LNP hypocrisy knows no bounds!

LNP hypocrisy knows no bounds!

Scott Napoleon 1

With the excuses flying fast and furious, and the number of broken promises that-  according to Abbott and the LNP- are not broken promises at all, but the exact opposite (Which is a blatant lie about broken promises…WTF?), and international relationships falling like ten pins at a bowlers convention, and asylum seekers being so sneaky as to use a very small vessel, in a very big ocean (Again… WTF?), one can only reflect that the only thing that this government truly excels at is hypocrisy.   😯

The fact that they lied to the people to gain government, and then promised “No Surprises”, should have been a pretty strong indicator that with this mob, anything goes, and with regards to hypocrisy the LNP have all bases covered, with:

  1. Abbott telling Australia that the country’s open for business, when companies are going off shore or shedding jobs, amongst other things.
  2. Abbott stating that, our relationship with Indonesia will be stronger than ever, as the Indonesians cease cooperation on just about all levels.
  3. Abbott saying before the election that they will NOT do deals with minor parties, then doing a deal with the “Economic fringe dwellers”, the much maligned (by them) Greens, to abolish the debt ceiling.
  4.  Our car industry, threatening to shut up shop with the loss of tens of thousands of jobs.
  5. Hockey telling us that we have a debt emergency whilst spending like a ten year old who’s just been given a new credit card, and then arguing that he needs a higher limit, or else he’ll run out of money to spend.
  6. Chrissy Pyne telling anyone that will listen, that he’ll improve on Gonski, when he apparently hasn’t even read it, and promising to base his new funding model on Howard’s SES model which has already been proven to be an abject failure.   WTF?
  7. Hunt claiming, against all the advice from experts in the fields of climate science and economics, that “Direct Action” will in fact work to reduce our emissions by 5%, whilst trying to scrap the one measure that most agree, actually works.
  8. Brandis using his portfolio of AG as a way to manipulate the law, to the LNP’s own ends, for the sake of helping their mates, and pursuing their political opponents, and rabid ideologies.
  9. Medusa Bishop, swanning around the world as foreign minister, and systematically giving every close relationship that we have, a black eye.
  10. Geriatric Bishop, boosting her retirement fund, whilst comprehensively trashing the democratic processes of our parliamentary system, despite her promises to the contrary.
  11. Morrison claiming credit for slowing the boats, despite key planks of his policy, either in tatters, or not legislated, all the while looking for, and using , every excuse to keep the people in the dark over his game of “Hello Sailor”, commonly known as Operation Sovereign Borders, proving that the “Crystal clear, transparent, adult government… Just isn’t.   😯

Scott Morrison 11

The list is far from exhaustive, but examples of their hypocrisy abound, and I’m sure that my fine commenters will add to it as they see fit   😀

For me, I did think that Abbott reached a new high, in low, when he gave away patrol boats to  a government accused of crimes against humanity, for the express purpose of rounding up those that are trying to flee said crimes… WTF?   👿

Another of my faves was when  he denied lying, and said it was our fault cos we misheard him, or we were just wishful thinking… WTF?  

And for Abbott’s information, when it comes to wishful thinking about the LNP promises, it stretches no further than a big black hole opening up under their federal conference, and the whole damned lot falling in, along with Murdoch and the IPA, never to be seen or heard of again!   😯

But his one kept promise; that of “No Surprises”, still holds   😯    as just like before the election:

LNP hypocrisy knows no bounds!

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher. https://truthseekersmusings.wordpress.com/
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61 Responses to LNP hypocrisy knows no bounds!

  1. melaine says:

    Excellent work Truthie 😀 I’m sure there are more WTF moments to come from this bunch of nutters 😦
    The cartoon is brilliant, makes me think of the command deck on the B Ark in one of Douglas Adam’s novels… very funny 😆 😆


  2. Fed up says:

    Now onto the FBT on vehicles. .. Hockey That and rescinding the toxic tax, is all the industry needs.


  3. Fed up says:

    Wonder what this government will talk about, if the toxic tax goes?


  4. Fed up says:

    Love the cartons.


  5. Kate Ahearne says:

    Hi Truthie. Thanks, as always, for your clever and amusing take on matters not very clever or humorous in themselves. We need to keep pounding these points. Sooner or later some ‘real journalist’ or other will crack, and start to wonder aloud in the mainstream media about what the Fifth Estate has been arguing so cogently all along. It’ll be interesting to see what the Morgan Poll has to say tomorrow.

    All power to your elbow, Truthie.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Kate, thanks for your comment and support 😀 , and yes we have to keep chipping away, cos the MSM will not do their job. 😦

      And on that very issue, it’s good to see you feeling so much better, and right back into it 😀 and I look forward to your return to FMA with a new piece 😎

      Keep up the good work 😎

      Cheers 😀


  6. cornlegend says:

    I reckon this is one of the best articles you’ve written.
    Clear, concise, and right on the nail mate.
    Don’t suppose the South Africans would accept a fly in Leader and Opposition Leader do you ?
    They could keep our pair.


  7. TimePasser says:

    Thanks again Truth Seeker for keeping us focussed.

    Yes, Hypo-Crisy and the rest of the mob have engaged in more than breaking promises and regularly bending the truth; they may even have strayed into areas of fraudulent misrepresentation.

    ‘Misleading & deceptive conduct’ in the corporate world will attract ACCC intervention; civil & criminal court cases; hefty fines; huge damages payouts and…. even prison!

    But…. what are the penalties for ‘misleading and deceiving the whole country’ over a range of issues???? ………You get to take control of it!

    So, is there a team of honest, astute, patriotic lawyers in Australia who would mount a legal challenge on behalf of Australian citizens who were defrauded of their votes and cheated out of their way of life??


    • Truth Seeker says:

      TimePasser, thanks for your comment 😎

      Yes, I watched a bit of QT, and when there was a call of misleading the parliament by a gov MP (can’t remember who) it was shut down by geriatric Bishop as no point of order,,, WTF?

      Democracy is all but dead in the lower house 😯 thanks to the worst speaker ever! 😡

      Cheers 😀


  8. couldn`t wish that pair on anyone says:

    Good comments as usual Truthy,
    Maybe we could learn something from those good Thai people about how to deal with corrupt politicians.
    Corny stole my thunder about our PM and opposition leader staying over there.
    But then again I wouldn’t wish them on any poor bugger.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Couldn’t wish that pair on anyone, I don’t recognise your name, so If you haven’t commented before, I’d just like to say welcome 😀 and hope you will comment again 😎

      The way this mob are going, it may well come to that? 😯

      Cheers 😀


      • consider says:

        Sorry Truthy, it is me having a seniors moment.


      • consider says:

        Truthy for some reason the last sentence I typed in the reply box appeared in the area below where my name usually is. So I`m NOT” couldn`t wish that pair on anyone”


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Consider, mate i thought it might have been one of my regulars, but I wasn’t sure, as usually they have the same gravatar, and the dark green one threw me 😯 but no matter 😀 it’ll be our little secret 😉

          Cheers 😀


  9. joy cooper says:

    Thanks Truth Seeker for your wonderful musings. 🙂


  10. consider says:

    Truthy, I don`t know who I am either. I make a comment, it says what I want it to say but under a different gravatar, then when I correct it I deny it was me in the first place. BLOODY HELL if Corny, Biggy and Mel and Co. in the Lounge get to hear about it, they will probably reckon I`ve had a group Lump off the patio all by myself. I agree let`s keep it our secret. 😉


  11. Bighead1883 says:

    Whilst reading this latest musing it reminded me of the Lumping I gave myself this morning to relieve the utter trepidation of the reality ground into our sensibilities by these absolute nutters 😡
    I gave myself a good Lumping so that I know why I`m in pain,ouch 😦
    I then realised that hey,why am I doing this 🙂
    Then I remembered at how the Lunatics were running things and proceeded to give myself a couple more whacks with my Lumper. 😆
    Consider,consider this,no pain no gain and your new nom de plume is WRONG,please do wish them 😈 on someone,anyone.
    Thanks again Truthy for reminding us to maintain the RAGE 😡


  12. brickbob says:

    Hi Truthy and thanks for another good effort,cartoon included. Every Liberal Prime Minister and friends from Holt to our present Whacko have hated Mandela and always advocated that he rot in jail forever and now Abbott is going to the funeral just to be seen with all the world leaders.
    I can just see him trying to side up to Obama and Cameron and co with that cheesy slimy grin and dripping with false sincerity and confected compassion for Mandela while trying to mask the stench of his hypocrisy and hubris. If Mandela were alive and he asked Abbott what he has achieved so far as PM Abbott would reply,””’ Well MR Mandela i have taken away the school kids bonus from low income workers and i have also taken away their tax concession on their super oh yes and i have completely fucked up funding for schools so only rich kids of calibre” can get a decent education and oh thats right i gave 2 fully armed gun boats to Sri Lanka so they can kill their own citizens and that way i wont have to worry about them coming to Australia oh and who the fuck does that SBY think he is just cause i wont apologise for bugging his and his bloody wifes phone and those bloody wankers over in Bloody Warsaw bitching cause i wont sign up to their crazy whacko climate change bullshit”’ Nelson”’ i say ”Nelson”’ why are you running away”,Oh he probably has a meeting,”’ Oh Barack” i say MR President have i told you all the good things iv’e done for Australia MR President ” MR President ” oh well he probabily had a meeting as well”Oh David. i say David”’ Prime Minister have i told about my achievements as PM ” Oh,he must have a meeting as well,Angela” i say Angela ” have i told you how i ” God that German bitch just turned her back on me and walked off,bloody women what do you expect, i say Kim Jong ,”’ Kim ” hi, a real pleasure to meet you and you know i am also known as the Dear Leader in my country ,”’ what”””’ i dont believe this, Kim has just dropped his pants and is offering me his plump arse,now let me see,i have pissed off every country in the world except North Korea so i better not muck this up as well, Oh Kim, Oh Tony,Oh Kim i heard you had some big missiles but get a load of this one baby, now this is what i call a free trade agreement,”’


  13. Kate Ahearne says:

    Sorry, I seem to have replied inappropriately. There seems to be some delay in the comments coming up.


  14. my say says:

    latest poll,L/NP 48 ALP 52,the tide is turning,how much longer will abbott last


  15. Bighead1883 says:

    Not sure if this will work,bur Abbott`s copping a hiding.


  16. Fed up says:

    Another comedy, on ABC 24 NPC.

    Director of National Party NPC ABC24


  17. Fed up says:

    Now we know why Abbott didn't want to lower the Australian flag to half mast. He has a dark past with Mandela #auspol pic.twitter.com/4zeN26z3Rv— The Boat Whisperer (@geeksrulz) December 8, 2013

    Now to watch the comedy, or is it black humour, that one calls QT.


  18. Alejandra Gil says:

    Great article, I can’t believe that the LNP were voted in. A moment of enormous insanity on our part. I am proud to say I did not vote for BOZO the clown and his circus currently touring the world funded by tax payers money. Gets your tickets through ticketmaster now….


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Alejandra Gill, welcome to my site, 😀 and thanks for your comment and kind words 😎

      Yes, you are certainly amongst friends of like mind here 😀

      Sadly, it’s going to be a very long three years, let’s just hope he is arrogant enough to call a DD? 😉 although I won’t hold my breath 😯

      Cheers 😀


  19. Pingback: LNP: GIve to the rich, take from the poor | melisse reynolds

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