Don’t let the bastards win!

Don’t let the bastards win!

Who are the “Bastards”?


The biggest bastard and the boss of the MSM bastards. (Photo credit: fsgm)

Well the biggest bastard is Murdoch, the self appointed King maker, who has determined that the government that we have is not the government that HE wants.

Not for any altruistic reasons, but rather because he wants to exercise his own power in the only remaining bastion of his, world wide trashed, and totally discredited, reputation.

This is the geriatric megalomaniac, a US citizen no less, who thinks that it is his right to buy a government for Australia that will give him a controlling interest in our country and our futures, for his own personal gain.

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Au...

Kevin Rudd. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I, like many others were fuming at the latest round of speculation, based on what Rudd did not say on the 7.30 report, and built upon by those perennial liars Pyne and Bishop, and taken up, with glee, by all the MSM led by Murdoch’s Ltd News, and then “OUR” ABC, FFS!

Now all those ALP MPs and supporters who are listening to the 24 hour news opinion cycle should take this little quiz:

  1. Why do you think Rudd has a permanent (it seems) press contingent watching his every move?  A. Because they like  him?   B.  Because he’s so photogenic?   C. Because he’s so charismatic that men want to be him and  women want to be with him?   D. Because they are waiting for him to say or do anything that they can use to destabilise the government?
  2. Why is it that when Rudd makes a fairly straight forward comment like “I support the PM”, or “My position hasn’t changed” or “I will not be contesting the leadership!”, the MSM focus on the way he said it, or what he didn’t say?   A. Because they don’t understand?   B. because he is so much smarter than they are?   C. Because they are really trying to be fair and balanced in their reporting?   D.   Because they know that the mere mention of Rudd will send the MSM into a feeding frenzy, with the intention of destabilising the government?
  3. For someone who regularly visits and comments on other sites, why is it that the vast majority of people espousing a change of leader back to Rudd, are either right wing trolls, or those that “claim” to be disaffected Labor supporters( for many of these, I have serious doubts.)? ( I do know that there are genuine ALP supporters that feel that Rudd is the only way to salvage some seats, but I personally don’t agree, and refuse to capitulate. and I am specifically speaking about the majority that I have observed.)   A. Because they genuinely think that Rudd is the ALPs best chance for winning?   B.  Because they admire him and think he’s just great?   C.  Because they have the best interests of the ALP at heart?   D.  Because they know that Abbott’s best chance of winning is against Rudd, not Gillard, as they can use everything from his past to claim disfunction and disunity in the government?
  4. Why is it that the MSM favour Rudd, when if they had genuine interest in promoting what’s in the best interest of the ALP, they could just start telling the truth and introducing real balance to their reporting?    A.  Because he’s cute?   B.  because they like the way he says “I’ve got to zip”?   C.  Because they are just are politically naive?   D.  Because constantly regurgitating leadership speculation, introduces fear, doubt and frustration in the minds of the ALP supporters, and reinforces the message to the wider community, that the government is dysfunctional, unstable and are headed for annihilation at the election, and they have no interest in what’s best for the ALP, or in telling the truth.

If you answered  “D” to all of these you nailed it.

It’s all about destabilisation, demoralisation and distracting the people from the truth about the government and their impressive record throughout the term of this minority government.

There are others that fit the description of “The Bastards”.

  • There’s the poet laureate of the ruling classes, the one who won’t even give her children what is rightfully theirs.
  • There’s Clive (I want to be PM) Palmer who would probably want to run the country from the stateroom of his very own Titanic.
  • There’s Singleton, who makes at least some of his money from such scum sucking bottom feeders as Jones and Hadley et al.

These are just a handful of the vested interests that want us to sell out to the highest bidder, usually one of them   😯

The Irony is that we have been voted, for the third year in a row, the happiest country, and yet from the inside looking out you would never know it, as we are fed a daily diet of doom and gloom and mis information from all these bastards, who’s only reason is so that they can make more money at our expense.

They don’t care for this country, or it’s citizenry, they care only for the top 1% of the wealthiest and their aspirational sycophants, while the rest are just there for their convenience.

Now all those that can identify with all the spoilt little rich kids, or geriatrics as the case may be, take a step or two to the right, while the rest of us who aspire to just pay our bills, take care of our families, plan and hope for a good future for our nation and our kids and want a half decent life, should line up behind this government and say NO to the LNP and their puppet master bastards who seek to tear down the social and economic fabric of our society for the sake of building their own bank accounts and power bases.

So don’t let the bastards win!

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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74 Responses to Don’t let the bastards win!

  1. Mark says:

    Well said TS ! I love your work.


  2. Annabelle says:

    I couldn’t agree more. TA has never recovered from the pipping at the post he received in the last election and since then has made it his and his party’s job to destabilise the Gillard government and personally attack Ms Gillard and her Ministers whenever possible. It’s the longest dummy spit in history and, boy, wait until he gets knocked off again at the next election. His party will drop him like a hot potato. It will be sweeter than the sweetest victory of all!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Annabelle, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      I love the way you think 😀 , and we need more of it. 😎

      Yes, and the few nervous nellies on the back bench should pull their heads in and take their lead from our gutsy PM 😀

      We will prevail, capitulation is NOT an option.

      Thanks again, and Cheers 😀 😎


  3. guddy says:

    Don’t forget answer e) Rudd is a god fearing family man somewhat similar to um ahh um ahh you know who and JG is a non god fearing unmarried woman.

    Sexism, bullying harassment, discrimination is alive and well in this country and is about to get much worse if people vote for um ahh um ahh you know who.

    I for one will do my best to ensure the BASTARDS won’t win.


  4. guddy says:

    Bloody auto correct that should read bastards


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Guddy, thanks for your comment 😀 and yes, many things will only get worse if the bastards get their way 😦

      That’s why we CAN’T let the bastards win 😀 We WILL prevail!

      And don’t worry, we can’t let auto correct get in the way of your message so I’ll fix it 😀

      Cheers 😀


  5. martha says:

    don’t have the confidence that rudd would stand up for the things we have achieved like the nbn

    the ndis and other policies so I would not even consider ever wanting him as pm,
    he has had his turn, I think the pink bats issue would be bought back up by the media within hours.
    this is just a ploy to try and make out there is disunity, where this is none, except for a handful’
    also what hand does the LNP play in this rumour mongering,??
    Rudd had his turn , Bob Hawke did not go and sulk in the corner, he got out there and supported Paul Keating. see the difference,
    Julia looks after the the people.
    abbott only takes, no pension increments by the libs is the prime example
    and not one policy annoncement for the good of the country only big business
    in the long run I am hoping the disloyal people will be dinsindorsed.



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Martha, thanks for your comment 😀 , and I agree Rudd had his time, and he proved with the way that he walked away from the “Pink Batts” issue, which was in reality a beat up by the LNP, that he will fold under pressure.

      JGPM on the other hand has proved to have Abbott’s measure, and that’s why they are getting quite hysterical and panicked in their efforts to get rid of her 😀

      Cheers 😀


    • Heather Cameron says:

      I work in the building industry, and along with my professional associates most of us agree that the pink batts was a very good idea. The problem was all the greedy people who tried to get in on the money to be made without thinking about doing the job properly. Anyone who has lived in an uninsulated house during the summer here will wholeheartedly agree with the pink batts being a godsend. It just got plundered by the inexperienced tradies and bandwagon workers out there. Sadly lives were lost due to heat exhaustion from the hot work and house burning down through incompetent workmanship. When so much of the work was being done and so many hous

      About Rudd, he was great for beating Howard, saying sorry to the indigenous people but he was a nightmare to teamwork with. He got too dashed by Copenhagen not working and scrapping the ETS was not the best look, looked like he was giving up. However Abbott zooming in as leader of the Opposition with his pugilistic intense manner was too much for Rudd, and anybody else for that matter. Also it seems like Julia was actually running the show long before she was ousted to PM position. And she was very loyal to Rudd and did not go willingly. As they say, most of the anti is a beat up. She is certainly the better matched against Abbott’s incessant nasty fighting, and thank goodness she has a good sense of humour and wit. Have you noticed that Abbott has no humour and wit. All he has is “make believe I am the great PM” grand pretences and the high deception all around that sort of megalomaniac stance. And it is all high drama of the politically incorrect type with Abbott swinging in to “me King Political Correct Man” come to save you. When is the guy going to fall off his flat earth, I wonder?


      • Heather Cameron says:

        Can I rewrite this before you approve it . Few typos there. Not too experience with wordpress. thanks heather


      • diannaart says:

        “She (Julia Gillard) is certainly the better matched against Abbott’s incessant nasty fighting, and thank goodness she has a good sense of humour and wit. Have you noticed that Abbott has no humour and wit.”

        Which explains the campaign against her and everything connected to Julia, even the death of her father. The (suggestions for a collective noun welcome) LNP/IPA/Murdoch/Rinehart gang know that Julia stands up to Tony far more effectively than Rudd. Dissing Julia and focussing on Rudd is a 2 birds with one stone strategy – they destabilise Labor and play on the ousting of Rudd – never do we hear much about the manner in which Abbott took leadership, apparently that’s being macho and tough – women who do this are fair game for the most appalling denigration I have ever seen in Australian politics. I admit that all pollies come in for name-calling, but I do not know of anyone who has been told they do not “deserve respect” – Joe Hockey on radio 774 this afternoon, or that her “father died of shame” nor has anyone been called Brown’s Bitch or have had their character assessed on whether they were married, had children or even the colour of their hair.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          diannaart, yes it’s sad that PMJG has had to put up with those despicable LNPers, and it’s not just Abbott that has no sense of humour, it’s the whole damned lot of them. 😯

          I think it must be a right wing thing 😀

          And sloppy Joe is not one to talk about not deserving respect, when he has absolutely no credibility and the best he’s come up with for his economic creds is “ELEVENTY”

          They just don’t get it 😦 But they will, come Sept 😀 right between the eyes 😆

          Cheers 😀


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Heather, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

        Yes I have to say that I get very annoyed when I hear the mendacious LNP and MSM talking about the waste of the pink batts and the BER schemes, when as you with your background in the building industry would know that any scheme of that size that has a 97% success rate is far from a failure. 😯 but they never let the truth get in the way of their blind ambition 😦

        Yes I agree about Rudd, and as far as Abbott, I have said on numerous occasions not only about him, but the entire LNP they have no sense of humour, only as sense of rumour 😀

        I greatly appreciate your comment, and don’t worry about any typos, as they are par for the course when blogging, and besides, we are all friends here 😀

        Cheers 😀 😎


  6. lefturnahead says:

    The power and influence of Murdoch and daughter of Lang has corrupted almost every journalist and law enforcement agency in this country and for the life of me i dont know where it will all finish up.
    But i still live in hope that that sanity will prevail and most Australians will wake up to the fact that these forces of evil are exactly that,and come September will be defeated.
    We must hold our nerve and never surrender to these corrupt evil bastards.


  7. diannaart says:

    I add to the team above – thank you.

    I was knocked for six when I heard Barrie Cassidy joined the chorus of Murdochracy. Surely not Barrie too.

    Given the over representation of IPA ‘luminaries’ such as Tim Wilson and/or John Roskam who tread the halls of the ABC so frequently now I wonder if they are not on the payroll, I should not be surprised that even the best of the ABC are, apparently, brainwashed.

    I am usually a Greens voter, have been since I was at Uni and Hawke included Austudy as taxable income and introduced HECS – I found the struggle to pay curriculum expenses (necessary travel, books and other needed supplies, rent & food – forever late with rent and subsistence on 1 minute-noodles did very bad things to my health although I did not realise at the time). Who said hardship makes you stronger? I am paying dearly in terms of health now.

    Well, now I’ve got that off my chest.

    I will change my voting habits of decades this year and vote one for Julia/Labor, not because I agree with all her policies but because I admire someone who can have a vision for the well being of Australia, is or has been implementing programs towards that goal (NBN, education, health and much more) and remain calm, coherent – even when goaded to the point that would’ve had many others reduced to a quivering mess. I cannot forget how well she handled the unforgivable slurs at the time of her father’s demise. Having lost both my parents I know I could not have maintained her composure. All of which makes Julia Gillard a leader above and beyond many PM’s before her. Can anyone picture how Rudd or Abbott would cope with such insults as Ms Gillard has managed?


  8. Wow! Great impassioned piece. I’m certainly lined up alongside the ordinary Australians who just want a fair go for all, not the few.
    Vote for the readhead, not the dickhead (can we use that as the campaign slogan? Got a nice ring to it.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Heather, thanks for that 😀 and a great comment 😆

      Yes Heather that should be on a 10 m high billboard on every major highway throughout the land 😀 and bumper stickers made 😀

      Keep up the good work 😀

      Cheers 😀 😆


    • diannaart says:

      Definitely a terrific slogan especially the spelling, ‘read’head instead of just redhead. I have no doubt of Julia being exceedingly well-read, not so much Tony, apart from pugilism just what did he do at Oxford?


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Diannaart, yes I am sure there will be lefty entrepreneur that will pick up on it before too long 😀

        As far as his time at Uni, his past is somewhat shady 😯 I personally would like to see him go back there, never to return 😀

        Cheers 😀


  9. my say says:

    the problem with our PM is that she was born a woman ,and not a man,and abbott till this day cannot believe he lost the last election to a woman,
    they have tried every dirty trick in the book,and a lot more any sane person wouldn’t think of doing.
    but she is still standing,and she will win the next election ,with good policies.she is a we should be proud of.


    • melaine says:

      Spot on ‘my say’… I have often wondered what if Mr and Mrs Gillard of Barrie Wales had had a son named Julian, a little red headed tyke who they needed to bring to OZ for his health… he would have been called Blue or Bluey by his new aussie school mates, imagine how different his treatment as the leader of our country would have been? Thanks Truthseeker for another excellent article. So glad I found you…


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Melaine, thanks for your comment and kind words 😀

        Yes you make an excellent point, and sadly so true 😦 But she is a strong and determined woman, and will prevail 😀

        And Australia will be better off for it 😀

        Cheers 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      My say, thanks for your comment 😀 and well said 😎

      We absolutely should be proud of her, and those that denigrate her and the office of PM should hang their heads in shame, and should be treated as traitors to the great country and our democracy. 😦

      Cheers 😀


  10. Roger says:

    This is a great post Truthie. You nailed it in one. 🙂


  11. lyne fomiatti says:

    It is reassuring to read your article and have a clear report of the situation in Australia at the moment and know that I am not paranoid for somehow knowing something is terrible wrong but not knowing how to express it. I am no longer polite and resist challenging the views of Labor bashers. I recite and repeat the list of great policies that our PM has implemented. It is articles such as yours that has given me the knowledge and vocabulary to achieve this. Thank you.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Lyne, welcome to my site 😀 and thank you for your fine comment 😎

      It’s good to know that we can make a bit of a difference, and empower good people to take on the lies and deception of the LNP and their MSM 😀

      Keep up the good work, and I look forward to more of your feedback 😎

      Cheers 😀


  12. kate ahearne says:

    Hi, Truthie. Please forgive my silence. Back in Tassie, and lots of stuff to do. But I’m back online today, although I’ll have to wait a few hours now till all the schoolies have gotten of the net and gone to bed before I can do anything much. That’s life in the bush.

    I love this post. I might be naïve, but I think that if Ruddie is telling his mates, in no uncertain terms, to get out there and win the election, he probably means it! Der!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Kate, thanks for your comment and kind words 😀 I knew you were busy, but it’s good to have you back on line 🙂

      Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply to you and also my newcomers, but Wed afternoon I have students, and then cooked tea 😀

      Yes it seems that he has finally got the message 😎

      Cheers 😀


  13. Bridget says:

    Hi Truthseeker , just wanted to say that I’m so glad to have discovered you and your readers and the site Independent Australia, you’ve all restored my faith in humanity. Seriously, i was having grave doubts what with constantly being bombarded with all the lies of Rupert “Dr Evil” Murdoch and his Limited News propaganda on TV, on the internet, in the papers, everywhere I go and turn it’s relentless. Your poems and views are like a breath of fresh air in the putrid sea of sewage that is Murdoch’s media. Keep fighting the good fight!! I just hope that the people of Australia will have the good sense to see through all the manipulation and BS and being treated like brainless puppets on a string by Rupert aka Emperor Palpatine (put a hood on him and he’s the spitting image). I have hope that most Australians have better sense than that. But these could be foolish hopes, I know, as the enemy seems so formidable. I hope that Kate Ahearne gets her “Julia Gillard” and “March Against Murdoch” days organised and I’ll spread the word and be there with bells on. It breaks my heart to see the country that I love being systematically screwed over by some of the most corrupt and evil people out there. I’m not going to let the bastards win without a blood good fight I can tell you that much. Game on, moles!!!! 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hi Bridget, welcome to my site, 😀 and thanks for your comment and kind words 😎

      I have to say, I love the way you think 😀 and I am so glad that you found my site too 😀

      IA is a great site, as is Kate’s, and there are many more like CW, THE PUB and TPS, all of which you will find links to on my blog roll if you are interested 😀

      Keep up the good work and the fight, and we will prevail 😀 and I look forward to more comments and feedback from you 😎

      Cheers 😀 😎


  14. cornlegend says:

    Good post mate,
    You know my feelings on this.
    good to see all the new faces at Truthseeker Musings, each new visitor gives you just that much more fight, new faces give more faith.
    Must be something in the water mate,
    my turn to cook tonight too,
    but I enjoy cooking


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornlegend, thanks mate 😀 yes it’s been great to see all the new visitors, and their comments 😎 and as usual you’re right, it’s a great boost 😀

      What are you cooking?

      I did our favourite, Salmon with banana prawn toppers 😀 simple but yum 😀
      I just don’t like peeling the prawns, but it’s just one of those things that you have to do, and the end justifies the means 😀

      Cheers 😀


  15. cornlegend says:

    Its great to see all the newcomers here and at IA and Fair Media.
    I would encourage them to stay involved.
    They bring new thoughts and ideas.
    They help to reinvigorate us oldies, giving us a bit more enthusiasm.
    Welcome to you all, and keep fighting !


  16. cornlegend says:

    They HELP, not hell, terrible blunder !!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mate, I fixed it for you, I Peed on your Hell 😀 Now we’ve just got to Pee on Abbotts 😀

      Yes I pointed some of the new visitors to my blog roll, for some other great sites like TPS and CW 😀 our community seems to be growing, and that’s great, cos it means that more and more good people are looking for the truth 😎

      BTW, what did you think of the video?

      Cheers 😀


  17. cornlegend says:

    Bloody hell Truthy, I need cooking lessons
    This lot got leg of lamb and baked veges.
    My granddkids and I made “matchsticks,” puff pastry strips, strawberries and fresh cream.
    Bloody love the dishwasher mate, I like cooking , but gotta say, shit, I make a mess


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend, 😆 you’re a better man than I am, I don’t cook roasts, just eat them. 😀
      But there’s something else we have in common, making a mess that is, not the love of the dishwasher, cos in our house the dishwasher is Moi. 😦

      sounds like a regular feast though, good on you 😀

      Cheers 😀


  18. cornlegend says:

    Hefina “red dragon,
    A very happy birthday for today.
    Keep up the good fight
    {for many many more years} 😀


  19. cornlegend says:

    Hope you can turn on a few hours of nice weather on Saturday.
    Coming up to look at a joint in Bauhinia Drive, Mooloolaba.
    Seems to tick all the boxes.
    unfortunately only have a couple of hours there, not even enough time to visit family [they are shitty at me]
    Have to go to W.A. on Sunday.
    Very possible I could be a part time neighbour


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornlegend,sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, been a busy day 😦 mate the sky dumped a bucket load today, but they reckon there will be a few fine days from tomorrow 😯 Mooloolaba, one of our favourite spots along the coast, about twenty minutes away 😀

      It’s still a buyers market up here, so good luck mate 😎

      Hefina (Reddragon) wishing you a very Happy birthday 😀 hope you had a great day 😎

      Cheers 😀


  20. cornlegend says:

    We had a place at Mooloolaba and one at Maroochydore a few years back.
    My son lived there for 7 years.
    When he came back down here we sold out up there, more to my regret.
    Currently mid way through a development in M’boro
    I really do need to have a place up there, as my family aren’t getting any younger.
    My sister, brother, and all my nephews, nieces, and their offspring all live up there, about 20+,
    further south, D,Bay, Redcliffe ,Burpengary etc
    There are 2 places, same street,in Mooloolaba we are looking one in particular looks 99.9% suitable.
    The Agent has kept us in the loop since we were up there not so long ago.looking.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornlegend, my chiropractor has a penthouse up there that has been on the market for a number of years, and hasn’t been able to sell 😦 but we go there as often as we can 😀

      It would give you a good base from which to visit your development and family, so I wish you well with it 😎 and look forward to the house warming 😀

      Cheers 😀


  21. jock says:

    Truthie you may find peeling prawns distasteful but effort is always rewarded and you unpeeled a few facts in the video. Well done. I don’t have facebook, youtube etc, but hope some of your commentors can spread it around.
    I’ve been having trouble the last couple of days trying to post comments on other sites. Tried on IA a couple of times but they were removed or blocked and yet contained nothing nasty. I tried to log in to Kate Ahearne. I have been reading her articles for a while but can’t get in to leave a comment. Wanted to suggest a mass email campaign to murdoch/news ltd. Living in the sticks means it is hard to get to capital cities for protests so perhaps email could be an additional weapon.
    Does anyone know if the Ettrigde/abbott case is back in court yet.
    Quickie: as part of NBN we got free satilite modem/dish to replace our old dialup.
    Keep up the good work.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Morning Jock, you early bird you 😀

      Yes I thought it was pretty good, when I came across it 😎

      cornlegend has the same problem on IA for one of his comments, I think his was due to too many repetitions of the same words or phrases, as some sites have a filter for trolls and that’s one of the things that it’s programmed to pick up, cos I tried to copy and paste his comment too and was also blocked.

      Kate was off air for a few days, as she went home to Tassie, so again you might have got caught up in the spam filter or something else, so it might be worth trying her again as she is back on air now, and would love to hear from you. 😀

      The email idea may well get some results, especially for those in the more outlying areas, and that’s exactly what TPS mail is about, so you could certainly avail yourself of that facility available from my TPS mail page, or direct from TPS 😎

      Haven’t heard any more about the Ettridge case, but I think IA would be the best place for any updates, as the MSM won’t touch it I’d imagine 😦

      I bet the satellite dish is a whole lot better than dial up 😀 good on you. 😎

      Cheers 😀


  22. Hi Truth Seeker
    Nice post As we approach the anniversary of an auspicious day for Australia – July 1 otherwise known as Carbon Tax Day – I’ve got a poem for you that I wrote a year ago to mark the occasion.
    If John O’Brien hadn’t died sixty years ago I’d apologize to him for my liberties with his iconic Aussie poem ‘Said Hanrahan’ but I think you’ll like the sentiment.

    We’ll all be rooned, says Tony A,
    In accents loud and scornful,
    Outside the ‘House’, near every day,
    It’s gonna be just awful.

    The journos cluster in a bunch,
    Recorders on and rolling,
    And ask about, the climate crunch,
    And talk about the polling.

    The answers known before they start
    The Mad Monk knows them off by heart
    They’re only here to play their part
    In Tony A’s ascension.

    It’s looking crook, the Mad Monk says;
    His face as dark as thunder,
    Gillard’s awful big new tax
    Must be her final blunder.

    She lies! She lies! the Abbott shrieks
    Australians cannot trust her!
    His face is flushed. His eyes aflame!
    The journos – all a’fluster.

    Australians all, you must unite
    and vote me into power.
    So I can right the wrong she’s done.
    It’s darker by the hour.

    You’re right of course, the journos said,
    And phoned their pieces in.
    And Abbott turned upon his heel,
    They didn’t see his grin.

    And endlessly the headlines ran,
    “This Gillard’s simply feckless”
    “The Carbon Tax will steal your job”
    “ETS too reckless”

    Out in the ‘burbs the people woke
    Unhappy, from their snooze.
    We’ll all be ROONED, they cried as one.
    The Red Head’s on the booze.

    We’ll vote her OUT, the people cried
    And send her Party packing.
    Young Tony Abbott. He’s our man.
    That Gillard’s good for sacking.

    We’ll all be rooned all right, I say.
    If Tony Abbott gets his way,
    Our future’s black, with no way back,
    We’ll all be made to pay.

    The man’s a fool, Big money’s tool.
    But will the people, self absorbed
    See through his wicked spin?
    We can afford this TINY TAX to try to save our skin.

    The day is here. The tax is in.
    The sky it hasn’t fallen.
    We ain’t gone broke, or up in smoke.
    No angels came a’calling.

    No smelters shut, nor power plants.
    No workers broke and weeping.
    A tiny step to save our kids.
    Our future’s in our keeping.

    We’ve much to do. We may not win
    Bad climate news keeps flooding in.
    We’ll all be rooned if we don’t act
    With nought to do but weeping.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Doug, welcome, 😀 and thanks for your comment and kind words 😎

      well done and well said 😎 And not only did Abbott get it wrong, he’s still lying about it , like he still has some credibility 😯

      Cheers 😀


  23. Catherine says:

    Hi Truth Seeker… I’m looking for the email link but can’t find it. It’d be great if I could subscribe via email cos I’m loving what I’m seeing… Cheers.


  24. bob macalba says:

    Keep those BASTARDS honest TS, nice one..always enjoy your stuff, it helps to maintain the rage that ‘should’ be natural but for that scrotum faced man and his willing arse licking forlock tugging yes men…bit of interesting news this morning though, uncle rupes has filed for divorce, my first thought..he’s dying and he’s making sure she don’t get the lot, conspiracy theory? lets wait and see



  25. Andrew Pelt says:

    I just want to mention I am beginner to blogs and really loved your blog. Most likely I’m planning to bookmark your blog post . You really come with great articles. Thank you for revealing your website page.


  26. melaine says:

    Hi Truthseeker. Just been to old abc home page to check what the latest poll on the Drum is assessing… worth a look and a vote.


  27. Catherine says:

    Thanks for the tip Melanie… here is an excellent link:



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Catherine, thanks for the link 😀

      Cheers 😀


    • melaine says:

      Thanks Catherine and TS… I’m not computer literate afraid, haha. Have let others know on IA and Kate Aherne’s blog but don’t twitter or face book so will have to leave it to others to spread the word.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Melaine, you did great, and if you want to paste a link, all you have to do is copy the address in your browser address bar, and then paste it into your comment.

        If you want to paste a video, right click on the screen and then “copy the video URL” and paste it, and the video should come up as part of your comment once you hit the post comment button 😀

        Hope that helps, and there are more hints on my “How To” page 😀

        Cheers 😀


  28. Caz2 says:

    Very well said. I have despaired at the spineless ABC commentators (I can’t call them journalists) who have let the Australian people down completely. Your site and IA seem to be the only places where serious questions are asked. The rest of the world think we have gone bonkers. The way Australians moan about how bad things are. I keep hoping we all come to our senses before polling day,because we will be taking a step into the abyss,with Abbott and co in charge. Then the institution (of Parliament ) will truly be run by the inmates. Thank you Truth Seeker, I loved the video.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Caz2, welcome to my site, 😀 and thanks for your comment and kind words 😎
      Yes I agree with you on the ABC, although the link above that Catherine posted may produce a glimmer of hope 😀

      IA is a great site, but there are others like CW, TPS and THE PUB that are also great sites of like mind, along with others that there are links to on my blog roll 😀

      And we certainly don’t want the inmates running the asylum 😀 so keep the faith and keep up the good work and we will prevail 😎 😀

      I greatly appreciate your feedback and look forward to more comments and contributions 😎

      Cheers 😀


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