Australia, beautiful one day… Fascist the next!

Australia, beautiful one day… Fascist the next!

Campbell Newman and Tony Abbott. The Australian faces of Austerity

Campbell Newman and Tony Abbott. The Australian faces of Austerity

With Newman’s new approach to law and order making  “QLD, the police state”, and Abbott fully supportive of his style of government (?), while the ALP opposition are MIA, we are facing a bleak three years.

With the “right” of both major parties seemingly subverting the political and democratic processes, the question is what are the options for good governance in this country?

This was the the front page that caused so much anger.

This was the the front page that caused so much anger.

We have just witnessed the rabid right of American Politics, The Tea Party, fail in their attempt to hold their country to ransom, for their own ideological agenda, as we have also witnessed first hand, the power of propaganda to help sell the incompetent and arguably unbalanced political thug, Abbott, to the Australian voting public as a viable option for PM.

We have also witnessed, what has been lauded as, a new era of political transparency, in the election of a Labor LOTO, who gained only 40% of the R & F vote, but won on a majority of caucus votes which, in the minds of many, only reinforced the old adage that; “The more things change, the more they stay the same”, as the “right” faction got what they wanted in spite of the wishes of 60% of the said R & F.

And since that election, the truth is that you can count on one hand the number of ALP shadow ministers that have been seen out and about trying to hold this alleged government to account, with the new LOTO nowhere to be seen, except for his Buddy Buddy appearance, visiting the troops with Abbott in Afghanistan.

So it looks very much like the answer to the question posed is:

With a rabid right government apparently locked in election mode, and an opposition also MIA, options for good governance, it appears,  are now severely limited.   😦

4394943285_5de9879c11_mNow with nothing much changed with the Murdoch media also apparently still in election mode, and newspoll playing the same old games, it would be difficult, but not impossible for the opposition to do to Abbott what he did to Gillard and Rudd, as there is at least some evidence of a will within certain elements of the MSM to hold this (and I use the term loosely) government, to account.   😯

So why aren’t the ALP taking every opportunity to beat the LNP around the head, over the rorts scandal, broken promises, the 67% increase in the debt ceiling, the diplomatic gaffes etc etc?

Well, like Abbott, the ALP have to engage in the same tactics that Abbott did, with one major exception… They don’t have to tell lies!

Imagine an Abbott style blitz of the media, calling a presser for the opening of every envelope, cereal packet and toilet door, backed up with facts and truth, instead of the spin, lies and meaningless slogans that worked so well for the Abbott?   😯

Now I know that it was made easy for Abbott because the Murdoch media machine wouldimages faithfully reproduce every lie that dribbled from his pie hole, ad infinitum, as well as throwing honesty, integrity and ethics to the wind, to come up with plenty of their own.

But Abbott was consistent, and totally shameless in his efforts to brainwash the public, by refusing to be distracted by those minor inconveniences of facts and truth.

And despite him being called out on his lies, he just stuck to his message relentlessly, and successfully persuaded enough of the voting public that his lies were actually truth   😯

How much more effective would that strategy have  been if he had been telling the truth?

So why hasn’t the ALP taken up the challenge?

Some have suggested that they are giving  Abbott enough rope to hang himself, and I hope that that is what they’re up to, but I have serious doubts.


THE HON BILL SHORTEN MP (Photo credit: RubyGoes)

Some believe that Shorten, with the amount of baggage that he carries, over the Gillard/Rudd backflip, is going for the small target approach that Abbott adopted, and is, as a result,  simply the wrong man for the job, and I have to admit to being one who thinks that that might be the case.

Some believe that the “right” factions  of the ALP are so bound up with maintaining their power base, that they have lost sight of the main game, to the detriment of the party?

The truth may be one, or a combination of all of those possibilities, or something completely different,  but the upshot for us is that if the ALP don’t get their act together, in short order, and put aside their own petty pay backs and in fighting, we will be stuck with;

Australia, beautiful one day… Fascist the next!



About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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53 Responses to Australia, beautiful one day… Fascist the next!

  1. bighead1883 says:

    Cheers for you piece Truthy,you said “Some believe that the “right” factions of the ALP are so bound up with maintaining their power base, that they have lost sight of the main game, to the detriment of the party?
    So herein lies the crocodile at the bottom of the billabong,Australia`s lost to right wing neo conservative greed,ideological lunacy,nepotism, and the POLICE STATE,Nationally.
    This is FASCISM,make no bones about it.
    Check any dictionary or historic reference point and what you come up with as to Australia`s current standing is that we are ruled by a Fascist Federal Government with minor Fascist State Governments.
    So Truthy why,like you say are not the FREE press all over this?
    Because a Fascist Dictatorship does not have a free press and the global Dictatorship that`s directing all this,using the word Democracy as a WMD,has all their puppet Technocratic States dancing to their tune.
    “The Running Man and Terminator” are here and “Mad Max” may be not be far away.
    “Murdoch is Killian” “NSA is Skynet” “Could be you”


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Biggy, thanks for that. 😎 😀

      Yes mate, I was watching a report on china’s burgeoning middle and upper middle classes, looking for holiday destinations, with an average of $7,000 per visitor to spend, and commented to my wife about how a true communist state could have such a large proportion with so much money to spend? 😯

      It seems that it wont be long before even the communists look more like fascists?… WTF? 😉

      The bloody world’s going MAD, and for once we seem to be leading the way! 😯

      Cheers 😀


  2. bighead1883 says:

    YAY,IA is back


  3. bighead1883 says:

    Well the IA new site came up and then WHOOSH flew off to the ether.
    Must still be ironing out the wrinkles.


  4. bighead1883 says:

    In a further attack on Australia`s only remaining left wing party,the Greens,PUP`s Lambie has fired a salvo of dictatorial proportions.
    The growing right wing lunacy continues.


  5. diannaart says:


    Yeah, I heard that too: “Some have suggested that they are giving Abbott enough rope to hang himself, and I hope that that is what they’re up to, but I have serious doubts”

    I do believe Abbott has provided plenty of rope in the scant 2 months since the election.

    1. Immediate dismantling anything to do with AGW and anything remotely ‘sciencey’.
    2. Expenses rort.
    3. Reneging on Labor appointments – Steve Bracks for no more reason than simple malice.
    4. Continuing election campaign speak – Abbott you are now in power, get on with the job.
    5. Cone of silence – started with boat refugees and has extended to just about everything.
    6. Blatant Orwellian speak – ordering public servants to call asylum seekers illegals? WTF?
    7. Self appointment of Abbott to manage women – cough, cough splutter on that and Aboriginal Community – Abbott thinks he is the man for all: he is just a man out for himself.
    8. Invites Shorten because he is a ‘real’ PM – when previous real PM invited Abbott to Afghanistan, Abbott too tired.
    9. No more daily polling – just a convenient poll from Newspoll (where else?) claiming increase in popularity. This is sounding too much like North Korea.
    10. Open slather permits on mining everywhere and anything – Labor does not compare too well on this either – but they could if they really, really wanted to distinguish themselves.

    That’s just off the top of my head. I have probably missed other areas by which Labor could establish their credentials while holding the LNP to account. But WTF do I know?


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Dianna, thanks for your comment 😎 and very well said 😀

      Yes there is plenty of ammunition for the ALP and the MSM for that matter, but apart from some tinkering around the periphery, it’s like the election just didn’t happen 😯 and we are only here for Abbott and the LNP to use for target practice, while the other pollies and the MSM act like the thre wise monkeys…”No evil to see, hear or say here!” 😉

      Cheers 😦


  6. johnlord2013 says:

    Early days my friend. Your poetry had 500 views.


  7. TimePasser says:

    Truth Seeker, thank you again but I’m none too optimistic about the ALP now.

    George Wright actually congratulating the LNP’s campaign…. “billiantly disciplined”…????
    The Nazis were “brilliantly disciplined” and look where that led!

    Heaping praise on the LNP is rewarding the appalling behaviour of deceit, abuse, vilification….
    If the ALP also believes that is an acceptable & admirable way of gaining power then they won’t be getting my vote next time.


    • Gregory T says:

      TimePasser.. This is the new ALP’s creed.

      “It’s very exciting when two party’s come together to work something out. It’s easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting, is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other.”

      Apologies to ― Fred Rogers


    • Truth Seeker says:

      TimePasser, thanks for your comment 😎

      I know how you feel, as I’ve also been feeling pretty deflated at the prospects of the future direction of the ALP, and I agree that applauding the liars for their win at any cost mentality is not a good look 😦

      I just hope, as I said in the article that they get their act together quickly, or there will be many supporters jumping ship 😯

      Cheers 😀


    • bighead1883 says:

      When George Wright emailed me yesterday and I read his full talk to the press I was sickened by his empty bowl asking for more.
      George Wright you`re a sellout to Labor.Get F##ked.


  8. Gilly says:

    Fascist or anarchist? TA has already bought the Motoring Enthusiast Senator, TA has announced he will err ah build a new err ah drag strip err ah motorway. Now that is done the said Senator cannot be found, he is out driving around. Where else would he be, he is a motoring enthusiast !!!


    • bighead1883 says:

      Gilly,I heard Clive is doubling down and offering “Lakeside with two dinosaurs of choice”
      Gina`s getting antsy as well wanting some of this action.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Gilly, thanks for your comment 😀

      He’s a motoring enthusiast who has pissed of his party, who also don’t know where he is; probably looking for more Roo poo to throw at anyone who doesn’t agree with his latest benefactor… Clive 😯

      What a parliament we have coughed up 😦

      Boy are we in the doo doo 😯

      Cheers 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      There doesn’t appear to be a good reason for carrying eggs 😯

      QLD is definitely a fascist state 😦

      Cheers 😀


      • bighead1883 says:

        But hey Truthy,fake beards and blow up dolls are not banned.
        But dressing your blow up doll in a Burkha is though {BUGGA}.
        The Chasers will run amok with thousands of copy cats all wearing fake beards protesting “very quietly,no loud noises remember” and raising up their blow up dolls up on high in defiance against Global Corporatism and the freedom to hang out with your plastic fantastic lover and not be charged a late fee.


    • Gilly says:

      Don’t forget Vic used Army resources in a police operation. Another thin edge of the wedge.


  9. cornlegend says:

    Bloody lucky we have people like you, willing to take the fight right up to the arseholes.
    We need to get you a mask and a cape, deck you out like Superman, with a bloody big TS on your cape 😀
    You nailed it with this article mate.
    We need some one to lead in this fight
    The ALP are missing in action {majority of } my MP Stephen Jones has been doing a bloody good job, but seems to be one of the very few voices..
    Even with a huge loss of votes, and a bit of disunity in the ranks, Christine Milne has been out battling too
    Keep battling Truthy, you are doing good stuff.
    Up up and away 🙂


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie, thanks mate, that means a lot 😀 Although I’m not sure about the cape 😯 knowing my luck I’d trip over it and break my silly neck 😀 😆 😀

      Cheers 😀


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Cornie, I do have Charlie the wonder dog, who will keep the crooks (Libs) occupied by humping their legs, while I untangle my cape from around my legs 😀

        Cheers 😀


  10. olddavey says:

    I think Abbott has been given too much rope and he’s ready to make a run for it. The further he gets the harder it will be to reel him in.
    Pull your finger out, Lekky Bill.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Olddavey, Mate let’s hope his “rope” is actually a bungy cord, that will snap him back before he gets away 😉

      But the ALP generally, and Shorten in particular need to get their collective fingers out 😯

      Cheers 😀


  11. Judiloo says:

    If, as you say, that Shorten is possibly going for the small target approach and that is a very BIG possibility, then to me it just proves how much in touch are the R&F and how NOT in touch is the caucus.
    Today here in the West while helping scrutinise the Senate votes (hopefully finished tomorrow) I was speaking with a Person from the Greens Party about this very subject. She said that having spoken to a number of Labor supporters/members there was a general consensus among them that Labor was becoming too conservative and they were none too happy about this. Pretty much sums up what most commenters say online. Labor had better shape up and quickly otherwise they will loose a lot of their support base. And Bill Shorten had better stop using the soft target approach and get out there and face us and give us some reason to be faithful. My guess is that Albo would have doing just that if he was our leader.


    • bighead1883 says:

      Boom boom,the truth you say.Judiloo


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Judiloo, yes the caucus are way out of touch with the R & F, and for that matter, the majority of wider community of supporters 😦

      And I agree that if they don’t shape up to the Abbott soon, they will be in opposition for years, and this country will take decades to recover, if in fact it’s even possible by then 😯

      I also agree that Albo wouldn’t have let the grass grow under his feet, but he would have been all over them like a bad rash 😀

      Cheers 😀


  12. Pingback: How long before we see blood on the streets? | Truth Seekers Musings

  13. Pingback: How long before we see blood on the streets? | PNCAU

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  15. Just get rid of the “Labourals” (ALP) . Let us Just have the real looney right wing arseholes and the real opposition:The Greens.


  16. Paul says:

    I Googled “Australia Fascist” to see if anyone else was coming to the conclusion that we were lurching towards fascism as a country under this conservative (NOT Liberal) government.
    It seems that I am not alone, which is comforting in a way, as I was thinking perhaps I was nuts for thinking this.
    Believe me, many Germans and Italians did not start out as Fascists, but a sophisticated propaganda machine, and a hate based political message did a lot toward swaying the thought process,
    The Nationalistic fervor that the USA inflict on their citizens has far reaching effects on Australia, especially when our televisions are owned by the same right wing zealots with massive dollars at stake.
    This government has given massive tax breaks for the rich and powerful, and is attacking the average citizens by loading those burdens onto them.
    The Mining boom has had such a bad effect on most Australians, with a real division between the classes emerging directly from it. Most of the money generated from our resources have gone overseas, or into the hands of a small handful of Australians. (27 Billion dollars to Gina alone, left an inheritance by her father who staked the claim 50 years ago.) yet she is seen as credible commentator on the problems for the poor)
    The mining tax was meant to shift this burden onto the resource sector, dominated by overseas interests… now that burden is being shifted to average aussies.
    Now we find out e are going back to Dames and Knights, (with approval for the Queen)
    The Queen owns 25%of Rio Tinto ming group… Queen Victoria used to own all of Rio Tinto, and the crown jewels are made up of Gemstones and gold from the rape of Africa.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Paul, welcome to Truth Seekers, 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      Mate you are definitely not alone in those thoughts, as there are many of like mind here 😀

      I agree that a good (and I use the term loosely) propaganda campaign can change the very fabric of society, as was witnessed during Hitlers Tenure, with the help of Goebbels, who’s ideas seem to have been widely embraced by this LNP mob, as their only media policy. 👿

      I am in QLD, and I think we are leading the way to a fascist state, but the other states are catching up, and are not far behind. 😡

      We have a bit of fun here, and much of it at Abbott’s and the LNP’s expense. 😯 and you are more than welcome to join our conversations at any time. 😉

      Cheers 😀


  17. Taylor says:

    Like Paul, I’ve been Googling, too – ‘Fascism in Australia’ being one of them (and the only one to display search results).

    I found myself wondering: why JFK was assassinated in a heartbeat, but repulsive and morally bankrupt creatures like Abbott, Hockey, Pyne, Morrison, Bishop and the rest are still standing? I find that most suspect and quite astonishing. Am I the only one?

    There is a phrase – ‘morphic resonance’ – coined by Rupert Sheldrake. Argue it’s scientific validity, by all means, and sweep it under clouds of ‘romantic delusion’, but have you never wondered how, through history, people unrelated and unknown to each other, at entirely different locations around the world, all come up with the same thought or idea at exactly the same time? What about the large flock of birds we’ve all seen who so perfectly synchronize their every turn and move as they fly above us? How are the two situations possible if not by means of at least a type of morphic resonance?

    We can surely do much worse than consider Sheldrake’s ideologies, who, according to a cynical “…prefers a romantic vision of the past to the bleak picture of a world run by technocrats who want to control nature and destroy much of the environment in the process.,,”

    ….because, let’s face it, the vision he didn’t want to entertain is now alive and well in 21st century Australia (and worse)- and we have the audacity to wonder why.

    I sincerely can’t help but wonder how the malignant disease of corruption and human rights abuses infesting Australia’s Government and political system will end – but end, it surely must.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Taylor, welcome to truth seekers, 🙂 and thanks for your comment 😎

      Sadly, I have to agree, and Australia of the 21st century, under this bunch of RWNJ’s, will look a lot like the early 20th century for the rest of the developed world. 🙄

      And yes… “End it must!” starting next year with Newman, followed closely by flushing the Abbott scum well and truly down the dunny of history, for them to reside in their final resting place… History’s political cesspit!

      Cheers 🙂


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