of Murdoch and Rinehart?”
  • Do we really want a government who’s only interested in maintaining the lifestyles of the rich and famous, to the detriment of the regular Aussies and their way of life?”
  • Are we prepared for a society where civil unrest and protests are the norm?
  • Are we really that stupid?”

Health and education are just two of the many areas that will suffer savage cuts at the hands of the LNP, as we have seen and continue to see in QLD.

On these and many other areas of service provision, Abbott’s Mini Me Rides Again, and despite all that we keep hearing about how Abbott is  a changed man, the truth is that Abbott isn’t a New Man, Abbott’s a Newman, and Newman is Abbott’s Mini Me.

Be afraid people… Be very afraid!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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43 Responses to Abbott’s Mini Me Rides Again (Abbott’s a NewMan!)

  1. cornlegend says:

    I am afraid, I’m very afraid.
    My answers to all the questions is NO
    guess i get 100 %
    Truthy, hope your sister has arrived home safely.
    good item you may wish check out also,


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend,Thanks for your comment 😎 and Mate you’re always 100% 😀

      Yes, my sister arrived home safely yesterday morning our time, 😀 and thanks for your interest 😎

      I am a regular at TPS, and was there reading all the comments, including yours, not ten minutes ago 😎 I was going to post a link, but you saved me the trouble 😀

      Cheers 😀


  2. C@tmomma says:

    Truth Seeker,
    You have articulated the thoughts of many of us, who keep wondering, how can ‘the mob’ be led like lambs to the slaughter?


  3. C@tmomma says:

    Actually, now that I think about it, it’s happening in Queensland all over again! The very State that has the Newman experience rammed so far up it it should hurt. Yet a Galaxy poll today says those same people can’t wait to get rid of the only government that wants to help them, the federal Labor government. It’s like a Sado-Masochist political stance encouraged by the Murdoch media, a combination of encouraging people to be sadistic towards Labor governments but masochistic at the hands of Conservative bastard governments, too afraid of retribution now if they speak up against them, as far as the majority goes anyway. Yes, some may protest, but they are just ignored by the Conservatives and probably laughed at behind closed government doors. It’s truly sickening.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      C@tmomma, thanks for your comments 😎 and yes it is truly sad and sickening that many have been conned, but I honestly don’t think that the polls are truly representative of what is happening in QLD or in fact across the wider community.

      Even their own polling indicate a large undecided content, but they are still polling on landlines, and it would be interesting to see a breakdown of the electorates polled. 😀

      Cheers 😀


  4. One question, who runs Galaxy polls?
    Now we all know who runs the propaganda machine through the newspapers etc up in Queensland. But there are many astute people up there & here that believe being told over and over again that ‘you can’t win’ just gets up all of our noses.
    My reply is to say ‘Oh really?’. Says who.
    Let us all support those good people of Queensland and give them some hope that all is not well in the State of the Opposition. The PM really is the best person to lead the ALP & they have a very good track record of managing the nations finances thanks to Wayne Swan.
    Do we really want people at the helm who want to send us back to the dim dark ages or do we want a progressive forward thinking government.
    I know which one I want & its not the Noalition.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Sandra, thanks for your comment 😎 and from what I found out, at the very least Galaxy has strong connections to Limited News, so it looks like it is a poll of 800 landline owners, and depending on the phone prefixes (electorates), could easily have been manipulated?

      And as I’ve said before, capitulation is not what Labor supporters should even contemplate. Our country and democracy deserves better 😀

      Cheers 😀


  5. cornlegend says:

    “capitulation is not what Labor supporters should even contemplate.”
    Thats gonna be my rally call from now till 14th Sept.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend, It’s absolutely true 😀 It should be every Labor supporters rally call 😎

      You are a great warrior for the cause mate 😀 Keep up the good work and the fight 😎

      Cheers 😀 😎


  6. cornlegend says:

    Yeah, one of the commentators has kept me busy at IA today, calling Julia a “pathological liar”


  7. This is an excellent article. Abbott and Newman are cut from the same blot of harsh inferior cloth. I wouldn’t use it for the curtain in an outdoor dunny..


  8. That should read ‘bolt of cloth’, but blot is not far wrong either. 😆


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Puffy, thanks for your comment 😎 and kind words 😀

      Yes you are spot on, they are cut from the same bolt of inferior cloth, (The Andrew Bolt of inferior cloth 😀 ) and they are also a blot or stain on the political landscape. 😯

      Cheers 😀


  9. khtagh says:

    Afraid ! yes I am, but I feel things are turning, especially seeing the SMH poll where 59% of (6000) said Abbott will not!! win the election.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      khtagh, thanks for your comment 😎

      I’m with you , afraid of what would be if Abbott wins, but quietly confident that he won’t! 😯 And as we all keep up the pressure, and the PM gets more done I feel even more confident 😀

      Capitulation isn’t an option 😉

      Cheers 😀


  10. Joy Cooper says:

    Very pertinent & well written, Truth Seeker. Public hospitals in Qld have had the guts ripped out of them & this will happen all over Australia if the despicable LNP gets into power federally.

    Already, a major PUBLIC hospital in Brisbane is charging $320 per night’s stay for essential elective surgery with the services of the surgeon & anaesthetist being paid for from your Medicare claim. Even for pensioners. This is double dipping as the hospitals & their staff are already paid for out of the public purse. This is probably happening with all their public hospitals.. My partner’s specialist was despairing at was happening to Qld Health under the auspices of the Newman alleged “government”..

    This is vandalism at its very worst. The same applies to schools & other public infrastructure. It is a disgrace & is an example of what can be expected with wall-to-wall LNP governments.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Joy, thanks for your comment 😎 and kind words 😀

      Yes it is appalling, and as you say, only stands to get worse as the LNP get control country wide and in Canberra.

      My wife was a nurse for many years and we still have friends in the public system, all of whom are worried for their jobs and the work they are now expected to do as more and more services get cut along with staff numbers and job security.

      You are dead right when you use the term “Vandalism” , because that’s exactly what they are doing to our services and public institutions. 👿

      They MUST be stopped, and quickly, as the damage done in even one term will take decades and billions of $$$ to repair. 😦

      Cheers 😀


      • Joy Cooper says:

        Thanks TS. Although we live in NSW we have to travel to Qld for essential health services & to see our respective specialists so we are very concerned to see what is happening there.

        BTW while in the army Newman wasn’t just called Noddy because of his height it was also apparently due to his Noddy-like behaviour of getting into scrapes constantly.. I’m surprised he hasn’t been replaced by the real powers behind the throne, Seeney & Nicholls.

        It is also amazing how quickly non-Qld southerners like Newman become, politically, more Joh-like.than Joh himself. Same with Clive Palmer.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Joy, yes and you should have real concerns, because if Abbott gets in, I doubt that Newman’s approach will be confined to QLD, as the other state LNP govs will be happy to follow suit.

          And Abbott has already endorsed Newman’s policies. 😯

          Be afraid, be very afraid 👿

          Cheers 😀


  11. Joy Cooper says:

    Think people forget or don’t realise that Newman is a “foreigner” in that he was born in Canberra & grew up in Tasmania. He is a true born-to-rule Liberal blue blood with both parents being Federal MPs & ministers.

    Such people are so out of touch with the realities of life it isn’t funny. They do not have a clue & treat their electorates as their personal fiefdoms to do with as they chose.


  12. Truth Seeker says:

    Joy, I agree with all you said, except I would have used “Alien” instead of “Foreigner” 😀

    Cheers 😀


    • Joy Cooper says:

      Very true, TS. 😆 Can’t Do Newman could well be an alien from a planet far, far away. As for Abbott, he looks to be straight out of the TV series V as one of the pseudo human lizard villains. 😉


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Joy, Yes FAR FAR away 😀 and many wish he would go back 😯

        And Abbott looks like one out of “V”, but walks like he comes from the “Planet of the Apes” 😆 and acts like it too 😀

        Cheers 😀


  13. cornlegend says:

    Newman might be alright,
    In the USA.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend, Yay 😀

      Anywhere but here 😀 maybe Europe? Saudi Arabia? The Moon? 😎

      I am putting up a “How To” page for smileys, block quotes, bold and italics over the next few days, as a few might be interested 😀

      Cheers 😀


  14. cornlegend says:

    Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq,

    Think your smiley page will be popular 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend, 😆 As I said… Anywhere but here 😀 but they are particularly good suggestions 😆

      Have just put up the “How to” page with all the main ones, and more to come 😀

      Let me know what you think 😉

      Cheers 😀


  15. kate ahearne says:

    Hi Truthie. (Belatedly)

    There seems to be a very big gap between the poll conducted by the public service union last month and the latest newspoll. Take heart.


  16. Pingback: Abbott's Mini Me Rides Again (Abbott's a NewMan...

  17. cornlegend says:

    Truthy, I know this is “off post” but found it interesting.
    Don’t know exactly where this came from.
    To me, looks like a bit out of a movie or TV series rather than a live recording BUT

    The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER…


  18. lmrh5 says:

    Reblogged this on lmrh5.


  19. Pingback: Abbott’s Mini Me Rides Again (Abbott’s a NewMan!) | lmrh5

  20. cornlegend says:

    info on video clip
    Published on Jun 26, 2012

    Beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom explaining why America’s Not the Greatest Country Any Longer… But It Can Be.


  21. cornlegend says:

    might download the series, could be worth a look.
    Something better than the crap usually on the tele
    heading off now to check out the how to page.
    Preparing myself to be dazzled by science 😀


  22. Great work TS. Keep positive all. We can still undermine the media and chip away at the untruth put about by the LNP. . Don’t give up.


  23. Pingback: Newman is once more pointing the way! | Truth Seekers Musings

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