Australia might be open for business, but parliament isn’t!

Australia might be open for business, but parliament isn’t!images

For three years, we heard nothing but call after call for an election and a new “Adult” government, and although those that know what Abbott is about, set the bar of expectation, for an LNP government, pretty low, few would have predicted that the bar would be quite so low.

Now from all their rhetoric about “Budget emergency” and “we’ll make a difference from day 1” and “No surprises”, you could be forgiven for thinking that the new government would be champing at the bit to get parliament underway, so as to start to fix our sadly broken country   😯

But NO, it appears that the first sitting day for parliament is to be 12th Nov, so between the 7th Sept election, and the resumption of the sitting calendar in early Feb it means that for the first five months of this Abbott led government, they will sit for around 2-4  weeks max.   😯

So why is it that the Abbott seems in no hurry to recall parliament?

There could be many reasons for this, but some of the reasons already canvased are:

Image courtesy of SMH.

Image courtesy of SMH.

  • He’s got no idea WTF he’s doing?
  • He’s scared of question time?
  • He knows that his policy platform won’t stand up to scrutiny?
  • He’s hoping that if he waits long enough, people will forget what he promised?
  • He’s realised that no one in parliament will be impressed by a flourescent  vest and hard hat?
  • He’s stalling until the new senate is in place?
  • Parliament is an inconvenience that will interfere with his Charity work and volunteering/rorting?
  • Cos Peta said he shouldn’t?
  • There is no reason at all to recall parliament, as there is no budget or border security emergency, or urgency to repeal the carbon price, and everything that he said before the election was a LIE?
  • Cos “Steady as she goes”, doesn’t need to be approved?
  • He’s just plain gutless?

Now I personally think that it’s a combination of all of the above, but when you see the lengths that they will go to, to keep us, the voting public, in the dark, one must assume that there’s certainly more wrong with Abbott and his government than just the bleeding obvious.

So despite all the right wing scare mongering and the misleading fiscal rhetoric, the figures show that Australia was never closed for business, and the main difference between this government and the last is, despite all the negative and diversionary tactics of the previous LOTO, that That previous parliament was open for business!   😯

I have to say though, that I’m more than a little pissed at the fact that we will have such a short sitting of parliament, as I was  really looking forward to seeing Abbott squirm as he sat squarely in the firing line for questions that he couldn’t run away from.

But even more importantly, he could have taken the opportunity to show us sceptics why he should be PM, and a good start would have been to at least  turn up for work, after spending so much time and tax payers money promoting himself for the job, and telling us that he will be the leader of an “adult” government, and that we will be so much better off under the benevolent Abbott… WTF?

So far Tony, all we’ve seen is lies, coverups, rorting, apologies and instead of public service… Self service   😯   including;

  • Travel allowance rorting that makes a mockery of his claims that they will stop the waste.
  • Abbott and Bishop in Indonesia, back pedalling on policy rhetoric, being late for meetings and apologising to our neighbours for their lies and deceit.
  • Hockey in the USA, giving them advice on economics… WTF?   😯
  • Corman meeting with the Tea Party to learn how better to screw a country?
  • Morrison playing soldiers, and commander in chief of the force responsible for beating up men women and children in leaky fishing boats, while hiding the truth.
  • Turnbull pushing ahead with his intent to be the minister responsible for building a second rate Fraudband system that will be vulnerable to flood, bush fires, and other extreme weather events, vandals, hoons and out of control vehicles, not to mention spiralling general maintenance costs.   🙄
  • Brandis, showing us why he shouldn’t be Attorney General, or in fact in any position in government.

And those are just a few of the things we know about, although there’s more coming to the surface all the time   😯

And it’s not that as a new government they have set the bar low, but rather that they don’t appear to have a bar at all, and the truth is that;

Australia might be open for business, but parliament isn’t!

He only does LIES

He only does LIES

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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182 Responses to Australia might be open for business, but parliament isn’t!

  1. Truth Seeker says:

    And of course we shouldn’t be surprised cos he was out run by Pyne in the infamous “Run Rabbott Run” Thomson fiasco 😀

    That inspired the “Run Rabbot Run” poem 😀

    Run Rabbott run

    Cheers 😀


  2. cornlegend says:

    I like this one.
    Tony Abbott came bolting out of Parliament house and jumped into a Taxi.
    The taxi driver sat there staring in the rear view mirror, eyeballing him for a few minutes.
    “Well ? ” said the taxi driver.
    “I’ll give you a hint” said Tony.
    “Bike rider, Prime Minister, friend of Rupert and Ginas,
    do you guess who I am now ?”
    The Taxi Driver replied.
    “I know who you are you f**kwit, where do you want to go ?”


  3. cornlegend says:

    I hate this clown with a passion, but,
    as I said somewhere, If this was a member of my family I would have concerns regarding his mental condition.


    • Bighead1883 says:

      when he was Health Minister in Howard`s read my lips government the instability was very visible then.
      Somewhere buried in my brain is a recollection of Howard,Cruddick and Rabbott in a triumvirate interview with Abbott mainly in in the background glaring through with “Damien” eyes.
      Then of course we had the Abbott&Costello show,a horror show that scared adults.
      I fully support all who keep the pressure up to him and I am easing my LEFTIST stance a bit for the better of all.
      Yet corny,Shorten WILL have to show me Tory bleeding veins in his teeth to win me over.


  4. cornlegend says:

    I am easing my LEFTIST stance a bit

    I’M NOT
    Its built in 😀


  5. cornlegend says:

    I’ve been thinking about your “leftist stance” comment.
    I’ve been told, during my life that at times I should tone down my political philosophies.
    I’ve worked with and for politicians who have done this.
    I found that I could never do it.
    I have spent my who life in unions/politics and at times it would have been advantageous for me to do that.
    Trouble is mate, I never could.
    I am who I am, and I would feel like a fraud, like I was role playing if I did.
    That’s what I thought of other people who had done it.
    I am who I am mate, warts and all.
    I have never “cooled it” to get anywhere.
    people will accept you, or reject you for who you are, but at least they will be making the decision, based on the real you.
    I am a proud old lefty.
    People can take it or leave it

    .end of rant 😀


    • melaine says:

      And that is why we love you Cornie 😀


      • cornlegend says:

        and that is why your friendship is so valuable 😀
        It’s nice to know that decent people have your back.
        It may only be online, but its just as important as any others,
        got yours Mel, always 😀


        • melaine says:

          Not many like you left in the world Cornie… more’s the pity! Popped some blondies in the Lounge fridge for you when I was curled up there earlier… my safe haven, that comfy chair over near the window, nice place to read a good book and the drinks are handy 😉


    • Bighead1883 says:

      Ah M8 cheers,but please maybe I need to clear things up a bit.
      What I mean by easing my leftist stance a bit is that I feel so pissed at the right factions machinations and especially at the blood dripping hands of that weasel Shorten..
      These idiots have fuelled a fury in me I`ve not felt for some time.
      So by easing up it`s all about ridding Australia of the illegitimate who lied,corrupted and engineered a dumbing down of people that should have known better.
      The blatant audacity of rubbing our Democracy in our face by the LNP has me more furious at them than ever.
      Not only am I a Lefty but an avid anti-corporatist.
      So those last two things I just mentioned make me at odds with the current Labor make up.
      But as I stated on earlier posts of mine Shortens time could be short lived because Labor will have many who were coming back actually backing out.
      If these right faction idiots do not come to their senses and soon the game will change.
      Just like Lycra Loonie want s to play nice now,so do the Labor right faction.
      Just look at these idiots still Rudding along.
      Still knifing and bawling like freaking Liberals because they want everyone to play nicely after all the SHIT they have done.
      With this tone corny,it is about as much as i`m prepared to ease up.


  6. cornlegend says:

    yeah , I’m pretty content with life.
    Never content with politics.
    Scares the crap out of me for my grandkids.
    Seems at times like I’m on a collision course.
    I keep flapping my little left wing, and go anti clock wise, while the world
    continually accelerates to the right.
    I just keep flappin ‘ 😀


  7. cornlegend says:

    Mel just shouted,
    Short arms, or long pockets ?
    your turn


  8. cornlegend says:

    If that all you’re easing thats fine 😀
    I just get so pissed with the Abbott -Murdoch gov lack of policy, direction, anything.
    You know, every time I see a LNP stooge on tv, I automatically block out the sound and as strange as it seems a bit of that song One Crowded Hour runs through my head

    “it’s making me sick and I know it’s making you sick
    There’s nothing there, it’s like eating air, it’s like drinking gin with nothing else in
    And that doesn’t hold me together”


  9. orangefox says:

    Thanks for your article Truthy. Good to see all the new readers for you.
    My personal feeling about the Abbott government is they have been seriously damaged with the rorting revelations. I doubt they will recover from this. Some voters thought they would get a good government and now see they have been cheated and they are excluded from the trough.
    The rorting topic needs to be maintained until the next election. Maybe sooner if a double disillusion happens.
    However, I doubt Abbott will call a DD unless he wants to get out of being the PM. Polls will be checked before any decision is made.
    If Labor and Greens were to block supply it would have to be over an issue that was significantly detrimental to Australia. At the moment the one that I am thinking about is the Trans Pacific Partnership especially if the ISDS clauses are included.
    If Australia signs up to the TPP it will cause the shutdown of car manufacturing in this country.
    Hundreds of small and medium manufacturing businesses would be in trouble without the extra business from the three assembly plants.
    And we are talking about any free trade agreement with or without the ISDS provisions.
    The problem is there really are almost no export markets for any car made here.
    Another problem I see with maintaining a car industry here is that consumers have become used to the huge variety of brands and models available which is unique to Australia. Getting them to go back to fewer choices won’t be easy but I believe the local industry has to offer cars that are of unique design if they want to get attention from buyers.
    China has a trade surplus of $3600 billion, yet we have a huge trade deficit, even with all the natural resources this country is digging up. Government policies are to blame.
    Unfortunately I don’t see either the LNP or Labor changing their approach to free trade agreements.
    China must be laughing all the way to the bank. They are smart enough to do what’s good for them while we let our industries and knowledge go to the wall and hope we can supply them with dirt and sheep.
    Sheep, we have plenty of.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Orangefox, thanks for your comment 😎 and kind words 😀

      I agree that a DD would be unlikely, and also that blocking supply is a serious step.

      TPP may be a good trigger, but it’s hard to know how it will all pan out 😯 but that one should be blocked at all costs.

      Holden does export some cars to the USA, but the markets are limited 😦

      The problem with the recent free trade agreements is that they are designed to benefit the corporations, not the countries. 😯

      Cheers 😀


  10. Fed up says:

    Does one understand that the regional trade agreement, is more in the interest of the USA than Australia.

    Australia already have trade agreements with mos in the region.

    This government, is a think, attempting to get more agreements for farm exports. One needs to keep in mind, that this country has not been successful on this front, up to now. Even Howard’s trade agreements, especially with the USA did not gain much in this area,.

    Australia, has little to gain, by supporting any new regional agreement. Has much to lose.

    Indonesia is one country that has had the aim for decades, to become self sufficient in production of protein food, Cut backs has nil to do with the suspension of the live meat trade, for a few weeks.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Fed up, Surely not? 😯

      I think Abbott’s zeal for free trade agreements and especially the TPP is based on what he owes his donors and backers. There is plenty in there for the corporations and also for Murdoch, so I don’t think the country gets much of a look in when it comes to benefits to be had? 😦

      Cheers 😀


  11. orangefox says:

    That is correct. Indonesia created the supply shortage to get local support for the government to buy overseas land. Simple as that.
    Countries like China and Indonesia are simply bluffing when they threaten retaliatory measures. If they want what we have food or minerals they will buy.
    With China in particular, what they have been doing is making other countries dependent on them so they hold the bargaining chips. First undermine companies producing quality long lasting products forcing them to close. Then make the customers reliant on stuff that needs to be replaced frequently. Of course global cpanies are involved in this but the Chinese government created the conditions for it to happen. I’m not against some global trade but it has gone too far.
    We could rebalance the situation but until America leads I doubt anything will change here.
    One day they will wake up and see the Chinese are doing what’s in their best interest and I don’t blame them one bit.


  12. Truth Seeker says:

    Orangefox, it’s a worry though when an idiot like Abbott says that basically he will do whatever to get a free trade agreement with China up and running… WTF? 🙄

    What ever happened to “In the national interest”? 😯

    Cheers 😀


  13. cornlegend says:

    about to set off for my flight to sunny QLD.
    see you in a day or two


  14. Bighead1883 says:

    Meanwhile at Monsanto-
    It hasn’t been a good week for Monsanto and the rest of the biotech industry.

    Just three days ago, Mexico banned genetically engineered corn. Citing the risk of imminent harm to the environment, a Mexican judge ruled that, effective immediately, no genetically engineered corn can be planted in the country. This means that companies like Monsanto will no longer be allowed to plant or sell their corn within the country’s borders.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Bighead1883, thanks for your comment 😎 and the link 😀

      Don’t you just love it when the big corporations get taken down a peg or three 😀

      Cheers 😀


  15. Fed up says:

    “……………To borrow a Dick Johnson metaphor, it looks like Joe Hockey is down to picking the fly dirt out of the pepper in his effort to make something out of the fiscal policy formerly known as a “budget crisis”. So will he follow Wayne Swan’s example by raiding the Reserve Bank coffers for spare cash? We’ll find out on Thursday.
    That’s when the RBA publishes its annual report. It’s likely to include a rather miserable operating profit thanks to low interest rates, but a fat bottom line thanks to foreign currency gains as the Australian dollar weakened. That bottom line could be tempting for a treasurer desperate to be seen to be making some sort of impact on the deficit. When Swan was in that position last year, he ripped a $500 million dividend out of the RBA, overruling the governor’s desires to retain all the profit to rebuild the RBA’s depleted reserve fund.
    Hockey was suitably scornful of Swan’s heist when that n………….”

    Read more:


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Fed up, thanks for your comment and the links 😀

      you are a great source of info and support for all of us, and your efforts are greatly appreciated 😎

      Keep up the great work 😀

      Cheers 😀


  16. Fed up says:

    Thanks. Just have to ensure the real news gets out.


  17. Fed up says:

    Hockey and Cormann has turned up. ABC 24

    Raising debt limit and Commission of Audit.


  18. melaine says:

    $500billion, that should pay for a lot of pollie pedals…


    • diannaart says:

      …and fluoro vests – much needed when out fighting fire instead of governing for Australia.

      Which leads me to: Could someone tell Tony that if Australia is open for business, shouldn’t he be at the door, I believe a nice red jacket with shiny gold buttons is de rigueur for such as he.


      • melaine says:

        😆 😆 love your work diannaart…here and elsewhere 🙂 Mel.


        • Bighead1883 says:

          Hockey`s raised Australia`s debt limit to a half trillion dollars is what the 500 bill is about melanie.
          Then he`ll sell the whole bloody lot.


        • diannaart says:

          Thank you Melanie, too kind.


          I am sure I can comment for both Melanie and myself that we are all too aware of the near doubling of the debt limit.

          Just gotta laugh, along with the occasional mock at the King’s latest livery which indicates Abbott still thinks he is in campaign mode – how else to understand his latest volunteer work?

          Or we could simply cry.


          • melaine says:

            Yep I sure do understand how much 500billion is… all calmed down now and got a shiny clean stove to boot 😆

            And… please, both of you, call me Mel, all my friends do 🙂


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Fed up,Diannaart, Mel and bighead1883, thanks for your comments 😎

            Yes the hypocrisy of Hockey is astounding, and it was only a matter of time before the selloffs started 😯

            Will there be anything left, after they have had their commission of audit? 😦


            Cheers 😉


  19. Bighead1883 says:

    Men who are bald,a cure is coming.
    Researchers successfully grow human hair follicles in the laboratory using circumcised foreskins.
    So men who have this treatment will have no comeback on their wives calling them dickheads.


  20. Bighead1883 says:

    Here have a page of comments on the ABC`s Hockey debt ceiling.

    You voted
    Report Abuse

    Score: 2

    3:30 PM on 22/10/2013

    One can imagine what Joe’s reaction would have been if Rudd/Gillard tried this (think USA proportions).
    You voted
    Report Abuse

    Score: -5

    3:30 PM on 22/10/2013

    Thanks Labor for making this necessary.
    You wasteful incompetents.
    2 replies
    Report Abuse

    Score: 3

    3:29 PM on 22/10/2013

    So, does that mean that they accept that debt is a necessary tool in financial management? I hope they remember this at the next election, when the usual scaremongering starts.
    Report Abuse

    Score: 3

    3:26 PM on 22/10/2013

    I guess that this is just for this year since the Liberal Government is going to give us a surplus in the first year they are in office.
    Report Abuse

    Score: 3

    3:26 PM on 22/10/2013

    From day one we`ll work to bring Australia back to surplus.
    Australia is in crisis,we owe far too much and only an LNP government can bring us back to surplus.
    We are going to sell up all your assets to out corporate mates so that we cam pay the debt off.
    We are going to allow ourselves to borrow more than ever so that we can even privatize more of your assets and services.
    We are not going to tell you what`s in the TPP either.
    We are your Lying Nasty Politicians.
    Report Abuse

    Score: 3
    glen tara

    3:24 PM on 22/10/2013

    Ah the hypocrisy of it. They’ve only been in government for a month and already the debt has blown out to $500bil!
    1 reply


  21. Bighead1883 says:

    And her`s the replies to -5 trump.
    toe knee

    5:33 PM on 22/10/2013

    Did I miss something trump? Don’t we have a Liberal government now? Is Joe Hockey really so helpless that he is taking directions from the Labor Party?

    Actually that’s not so funny. It could be true.
    You voted
    Report Abuse

    Score: 1
    oh please

    5:54 PM on 22/10/2013

    Joe Hockey (Pre-election): “If debt is the problem, more debt is not the answer”


  22. Gilly says:

    Open for business, yup. Parliament is open, nup,
    Secret blue tie business, yup. can we play to, nup.
    Fighting a fire, yup.. Know what caused it, nup.
    All under control then, yup. Who is the boss? Peta, hup,hup.hup


  23. cornlegend says:

    Margo Kingston is pushing this, {the above}
    Hope all will give her their suppor

    It’s time, Finance and AFP: Randall’s Cairns claim must be investigated


  24. cornlegend says:

    Sorry, doing this on my phone, so it’s difficult.
    If you want Abbott, Randall and co charged for rorting follow the link below for the form.
    this relates to the story above.
    I somehow stuffed it up and separated them

    Stuff, I’ll be glad to get home to my ‘puter. :smile.

    Great article Truthy.


  25. cornlegend says:

    sorry, doing this on my phone, so messy.
    3 times I have given a link to the rotten AFP, 3 times it vanished, woo woo


  26. cornlegend says:

    sorry, I’m doing this on my phone, stuffing it up though.
    none got there.
    I will be glad to get home on my ‘puter.
    Great article Truthy


  27. cornlegend says:

    join them together and you can get the form.
    They vanish if I try to send the direct link, woo woo hoo
    something fishy here 😀


  28. cornlegend says:

    add this to the end of the link

    If I try to send the full direct link, they vanish
    will try the direct link again


  29. Bighead1883 says:

    Flying high in a jet liner,pigs were observed to be flying the other way.
    Mr Abbott scotched suggestions Mr Randall’s trip to Cairns was to oversee his investment.
    Audio: Abbott explains Randall’s trip to Cairns (The World Today)

    “The gentleman in question tells me that he didn’t do that,” he told 3AW.

    “He went from Perth to Cairns to have some very important discussions with the Whip.”

    The Prime Minister did not offer details of the conversation, but he did suggest it was not the sort of talk that could have been accomplished with a simple phone call.

    “There are certain things that just have to happen face to face,” he said.

    “Members of Parliament are entitled to travel to have important meetings, because teleconferencing is sometimes no substitute for a face-to-face discussion.

    “Now I’m not defending any particular action and look, over the years there have been a lot of things which look contrived I’ve got to say.”

    Mr Ensch did not respond to The World Today’s requests for an interview put through his office.

    Meanwhile, taxpayers also paid for the Coalition MP and his wife to fly from Perth to Melbourne on Saturday September 15 last year at a cost of $5,203, for what a Department of Finance document says was “sittings of Parliament”.
    On the return trip the same pigs,or ones similar were observed to be flying in formation showing their pig`s arses to all and sundry.


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