The man in the arena!

Arena Warriors by Ariel gutierrez and generati...

Arena Warriors by Ariel gutierrez (Photo credit: Generation-J Designs)

As arguably the most contentious, vitriolic, nasty, parliamentary term in our political history comes to a close, and the election for the next parliament draws near, I thought it was worth reflecting on a Prime Ministership that Could and should have been seen as a coming of age for Australia.

It could also have been somewhat of a cultural watershed,  as a leader of fine intellect, courage, determination, skill, substance and vision, stepped up to negotiate the political minefield of forming minority government, with the help and confidence of two of the most truly decent (albeit right leaning) independent politicians that this country has seen.

A formidable task for any Labor man, but this was not a Labor man, but rather a Labor woman, Julia Gillard, who went on to become our first female PM.


Now we all know the history of her rise to power, and much has been said and written (mainly from those of the the rabid right, both politicians and the MSM) about how she “stabbed” Rudd in the back, even though Rudd resigned as PM, meaning that she was elected by caucus unopposed.

That was really the start of the lies and deceit, from the rabid right, that dogged her throughout her tenure as PM, fuelled to some degree by a few mistakes she made in the early days , as she sought to navigate the treacherous and uncharted waters of first female PM.

And while she set about implementing a reformist agenda that dragged this country (some would say kicking and screaming) into the 21st century, the Murdoch backed Abbott LNP team set about the most dishonourable, disgusting, despicable, mendacious, and arguably treasonous, dummy spit campaign to oust a duly elected government (that they refused to recognise as legitimate), that we have ever seen.

imagesNot only did they denigrate her daily, with the help of a highly complicit MSM, including the despicable Jones , Hadley and Bolt, but they denigrated the office itself.

The truth is that the hero of a million photo ops, who sold his arse and his party to Murdoch, would have crumpled under half the pressure that was applied to Julia Gillard.

A couple of posts back, one of my commenters “russputin2” asked if I could post an

Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

excerpt of a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, called “The man in the arena”.

Russputin2 asked;

Question for Truthy, can you post the “Man in the Arena ” speech here in honour of Julia G, I think it aptly describes her performance.

I agree.

So this post is not about repeating all the disgusting things that were done to, or said about our first female PM, by the gutless and dishonourable rabble that make up the current crop of rabid right politicians, as well as some from her own side, but rather to say;

Thank you Julia for a job well done, with courage and dignity, in the face of the most appalling and morally bankrupt opposition our democracy has ever coughed up.

Now I would not presume to rewrite this great work, or even to change it in any way, but I would suggest that when it says “Man” the reader should substitute “Woman”, for In Australia, Julia Gillard was;

“The WOMAN in the arena!”


Excerpt from the speech “Citizenship In A Republic”
delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

Julia Gillard PM

Julia Gillard PM

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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114 Responses to THE MAN IN THE ARENA!

  1. melaine says:

    Thanks Truthie ( and Russputin2 for your suggestion)… nice piece to end my evening with. Enjoy your Sunday.


  2. Sandra says:

    Truthie, truer words were never said. Well done. I just wish that she could have delivered the win for the ALP. She sacrificed herself for the good of the party, We should all salute her for a job well done under very, very difficult circumstances. She will be sorely missed in the next Parliament.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Sandra, thanks for that, 😀 and I totally agree.

      I believe that history will be much kinder to Julia Gillard than it will be to the likes of Abbott, Murdoch and their ilk. 👿

      Cheers 😀


  3. cornlegend says:

    Julia Gillard is a strong, intelligent, inspirational, determined,capable,and courageous woman”


  4. Russputin2 says:

    Wow Truthy, You have brought a tear to my eye. Your Words in your preamble, are as moving as the extract itself.

    Very proud of your efforts here mate. I wish we could send it with our signatures to Julia..


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Russ, thanks for that mate, and I am glad that you approve, as it was totally your idea 😎 and certainly a post worth writing 😀

      I’m not sure how you would contact her now, as she is not standing again, but maybe someone will send her the link, or she will see it via one of our friends on twitter?

      Thanks for the idea mate 😀 and keep up the good work 😎

      Cheers 😀


      • Rhonda says:

        Truth Seeker, Julia should still be contactable on the government website or ALP site, shouldn’t she? After all she is still a Labor MP. This is a fitting tribute to her and I’ve become quite emotional, revisiting the injustice she was subjected to.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Rhonda, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎 it’s much appreciated.

          Yes we’ve had a great response, and Kaye Lee has already posted the link on a facebook page and sent her a link directly as well 😀

          Hopefully she wil visit here and see all the positive comments 😎

          Cheers 😀


    • Kaye Lee says:

      I agree (sniff). I can only hope that Julia and Tim now have some time to draw breath and enjoy their lives together. I learned a lot from watching Julia handle with dignity and grace the pile of excrement flung at her from all sides. Her passion was obvious but she did not degenerate into anger or defeatism. She went on doing her job working tirelessly and always in the best interest of our country. It is a sorry state of affairs when polls and image mean more than achievements and vision.

      Beautiful piece truthie. Thank you.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kaye Lee, I agree whole heartedly 😎 and thanks, that means a lot 🙂

        Cheers 😀


      • Rhonda says:

        Kaye couldn’t agree more. Not only did Julia handle her position with dignity and grace, but she had to bear the death of her beloved father as well and even that was subjected to ridicule. How hard must that have been?

        Her departure from politics is Australia’s loss.


  5. cornlegend says:

    I nice tribute from the 2 of you.
    Hope you don’t mind my “stock in trade ” answer.
    That is my motto I’ve used for the past 12 months, following Marilyn’s rants on IA
    Still, it is what I believe 🙂


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornie, thanks mate, 😀 and I for one expected that response from such a strong supporter of Julia 😎

      I believe that history will be much kinder to Julia than it will be to Murdoch/Abbott and their ilk.

      Cheers 😀


  6. Joan M. says:

    Thank-you Truth Seeker and Russputina2 too for your suggestion for this great tribute to Julia. I am so proud of her untiring efforts to make things better for Australia and also ashamed of those who could not or would not accept her. She is a wonderful lady, a very special first female P.M. of Australia.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Joan M, welcome to my site, 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      Yes , her tenure was marked by both the pride of a fine woman doing a great job in extreme circumstances, and the shame for Australia of the way that she was treated by some of our politicians, media and shock jocks.

      But her name will be writ large in Australia’s history, while her detractors will fade into the infamy, obscurity and irrelevance that they truly deserve! 😀
      Cheers 😀


  7. Judiloo says:

    I am quite speechless really – the tears roll as I realise there is still great pain in my heart for Julia Gillard and all women who have been abused over the years. Great words Truth Seeker thank you so very much.
    What a magnificent woman.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Judiloo, welcome to my site, 😎 and thank you for your kind words 🙂

      Yes there are many that still feel the loss of a great PM and role model for a generation of women and girls with aspirations to be the best that they can be.

      Many bloggers have commented of late, how the traffic has slowed on their blogs, as much of the passion has gone out of the debate and support for Labor since Julia has left. 😦

      Cheers 😀


  8. Kaye Lee says:

    What we MUST do is continue to fight for Julia’s vision on climate change and renewable energy, education, NBN, care for our most vulnerable, and the myriad of other wonderful initiatives her leadership gave birth to.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Kaye Lee, I couldn’t agree more 😀 and my sincere hope is that the ALP will build on that legacy, once they are reelected, and give her due credit 😀

      Cheers 😀


  9. bundysmum says:

    Like others here I am weeping as I type. A truly magnificent woman was treated so appallingly by the media, cheered on by the hideous man who would now be Prime Minister and undermined by many of her colleagues.

    Thank you for such a wonderfull tribute to Julia, Truthie. I do hope that she has a very happy life after politics, history will judge her kindly indeed and many will ask what sort of country we lived in that allowed such a fine PM to be treated so badly.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Bundysmum, thanks for your comment and kind words 🙂 and I also wish her and Tim all the very best for the future 😀

      It’s amazing how many are still feeling the pain of loss over Julia, and the appalling way that she was treated. 😦

      It will be interesting to compare the reactions when, and I do mean “WHEN” Abbott gets his just deserts. 😀 and I for one just can’t wait 😯

      I can’t even imagine what sort of tribute could be written for the mendacious Abbott 😉

      Cheers 😀


  10. Caz2 says:

    If you want to send a personal message to JG you can send it to her electoral office as she is still the member for Lalor. I did and received a thank you letter which I treasure.


  11. cornlegend says:

    I spoke to Julia, very briefly on Friday,
    She’s cruising,, blooming 🙂
    And, just in case MarilynS is lurking, NO I was not employed by her
    Just so she stops asking again and again ………………


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornie, I hope you let her know that she is sorely missed and deeply admired by many, who wish her well. 😎

      And if you speak to her again, maybe you could let her know of the many tributes to her from people who appreciate all that she did? 😀

      Cheers 😀


      • cornlegend says:

        Truthy, it was a 10 second quick talk.
        She knows full well the good wishes of the massive number of people who believe she was, and is,
        a strong, intelligent, inspirational, determined,capable,and courageous woman”
        That message, from this site and its posters has been passed on previously as well as an article from here. 😀


        • Truth Seeker says:

          cornie, mate I’m just glad that she knows, as she copped so much crap from the liars, that a lesser person may well have gone into a major decline, and she needs to know how much we admire her strength, courage and commitment. 😀

          Cheers 😀


  12. cornlegend says:

    Just to show how happy she is, she just parted with $2 million for a beachside house in Adelaide.
    Good on her 😀


  13. I joined the cry-in too. I miss the Boss (as she was known in our household) and the tears roll as I write this. Thanks TS & Russputin2 for this piece. Wish it had never needed to be written though. I will be looking out for a strong, intelligent, inspirational, determined, capable and courageous woman (with beautiful red hair) as I walk around Adelaide. Glad at least that she has come ‘home’. I know there are many here that love her.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Tinfoilhatter, thanks for your comment 😎

      I’m sorry I’ve caused so many tears with this tribute. 😥

      It just goes to show how many people feel saddened by the events that took place, and the ongoing affection that many have for our first female PM. 🙂

      I’m sure she would be greatly touched by everyones support and good wishes for the future. 😀

      Cheers 🙂


  14. Russputin2 says:

    Jeeze Truthy, every time I read it , I tear up again. Excellent work mate, very proud of your words and extremely proud of Julias dignity, grace and strength at all times.



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mate, I couldn’t have done it without you. 😎

      I’m not sure how to contact DD about reposting on IA, but I’ll have a think, and see if anyone has any suggestions. 🙂

      Cheers 😀


  15. Truth Seeker says:

    Patriciawa posted this on another thread, and asked me to repost it here, so thanks for your comment, and sharing with us Patricia. 😀


    J is for Julia and the Joy she gave.
    U is for Us, so Useless to save
    Labor while staying Loyal to her,
    In spite of our Instinct that never
    Again could we Australians be so proud of our name.



  16. Kaye Lee says:

    From Julia Gillard’s facebook page

    “Thanks to all who have sent notes and gifts. Deeply appreciated. Looking forward to time with family. Will see you all down the track. JG”
    25,935 Likes 4,744 Comments 699 Shares.

    Top Comment

    ” Thank you for everything you have done for Australia. You will be remembered as a great leader.”

    Likes 1,164 · July 11 at 5:08pm via mobile


  17. Kaye Lee says:

    There has been little activity on the page of late so I sent her the link via a message. I hope she gets to see it.


    • Kaye Lee says:

      I also posted it on the facebook page Tony Abbott Will Never Be Prime Minister. The admin replied shortly after saying “sob”. I hope you don’t mind


  18. Russputin2 says:

    Wowwww Kaye Lee, how good is that! Sensational Kaye, I sooo hope that Julia gets to read it.

    Onya Kaye and Truthy.


  19. cornlegend says:

    Just watching the first half of the Debate.
    Didn’t realise it was a tag team event.
    Rudd v Abbott, Moderator and Panel.
    Not too impressed with Kevs effort,, but guess its hard to take on the “team” I’m turning off.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      cornie, yes mate it wasn’t an ideal forum. 😯

      Started on ABC, then checked out the worm on 9, but couldn’t believe the post-mortem’s. 🙄

      Laurie Oakes made a knob of himself saying that Abbott won the debate, despite the worm saying otherwise, and then clarified it by saying he won on style not substance, which produced a roar of laughter from the audience. 😉

      The “Team” have no intention of letting him win! 👿

      Just waiting now for the air to turn clear again after a prolonged period of blue 😯

      Cheers 😀


      • cornlegend says:

        for me, that will be tomorrow , mate.
        steam is still puffing from the ears.
        Just kicked MarilynS the cat, the missus ain’t happy.
        Ah shit 🙂


        • Truth Seeker says:

          cornie, mate you didn’t real call the cat MarilynS did you? 😆 and I’m not even going to ask if you kicked her 😯

          Mate it was always going to be an up hill battle, even thought the 9 audience gave it to Rudd, everyone on the panels gave it to the Liar. so Murdoch maintaining the status quo 😯

          but in the real world Rudd had all the answers, Abbott had all the slogans. 😦

          Cheers 😀


  20. Russputin2 says:

    Have to say Truthy, even the choice of pics of Julia is perfect. Despite being such a strong and valiant leader, she looks the picture of womanly charm.

    I particularly love the way her smiling face comes up incrementally as you read the text.
    It is one of thosse hearty ,involuntary smiles that make you smile as well.

    Seems strange to say about someone with such strengths, but I think she is just bloody lovely in those pics.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Russ, thanks mate, I just played it by ear and hoped that it all worked, which just goes to show that you should always go with your gut instinct. 😀

      Wrote the whole thing last night, took about an hour and a half… was meant to be 😀

      Cheers 😀


  21. Russputin2 says:

    Just read your previous response to Cornie.

    Oakes is a Buffoon. He should be one of the “Old Bulls”, of the media, being able to give an intelligent , worldly wise, overview, unlike the rest of the pubescant opiniators.

    Abbott has as much ‘class and appeal’ as a turd floating in a punch bowl. Maybe even less, if thats possible.

    Both Oakes and Abbott have mastered that dopey, Fred Dagg, sneer/smirk



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Russ, yes I think he must be getting past his use by date. 😀

      Mate, that’s a mental image that I don’t really want to take to bed tonight :mrgreen: 😯 😀

      I’ll have to revisit the pics of Julia to refocus the mind on good things 😀

      Cheers 😀


  22. cornlegend says:

    I thought you knew the story. 🙂
    My missus, a couple of months ago, came home with a little stray cat.
    She said, “we’re keeping it”
    I said “no”
    Well i went to give it some water, and it hissed and growled at me.
    I while later, I went to feed it, it lunged at me.
    My missus said “We are keeping it” {like I had any say !!}
    I said “only if we call it MarilynS”

    Now months later, it still stalks me and nips 🙂

    Reddragon can verify this is a true and correct story, as explained on IA 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mate, now I understand, 😀 and with my new level of enlightenment, I can say with all sincerity… Well named 😀 I can even understand the kick 😉

      You do know that cats are notoriously hard to move with, as they are very territorial 😀 Just saying….. Mmmmmm?

      Sunny Coast… Mmmmmm??? 😀

      Just an afterthought, maybe it’s cranky cos it knows what its name means? :mrgreen:

      But I do get it 😆 😆 😆

      Cheers 😀


    • Hefina says:

      Yes it’s true all right, calling it marilyn’s was the icing on the cake. poor Marilyn. I don’t like cats, they scare the daylight out of me, but I love big big dogs.
      My husband likes cats though but up till now we haven’t owned one,
      the dogs we owed was ENGLISH MASTIFFs, one while we lived in NZ and the other we adopted in QLD he weighed 100kilos , they are just lovely family pets, will protect the whole family. any threats of an attack they place themselves between you and the intruder , but one drawback, they are stubborn,you see Corn L you start me off again. if DD were to allow us to show our pets we’d have a bellyfull of laughters.. but unfortunatly we lost lewis and our families says no more as we are getting on and they are so huge.but the photos are beautiful to have.
      so yes Truth seeker, Cornlegend has a wild cat called Marilyn’s. cheers


  23. truthrevealed says:

    Hello Truthseeker, I have finally come on board your site!! Have been meaning to for some time now, just kept forgetting, but love your comments on I.A, & can see all the familiar folk here as well, people I have come to love & admire, by way of there compassionate hearts & inspirational comments.
    The ” Julia” post is just so true of her, so spot on. She did her very best, which to so many Australians was never enough!! I cant figure it out & never will.
    I tried to contact her when she stood down but couldnt get on to her, as I am not on facebook, & dont understand twitter, but over her time as PM, I sent her many emails of encouragement & praise.
    We now must all try our hardest every day, to get the ALP re-elected, for her sake, for the sake of the policies she helped to impliment, the country she envisaged for our kids future, & for this great nation of ours.
    We owe her that much, even if it means electing the man who deposed her.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      truthrevealed, welcome aboard 😀 and thanks for your comment and kind words. 😎

      I have also been following and enjoying your comments on IA, and it’s good to see and welcome a fellow truth seeker/revealer 😀

      You are dead right, as Abbott is the fish we have to fry now, for the sake of Julia’s legacy, and our great country’s future, as the Abbott alternate future doesn’t bear thinking about 😯

      And as you say, “We now must all try our hardest every day, to get the ALP re-elected, for her sake, for the sake of the policies she helped to impliment, the country she envisaged for our kids future, & for this great nation of ours.” 😎

      Well said 😀

      Keep up the good work, and I look forward to more of your fine contributions 😎

      Cheers 😀


    • cornlegend says:

      Where have you been ?
      Have you got a note from your Grannie to explain your absence ?
      Good to see you 🙂


      • truthrevealed says:

        Thankyou, & no, I do not have a note from Grannie, as she is well gone, & I am a Grannie now!! Good to be onboard, you lot make my day, believe me!
        Re to nights debate, which I heard on the radio, or “wireless for those of us who remember”, while coming home from a friends, it was clear & plain that Rudd out- performed Abbott on every issue. Will be interesting to hear the comments on TV & online tomoz. Cheers


        • cornlegend says:

          It seems from comments that the audiences gave it to Rudd, but so far all channel news services give it to The Fool.
          no surprises there 😀


          • Rhonda says:

            Cornlegend, we must remember that the analysts and commentators (who think they know best) make up but a small proportion, the audience (should) represent the voting public, so their opinion is what will count on the big day. Laurie Oakes’ first comment was so far off the mark, I couldn’t believe that he’s acclaimed as a political analyst! Of course, Amanda Vanstone jumped in to agree with him. They tried to downplay the worm result, as it showed them up for the incompetent fools they are. Aaaargh…


            • Truth Seeker says:

              Rhonda, Thanks for your comment 😀

              yes, that was my reaction too 😦 I think Oakes just proved conclusively that he has passed his use by date, and should be put out to pasture with the rest of the old media hacks. 😯

              Even the audience laughed at him when he said that Rudd had the “Substance” but Abbott won it on “Style”

              The man’s lost the plot! 😯 and Vanstone was passed her use by date 2 decades ago.

              Cheers 😀


  24. cornlegend says:

    Truthy, Russ.
    I need to step in to stop those schoolboy fantasies 😀
    Both of you, off to bed, and sweet dreams of JG


  25. cornlegend says:

    Those pics I sent you of our joint.
    The shed up the back is for all the strays “she who must be obeyed brings home.
    Between cats, dogs, a duck , 4 hens, a rooster and a stray possum that won’t leave [MarilynS, Sophie, Bronnie , Malcolm, Barnaby etc etc.

    The shed has a sign
    {it may be visible in the photo’s.]
    “Coalition Headquarters”


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mate, I love the way you think 😆

      I’ll have to have another look. 😀

      That’s quite a menagerie to shift north, and I now see why the acreage on the range was an attractive proposition 😀 maybe you should just make an offer on Australia Zoo 😀

      I’m sure you could come up with some good names for the crocs 😯

      My wife and I have settled for just one very funny and loveable Schnauzer. 😀

      Cheers 😀


  26. cornlegend says:

    Thats Coalition Headquarters.
    We have a bit of ground but behind, it has about a gazillion acres heading up the escarpment/mountains.
    People dump their strays out her.

    I haven’t found it yet, but somewhere around here their must be a food trail and a freaking great Neon Sign saying ‘this way to Cornlegends, free food and board”
    Then begins the battle of will between me and “she”
    guess who wins 😀


  27. cornlegend says:

    Yeah, the little one with 4 posts in front, [for tying up the camel, if ever one turns up 😀


  28. cornlegend says:

    To save sending an email, my young bloke flies up on Wed. for a face to face with the Sellers.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mate, I still thing Aussie Zoo’s the go, they already have a camel 😀

      But that aside, 😉 I hope it all goes well for you mate 😀 Cos I think the Sunny Coast needs a good dose of “Corn” 😀

      Thanks for the update, and good luck 😎

      Cheers 😀


  29. orangefox says:

    If we form a party perhaps we could invite Julia Gillard to be the leader?
    If Rudd losses they will be begging her to come back.
    I’m in two states of mind whether I should help Rudd. Just seeing how the polls go at the moment. Have an idea that could make a difference but really wanted to use it to help Julia.
    Social media has not been exploited to it’s full yet.
    Rudd did well in the debate. Abbott came across shifty, light on substance and lacking vision for our future. His appeal with pointing finger at the end of his introductory speach was off putting.
    I don’t think even he believes the shit he spoke. He almost couldn’t utter his ‘stop the boats’ slogan as it now sounds ridiculous. I thought the moderator was quite good. The panel in the end were soft on Abbott. He’s a con man. I got a pile of rusty cars I could sell the panel.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      orangefox, thanks for your comment 😀

      I know there are people who, like you, are unsure about which way to go, nut I have to say that for me the vote is against Abbott more so than for Rudd, and like cornie, I took heed of Julia’s call for support of the ALP for the sake of her legacy and our future.

      WRT the debate, Rudd was a clear winner, but it was a bit of a farce. 😯 and the commentators were all just too predictable 😯

      Cheers 😀


  30. cornlegend says:

    Don’t forget Julia’s last plea on that fateful day
    There will never be a return to politics for Julia


  31. Catherine says:

    BRAVO!!!… never was a truer word spoken. Thankyou…


  32. Jock says:

    Truthie, Great article about a great person and leader. Her and Keating are the most under-rated, misunderstood greatest leaders and thinkers of this country. Shame on those who abused her.
    Yes I’m connected again. spent the weekend configuring a new laptop.
    On the debate here’s my call. 10 questions Kev answered 5 about the future, 5 critical of lnp, 2 okay. rabbott, 7 critical of gov, 2 bullshit, and 1 (aged care) didn’t have a clue. Kev opened with good future, rabbott with critique of gov. Kev closed with more of future, rabbott with more critique of gov and good dose of bullshit.
    How anyone could say rabbott won goodness knows. probably should be locked up for own good.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Jock, thanks mate 😀 and i’m glad you’re back on line 😎 hope the new laptop serves you well 😀

      Yes, that was pretty much my take on the debate too. 😀

      Abbott lost, Rudd won and the commentators doing the post-mortems are idiots! 😯

      Cheers 😀


  33. truthrevealed says:

    Truthseeker, thankyou for your kind welcome aboard your site, where more truth is contributed from fellow true believers.
    I tried to reply to your message last night, but it came up that my comment wasnt accepted, not sure what I am doing wrong, Also do I need to sign off & on, if so where & how?? I didnt know where to sign off last night.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      truthrevealed, thanks for your reply, 😎 and I am very happy to have your contributions here. 😀

      As far as your comment not being allowed, I’m not really sure as to why that would happen, as your comments have already been approved, so you should be able to comment at any time.

      You should be able to log out, in the “Meta” section on the right hand side, and then log back in, in the same spot. that may help if you have further problems. 😀

      The only time that comments go back for moderation is if the email address or the user name is wrong, ie; different spelling, 1 letter missed etc.

      I hope that helps? 😀

      Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, but I’m out in my workshop making leadlight windows for our en-suite, so i’ll be in and out a bit today 😦 and for the next couple of weeks, but I will reply to all comments ASAP 😀

      Cheers 😀


      • Truth Seeker says:

        BTW, you shouldn’t have to log out, unless there is a problem with a comment being posted. 😀

        Cheers 😀


      • truthrevealed says:

        Thankyou Truthie, it may have been that I hadnt logged out the night before.

        Enjoy your leadlighting, my 93 year old Mother inlaw used to do that, but cant now of course, & has only just given up doing Picasso copies 6 months ago!! AND they are pretty damn good! all in oil. Thanx


  34. truthrevealed says:

    boy I really am showing my age Truthie, but I cant see a “meta” section anywhere!!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      truthrevealed, thanks for Your comments, which seem to be coming through fine now, 😀 so you shouldn’t have to log out unless something goes wrong.

      I very rarely log out of any sites, but occasionally a site will log me out for some reason, so I only log back in when that happens.

      I had my own leadlight business for 20+ years, but haven’t done any for 5-6 years, so it will take me a while to get back into it, but I have four windows that have to be done for our en-suite, so it just has to be done 😀

      The “Meta” section should be just below the calendar, if you need it 😀

      Cheers 😀


      • truthrevealed says:

        Thanks Truthie, I am suffering from what is commonly a “male” problem of “office blindness” or “I cant find the sox” etc. I guess it must be catching, well more like age is catchin up!!! Thanks a heap.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          truthrevealed, I resemble that remark 😀 my wife refers to it as a “boys look” 😯

          Cheers 😀


          • truthrevealed says:

            Truthseeker, your wife & I are on the same page, no offence, but is is a common problem with no cure!!


            • Truth Seeker says:

              truthrevealed, it is 😯 but it also leaves her wide open for some good humoured ribbing when she can’t find something and I can 😀

              Although it doesn’t happen often 😯 it has happened 😀 and when it does, she is usually not that impressed with my response of “Oh… you must have had a boy look” 😀

              Cheers 😀


          • cornlegend says:

            Wives, mate, mine is sadistic !!
            When we lived for a short time in Canada, she paid for a 3 day Alaska dog sled “Adventure” for me.
            Minus 20, stinking wet dogs, sleeping in a Tee Pee in 5 foot snow ,18 layers of clothes
            half cooked meat on a fire that burned your skin, then froze it instantly the minute you moved away, 3 LOOOOONG days,felt like 100 years.
            I truly would have had more fun at a Liberal Party Convention.
            Me, I still surf, not freeze my bollocks off.
            Sadistic wives mate, I still have nightmares


        • bundysmum says:

          I always refer to that affliction as ‘domestic blindness’. In my experience it only afflicts males and age is unimportant, but the degree of irritation exhibited by the female member of the household is commensurate to the lack of ability to find the lost item which is clearly in view if said male would only ‘open their bloody eyes’.



          • cornlegend says:

            I swear my missus only goes to sleep so it gives her time to dream opportunities to give me heaps


          • cornlegend says:

            Bundy and Truthy, I was looking for the slightest sign of sympathy from you two, 😀


          • Truth Seeker says:

            budysmum, again, I resemble that remark 😀

            It’s just that we have other stuff going on, 😯 and are not expecting whatever it is to be where it is, as that was not where we remembered leaving it, or where we thought it should be, or could be 😀 so it’s not our fault 😯

            The thing is though, I can find almost anything in the middle of a mess of my own making 😀 but when my wife cleans up, I can’t find anything 🙄 so it’s all her fault 😯

            Cheers 😀


          • truthrevealed says:


            Yes it seems to afflict all male members of the family! I love giving them heaps when the damn thing is right there staring them in the face! The other annoying thing is when they pick up something & ask what is this doing here? That one really annoys me, because it is there for a bloody reason, which if they thought about it would be bloody obvious!


          • cornlegend says:

            Truthy , mate.
            I think it would be quite appropriate if you were to censor some comments 😀


  35. cornlegend says:

    Hey Truthy,
    Staples out !!!
    If we get the joint up there, I was thinking of sending the pets ? by boat.
    Could have a lone protester waiting on the docks for me 🙂 , with anti Julia placards,spewing out abuse
    Oh, no its ok, thats South Australia isn’t it !!!!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Good news mate 😀

      I see the staple removal hasn’t affected your sense of humour 😆

      But it might be Mal BRough waiting to turn your boat around at Mooloolaba or Caloundra (If it’s safe to do so 😀 ) 😯

      Glad all’s OK mate, you’ve just got to take it easy for a while now 🙄

      Cheers 😀


    • Hefina says:

      You are funny Cornlegend. Did you hear Campbell Newman on the TV last night warning Rudd that the boat people have found another route to come from PNG to another landing near by. I think he is scare mongering. Im trying to think which chanel it was on, could have been any of them. he is another nasty liberal. must go and make tea , a curry tonight .


      • Rhonda says:

        Never underestimate the Campbell Newman factor in this election. Tony Abbott came regularly to Qld during the state elections, to help get Newman over the line. It is obvious that Newman is now doing the same for Tony, by way of return thanks. From the start, Newman shut down as many programs as he could get away with – some of which he had to reinstate because of the anger it caused – and the rest he pushed onto the federal purse – such as the Tenancy Advice program.

        Then he refused to commit Qld to the NDIS, until the eleventh hour, and still has refused to come on board with the education reform. He claimed lack of funds, yet he found enough to create a Qld version of a disability support scheme, prior to caving in on the Gillard NDIS. Since the election was announced, he has now ramped up ‘feel-good’ government advertising on HIS education system! As if this is not to make him look like his government is a success story, to boost Tony Abbott’s chances – especially as Abbott has said he has plans to model the federal government on Qld!!

        Believe me, our health system is running into chaos. They have made major cutbacks to specialist services, with waiting lists blown out to unrealistic levels. I wonder how many people will die waiting for treatment? We’ve also had big increases to electricity (gov owned) and driver licence renewals. This is just what we’ve personally experienced recently. I dread to think what’s ahead if the Newman government is duplicated federally.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Rhonda, thanks for your comment 😎

          Yes he is the unknown factor, but there is certainly a lot of QLDers that are very unhappy with him and have vowed not to make the same mistake again. 😀

          Having said that there are still those that believe that he did what he had to do because of the perceived mess of the state economy instead of what he intended to do originally, and then employed Costello to come up with the figures to justify the cuts. 😯

          We live on the Sunny Coast, and have friends who are nurses, and are worried for their jobs, as one of the first things that Newman did was take away the security for public servants, and now the morale of nurses is at an all time low.

          As I wrote in an earlier post Newman is Abbott’s mini me. 😯

          Cheers 😀


      • bundysmum says:

        Hello Hefina, it is a wondrous thing indeed that while abort is accusing Rudd of scaremongering he is out and about, in the best of little johnnie howard scaremongering mode about evil invaders and nasty diseases and people only being gay because it’s fashionable and candidates being sexy so he can leer and touch and EEEWWWWW

        No wonder I sigh a lot.


  36. Russputin2 says:

    People forget that under decades of Joh Bjelkes gerrymanders, Qld was locked into the 1940’s

    Labor was left in a position of having to rebuild the state.

    Also, the fact that in QLd, everything was half the price of every other state, (Real Estate etc), because it was so far behind, that people flocked from every other state, thus multiplying the effect on public services.

    It has always been that when Labor gets in, after years of Lib slash ,burn and assett strip, they have to reform everything. Cheers all.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Russ, yes mate, and there was also a small matter of cyclone Yasi and two major flood events. 😯

      But having said that, the QLD treasury figures showed clearly that even without changing one thing, we would have been back on track in two years, and then Newman got in and screwed everything with his slash and burn approach. 👿

      and you are dead right, it’s always left up to Labor to fix up the mess left by the right wing nut-jobs. 😯

      Cheers 😀


  37. Russputin2 says:

    you’re dead right yet again. I have a huge gap in my short term memory, (from an illness)so the little matter of the natural disasters, escaped me temporarily. Its amazing really how well you folks soldired on.
    Personally , I thought Anna was a good scout also.

    cheers mate


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Russ, yes she made some mistakes, but overall, she worked for QLD, and her mistakes pale into insignificance compared to the that lying little scum bucket Newman! 👿

      Cheers mate 😀


  38. Andrew says:

    I like your site


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