Desperate times call for desperate measures


Me in somewhat better days

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

This is the post I hoped I would never have to write, but as the title implies, I’m desperate!

As those of you who have been regular visitors to TSM would know, I have lung disease, and any who have read my comments of late would know, my health has been deteriorating greatly over the last few months.   😦

Breathing is one of those natural things that we all take very much for granted, until we struggle to do it, at which time we realise that it affects everything we do, and every aspect of our lives.   😯   Hence the the Lung foundations motto “When you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.”

Now, for those that are not familiar with my illness, let me explain.

About 15 years ago, I was diagnosed with a degenerative lung diseasea which is rare genetic form of emphysema called “Alpha 1 antitripsyn deficiency“, which basically means that the protein (Alpha 1 antitripsyn) that predominantly protects the lungs and liver from enzyme damage, isn’t produced by my body.   😦

It is different from other forms of emphysema, as it is not caused by smoking, but by having both parents being carriers of the defective gene, which mine are   😦   , meaning that I won the bad gene lottery, inheriting the worst kind of Alpha 1 (type ZZ).

My specialist originally picked it up on a high resolution xray, because normal emphysema starts in the upper lobes of the lungs, whereas Alpha 1 starts in the lower lobes.   He then sent me for a genetic test which confirmed our worst fears.   😦

Because the protective protein is absent,  the air sacks within the lungs are attacked and degraded by the aforementioned  damaging enzymes, and lose their ability to maintain their shape and elasticity, eventually becoming saggy and ineffective at transferring oxygen into the blood stream.

For example, my BI has the normal version of emphysema, with less lung capacity than mine, and still a smoker, yet he maintains blood saturation levels of 96 -97%, whereas mine, at rest are around 90 – 91%, and, of late, regularly drop as low as 82% if I try to walk more than a few steps at anything more than a slow snails pace, and are often down to 77% briefly, at which time you feel bloody awful.   😡

And the question is why am I telling you all this?

Well when I last saw my specialist, around three months ago, he recommended that I try to get a portable oxygen concentrator, to help with my mobility, but since then  my condition has deteriorated further, to the point where I also now  need , a portable electric wheelchair to get pretty much anywhere   😯

I do have a home oxygen concentrator (Which extracts medical grade oxygen from the air), supplied by the good people at MASS (Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme), which I am using right now as I type   😯   ) and a wheelie walker   O_o   but all they can offer me, is to replace my concentrator with portable oxygen bottles, which are no good for me, as I have no upper body strength left to lug them around; and they cannot tell me when they can get back to reassess me for a wheelchair, which I may not even qualify for anyway under their criteria, as they are grossly under staffed and under funded    😯

The problem that I have is that all medical equipment has a price premium attached, and with the governments cuts there is little option for people like me, on a part DSP.

The other problem is that with basically no upper body strength, I need a concentrator that is powerful but small and  light, so that I can carry it with me, and there are only 2 that fit the bill, both are new technology, battery operated and weigh around 2 kg which is about as much as I can carry   😦

My oxygen script at rest is for 2 ltrs per minute, but I need a unit that can deliver 3 – 4 ltrs per minute when I’m walking, or doing anything remotely strenuous, and these 2 units are the only ones that I’ve found that meet my requirements, and they range in price from around $4,000 – $5,000    😯

These are the only two options that I’ve found, that suit my needs.


Inogen One G3

Inogen One G3

The need for the wheelchair has been highlighted over the last few weeks, as we have had a number of visits to the hospital, where my wife has had to borrow one, to get me from the car to the clinic, as I just can’t walk there   😦

But she is only small, and due to my lack of fitness, and ability to exercise, I’m over 105 kg which means that she really struggles to push me up even the slightest incline

And I am now at a point where to walk anywhere is quite dangerous for me, as my respiratory physiotherapist warned me,  extended periods with blood sats below 90% can result in organ damage, including brain damage (although some would argue, that ship has already sailed   O_o   😕   o_O   ) and even heart attack   😯

So I really need a strong but light weight electric wheelchair that can be easily folded and lifted into the car, but small enough and powerful enough to get me around   🙄

They range from around $3,500 – $4,500 new, and a bit less second hand , when available?   😯

There are a few, but this is one of the better options, for my needs, that I’ve found;

Now I know that TSM is only a small site, with a small, but loyal, following, and I have agonised over whether or not to ask for help from people I consider friends, but as I said, desperate times call for desperate measures   😦   So I am appealing to those of you that can spare a little cash,  to help if you can?

My goal is to raise $10,000 for the equipment that I need, including delivery costs and any necessary extras such as spare batteries etc.

Which is a lot of money for me, but if just 200 people could donate $50.00 each, then I would reach my goal.

I use those numbers as an example only, as I know for me even $50.00 is a lot of money, so any donation would be gratefully received, and personally acknowledged by email.

I was originally hoping to record my song “Canopy of leaves”, to offer for donations, but sadly, what I have often referred to as “terminal porridge brain” is becoming an ever present problem, due to low blood sats, making concentration harder and harder for me   😡   so all I have at this time, is my poetry and writing.

So as an added incentive, if any donors of $25 or more have a favourite poem, and email me,  providing details of their donation, favourite poem etc,  and a postal address, I will endeavour to print out a copy on quality parchment paper, laminate it and post it ASAP.  (As porridge brain allows   O_o   )

Sadly, the way my health has deteriorated over the last few weeks, doing nothing is no longer an option for me, and after much soul searching and a few hard reality checks, I have decide that I need to ask for some help!   😦

So please help if you can, even if it’s just by sharing this post on your FB page or twitter account, and my wife and I will be eternally grateful to you, cos my grand realisation is that;

Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you can donate, please go to the donate page via the donate button on the side bar or the “Contact/Donate” page tab above.

For those that would like to donate, but do not have a PayPal account please email me, and we can make other arrangements   🙂

I will post regular updates as to how we are tracking.

Cheers   🙂


Day 1 tally = $1495.00 + some to arrive next week by snail mail   🙂

Thank you all for your well wishes and support   🙂   You are amazing!   🙂


Day 2 Tally = $50.00 + pledge

Running total = $1545.00


Day 3 Tally = $50.00

Running total = %1595.00


Day 4 = $50.00

Running total = $1645.00


Day 5 = $200.00

Running total = $1845.00


Day 6 = $80.00

Running total = $1925.00


Day 7 = $150.00

Running total = $2075.00

Day 9 = $412.00

Running total = $2487.00

Day 11 = $100.00

Running total = $2587.00

Day 12 = $20.00

Running total = $2607.00



Running total = $2757.00



Running total = $2807.00


+ $100.00

Running total = %2907.00

About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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91 Responses to Desperate times call for desperate measures

  1. Bighead1883 says:

    You bugga Truthy because not only me,but others asked a while back how you were coping especially with getting hold of a portable oxygen generating unit,sheeze that might have been a year ago now.
    Both ❤ darling and I 😕 have done as you ask and I hope your needs are met quickly 🙂
    Glad to assist

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Judes says:

    You should have no trouble at all in reaching your goal Truthy, because you give something special to everyone of us who visit your site everyday. It’s time for those of us who comment and enjoy visiting TSM, to give something back. 😍 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. consider says:

    Hang in there, mate. We will be in touch shortly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Consider 🙂 Just got back from Caloundra hospital, making sure that dad is settled in ok, after his transfer from Nambour 🙂

      Hope you and the lovely Considerette are well and happy?

      Thanks mate for your kind words and support, it means so much to us 🙂

      I will email you later, as I’m just trying to catch up on everything now, and the concentrator is working overtime 😯

      Cheers mate 🙂


  4. silkworm says:

    Please consider cannabis oil.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hi Silkworm 🙂 and thanks so much for you support 😎

      I’m already a great believer in it, and only hope that the powers that be can get their acts together to legalise it quickly???

      Cheers 🙂


  5. JohnB says:

    Sorry to hear of your problems Truthy.
    Makes one take stock of what is important in life -and breathing is number 1.
    You have done an incredible job keeping this blog running through all your difficulties – I for one, appreciate your fairness and compassion which is so evident in your writings.

    Us lefties may not be sucked in by religious based fantasy/comfort tales, but we practice an almost unconscious form – the purest form – caring and looking after others around us.
    An unshakable simple faith of care that goes on forever, and is passed without words by all one touches in that way.
    It is the essence of our politics too – so I guess that’s why we gravitate here.
    Our light on the hill is fairness, truth and caring.

    Best wishes Truthy, will help if I can.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey John 🙂 Thanks mate, for your kind and generous support, and for being a truly decent, compassionate and passionate man. 🙂

      And sadly you are right that the true meaning and beliefs of Christianity are lost on some that call themselves Christians, and we all know some very high profile ones that fit that category 👿

      You are also right that the left of politics generally have a much deeper level of care and concern for their fellow man, and an active social conscience 😯

      Thanks again mate for your well wishes and support, it means a lot to us 🙂

      Cheers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Sad to hear of this situation TruthSeeker. As the one who inspired me to get out the poetry lash to scourge the degenerate LNP, you inhabit a very special place in my heart (lucky for you it’s not in my mind…). I have tweeted this link to my followers, and hopefully they will tweet it to theirs. May the response from the wider world exceed your wildest dreams. Much love, TFHOz.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Judes says:

      Howdy Tinfoilhatter .. Good to see you again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bighead1883 says:

        Truthy check out these tweets as crowdfunding happens all the time on Twitter and they`re talking sense
        Tweets are thankfully getting bites 🙂
        GreyPowerLabor ‏@Biggy1883 9m9 minutes ago Chicago, IL
        Old Lefty needs help 2 buy portable oxygen machine+electric W/Chair
        Desperate times call for desperate measures

        Comrade Fair Go ‏@suthernx 4m4 minutes ago
        Have you thought about doing a go fund me campaign.
        I believe @shane25873 had great success with his.
        Seems people happy 2 give

        Shane Matthew Neave ‏@shane25873 58s59 seconds ago
        @Biggy1883 OzCrowd are a great Aussie crowdfunding site, easy to set up, just need to fill in the boxes, wait a few hrs, and it’s done!

        Liked by 3 people

        • Bighead1883 says:

          Shane Matthew Neave ‏@shane25873 2m2 minutes ago
          @Biggy1883 @suthernx Set up a variable acct though, not a fixed one, that way he can get the money at any time, doesn’t need to reach goal.

          Liked by 2 people

      • Tinfoilhatter says:

        Hello, the beautiful Judes… I do try to catch up with comrades as much as possible, but they may not know I’m there. Most of my free time is spent building memes (and in the twittersphere lashing the incompetent LNP) attaching hashtags to diverse worldwide trends to en-sewer wider #LNPfail exposure…

        Now we must get this out to a wider audience for TruthSeeker. To any other tweeters out there – #health #poetry #truth #musings #love #funding #help – might be some good hashies to go with… any other tag suggestions welcome. <]:-)…

        Liked by 2 people

        • Judes says:

          LOL, Good to see you haven’t change a bit. 🙂 I’m more of a twit ..not a Twitter, and an old scary cat so I don’t stick my face on Facebook either. I will bang about and drop a link to this ‘Truthy’s page’ wherever I can. Let’s make it fly 🎈

          Liked by 1 person

          • sandrasearle says:

            I’m with you on this one Judes, have shared your plight on both twitter & facebook Truthie. Have suggested crowd funding on both sites. I know it works but don’t know much about setting these things up.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Truth Seeker says:

              Hi Sandra 🙂 and Thanks so much for your continued support, and for sharing my plight 🙂

              Yes, I was thinking about crowd funding, but after much soul searching and encouragement from Judes, Mel and others, I thought that TSM was the first place to start 🙂

              And so far the response and support from our wonderful Truth Seekers has been overwhelming, and very humbling 🙂

              I will certainly keep the other options open, for what may come next 😦 , but we’re just so grateful for the support from everyone that we have received so far 🙂

              Cheers 🙂


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Tinfoilhatter 🙂 And thank you for that 🙂 I am so glad to have helped inspire you, and am genuinely touched by your kind words and support 😳

      I always enjoy your comments here and on other sites, and although I have been finding it difficult of late to scour too many sites, as my concentration is not what it should be, I always make sure that I read yours when I come across them.

      Thanks again, and I will email you later, when time and oxygen permit 😉

      Cheers 🙂


  7. Dee says:

    Hi Truthy, I’m about to email you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. myzania3350 says:

    Reblogged this on myzania3350 and commented:
    Share this around and maybe consider helping out…. He tells the truth as it is in politics!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Caz2 says:

    Happy to help out and hope you reach your goal. My favourite poem is Dorothea Mackellar’s “Colour”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Caz2 🙂

      Thanks so much for your support and encouragement, it means a lot 🙂

      Unfortunately, I don’t think I can do anything with Dorothea Mackellar’s Poems, as that would almost certainly be a breach of copy-write 😦 but if there’s one of mine you would like I will happily oblige 🙂

      Cheers 🙂


  10. Joan McLaughlin says:

    Hi Truthseeker, I am sorry to read of your health problem, I would like to help, I don’t do Pay Pal though, would a cheque be okay? Best wishes to you and your wife,
    Joan McLaughlin

    Liked by 1 person

  11. driftwood12 says:

    Will catch up on matters with Truthy over the coming weeks.
    I put the feelers out here for a chair and oxy condenser. I live in a concentration of pensioners and retirees and aged care.

    One things annoys the hell out of me and that is the fact of the actual cost of a portable chair and a condensor.
    It goes like this, Jag and Morris cars once shared a common tail light part. Came in different boxes and price. Same old story.
    Hoitals have been giving aluminium crutches away for some time now. There is a constant supply at the tip shop put aside from scrap for the community. Unheard of in older decades of Australian darkness.
    Does anyone know an importer?
    I know one guy that buys his own containers and travels to China 2 aand 3 times a year. He has a guy over there he pays pocket money to , to source and deal the items he wants. Language and home town advantage.
    Some years ago i had the opportunity to start up with my own business on some items.
    A hand held two way radio that was the rage here for a while- certainly saves on ph calls, was 160 dollars each . He could get a box of a dozen for under a 100.
    Wheelchairs and oxy condensors would be the same. Same situation with the guy on the news recently . 100,00 dollars for a course of HepC pills- a 100 dollars from India.

    Nothing has changed in this country with this rorting and extortion.
    I said years ago when the ndis was being first being discussed that our lot will soon turn it into their welfare. That the price of wheelchairs will go up thousands overnight.

    There has always been the greatest pack of arseholes and scammers involved with aged care etc here. It is a goldmine. Near twenty years ago it came out that billions of dollars were scammed for decades out of the system of care. They are very rich and well off people today and thats not even considering those dipping into old peoples houses and belongings .And i would hazard a guess of the type largely being liberal voters. These scum are what people are up against politically in this country. You meet them and you’d think butter would’nt melt in their mouth. Ruthless and very superior. Contacts and all doors open for them front and back.
    Truthy, i would guess that there are hundreds of chairs and condensors in Australia not being used, the trick is to get word out and source them.
    Truthy, you’d get more than a dozen chairs from china for 5000.

    Truthy ,today that chair should not be over 1200 dollars. There is far more complicated matters of machinery being manufactured and sold profitably here for 700 dollars.
    I hate these people who do this and exploit these situations and that “our” govts are the largest supporters of them even to the point of passing laws to enforce the profiteering infuriates me. And the turds and their ilk have had a huge say in Brisbane over the decades.
    This may be a matter we can spread knowledge of here and to all circles.
    Another guy was importing from China and asia . One purchase was western belts. He bought 2000 in one load for 50 cents each. Sold them all in 3 mths for 50 each. Evety purchase he did was like that, by the container load and he said he sold one lot of belts at one show.
    All no tax , whatever he feels like.
    As you know im tending my car at the minute Truthy but ill get 50 to you or direct debits very soon. Truthy, i still say to you, have some pure licorice root tea and see how it leaves you. It’s been used for centuries for lung matters and works that good Pharma doesnt want you knowing,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Jim, yes mate there are plenty of scammers, 😦 there are also the small cheap Chinese Portable concentrators for around $500.00 but they don’t actually produce any oxygen, 😯 and I’ve been advised by many different sources, including my respiratory physio and the man that services my home concentrator to only buy reputable and well known brands, from authorised dealers, as they can be very expensive to fix, if they go wrong 😦

      But as you say they are all overpriced, cos if you need one, you just have to pay for it… If you can afford it??? 😡

      Liked by 1 person

      • driftwood12 says:

        Truthy, to me that sounds a bit like the Australian dentist terrorising everyone to pay 40,000 dollars here instead of 6 to 8 overseas and a holiday for the same :). Puxing is just one supplier of suberb hospital equipment coming out of China. So much for free market , with so many matters cut off from us. The big name guitars, all made in asia and many in the one factory, but you have to buy it off the big guys for fancy thousands. Its what they can get away with. The pic of your wanted condensor looks Asian made to me and with so many millionaires and the population in China i cant see how they wouldnt have quality ones there. I know a guy lives across Asia, spends a lot of time in China, he wont come home except to visit. Eats out every night, hasnt cleaned a plate for years. All healthy food, says the hospitals are like five star hotels. Whatever you need, a specialist is available on the spot and the food and treatment is five star.

        I would love to see a register of this type of equipment in this country. Its something the nation community could do for itself. That mob you said are pushed for funding and volunteers on the wheelchair matter etc, that sounds a bit suss to me like commercial activity is involved. They are’nt allowed to intrude i’m guessing. I have seen it before in this country. It’s like Ebay filtering out foreign sites here or a shop not allowed to sell something because another shop sells it. I cannot believe the situation. I said years ago when a national scheme was being formulated and spoken of that our lot will turn that ndis money into welfare for themselves in quick time, that the price of wheelchairs will go through the roof. The comeback by politicians at the time through the media said “We’ll be watching. Which it appears that is all they are doing. I think we will find the market is highly protected. I believe a quality replacement for both the chair and condensor could be found by persons with better resources than us for a third of the scalping. But what can you do? I hope i twig someone or others to look into things and alternatives in these and like matters. This situation is the pits. I cant believe it but then i can.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Hey mate 🙂

          The two people I mentioned have no vested interests, as neither deal in the machines, but have had clients that have wasted their money on the cheapies . 😦

          I do however have no doubts that even the good ones are manufactured in China or somewhere in Asia, but like everything, you have to be careful, as there are lots of copies around.

          My Physio told me of some new ones purchased by her clients, that they tested at the hospital, for oxygen production, and found they produced none at all 😯 , and the service guy told me of clients who’s machines broke, and had to be returned to the USA or China at their own expense, to get them fixed 😦

          He works for MASS, who don’t even supply the portable concentrators, but only the big home jobbies 😉 that are state subsidised.

          I have done a bit of checking, and the two I’ve posted are the only ones I’ve found that seem to fit my requirements, of higher output, good battery life, and reliability, and are from reputable companies.

          There are others, from well known companies too, but they are too heavy for me to carry around, and the lighter ones only produce 2 ltrs per minute on pulse, which isn’t sufficient for my needs 😦 and are just as expensive anyway 😯

          My main concern is the price of the dollar ATM as it may well push the price of the units up further 😦

          I do agree though that they are grossly over priced, and should be subsidised, for their preventative health care qualities, as like many things, they would save money for the system long term.

          Liked by 2 people

          • driftwood12 says:

            Yep, the system the way it is makes more trouble especially in peoples pockets and stress levels. I dont doubt that cheapies in quality exist but the thought that somewhere someone has them for the right price and quality would exist. In a country that kills its own increasingly for a dollar , and tends to crop us more, that charges over 10 thou for Fred Hollows 50 cent eye op and forces a ten year wait, i have doubts Truthy.
            The MASS crowd will know or have the standard story and may subserve like the RSL on war damage to its men. For a trade and market that can stuff itself , have the resources of countries defence and intel to spread its property, that calls so many shots in peoples governence for itself and markets and TPP’s, I would say we are getting screwed over.The wheelchair matter is an obvious case in point. Somethings terribly wrong if the stress and trouble has so little choices in 2015 for a nations peoples greater comfort and survival and its stinks like money annd markets to me. Squeezing sick peoples wallets to see how much they want something is a old market angle going back to the caves. The market and players can topple Monarchs but cant service the people with the same attention. And a nations people are’nt allowed to do it for themselves with their own governments resources. Theres enough aluminium crutches get thrown away they could fence half the Bruce highway using them as pickets but a 750 dollar wheelchair is 5000. Somethings wrong. Bent priorities.
            How much are those jeeps costing us again 😉

            Liked by 1 person

            • Truth Seeker says:

              Hey Jim, 🙂

              On the MASS website you can see the cost of the wheelchairs that they carry 😯 and other medical equipment too 😉

              But the fact remains that when the need is for specialised equipment, the suppliers can charge what they like, and consequently do 😡

              The sick and in need are easy to take advantage of 😈 and that goes for govs too 👿


              • driftwood12 says:

                Yep, we gotta have them. I’d like to pull one of those oxy condensors apart and have a look inside. There shouldnt be such a monopoly on breathing. It looks like my ten dollar jug. If Fran kept any penpals from her Cuba aquaintances , that might come in handy. I might write to some people in Cuba and China and see what the go is. Fine people. But we are stuck with the choices it appears. Sown up. Shouldnt be a monopoly on breathing.
                That machine wont be rocket science, or making one that works. Licences may come into it. I’m going to get in touch with some people in China , make some enquiries. Dont hold your breath.
                Myself Truthy, already sourced the parts for my own gopher if the need ever arises as it appeared to be for a while. Was going to make one for my mum but my sister bought her one. Decent lithium battery is the greatest expense. 400 dollars or so.Was’nt going to cost over 600. I think today though, you can score yourself for that. I want mags, sport steering wheel, cd and fishing rod holder. Get the chicks.
                We’ve met before Truthy, seen you around, been in the same room.Catch you later, dont bother answering.


              • Bighead1883 says:

                Truthy,to be fair,specialized equipment for those with medical conditions requiring them is costly by the very nature of fact

                Take a good look at the hospital bed your father is in
                It raises itself vertically or from the back and some even lower at the legs
                There are rails and more hanging points than a “silks brief”

                ❤ darling has a recliner that is motorized
                It tilts to recline and lift her to a sitting position at nearly standing when ejecting her 😯 .
                A true engineering marvel and cost a bit over $4,500
                This auto reclining/ejecting chair is plush velvet lined in Maroon.
                Now Truthy I`ve seen recliners in furniture stores in the 1500-2000 bracket so for all it features ❤ darlings seemed reasonable value.

                Now we can all see what Labor is trying to achieve in the NDIS and these things would be made available on a needs basis-Like Gonski,on a needs basis

                Liked by 1 person

                • Truth Seeker says:

                  Mate, I agree, but there still seems to be a lot of gouging going on in some areas of medical equipment 😯

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Bighead1883 says:

                  Well if the neo-cons get their way in the TPP then many medications will be out of the reach of most,
                  A unit like a electric wheelchair or portable oxy generator lasts many years and is a one off purchase only renewed when worn out.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Truth Seeker says:

                  Yes mate, WRT equipment, you would certainly hope so 🙂


                • driftwood12 says:

                  All over the state Biggy, those beds have been scrapped and sent to the tips. Extremely minor problems with many, some just cosmetic, they were selling like hot cakes here by the truckload and dumped by the truckload with overhauling as well. Nothing wrong with the majority of them. And worth the 40 dollars for the steel alone.
                  Council had an upgrade of 3 phase pumps- southern cross. Pumps only some months old were thrown because someones pulled a deal. I ended up with one, 3500 dollar pump for 180 dollars. I tried to pass it onto Australia zoo and Bob Irwins farm but eventually gave it away. Goes on all the time. Instead of market brutalities like Woolworths throwing out food, something should be done with such matters other than silent disposal.
                  Things arent going to change anytime soon for Truthy though. I can do better than 50 over a few months for him too. The guys worth his weight in gold.
                  Those chairs are a great thing. I believe from memory an Australian made them. Biggy if i’ve ever wanted something, i’ve made it for myself. From being poor and a great disgust of paying 1000 for sonething i can do for myself for 300.
                  That those chairs or their likes arent mass produced smells a little like monopoly and prestige money. Its basically a matter of right grade of pivoting and engining and switching. Only thing with my way is there is only one of me to do any making. And others abilities leaves them fragile to markets and profiteering. You know yourself, put the word Marine , on the label and the price triples. We are being had with much of medical and hospital supplies, especially in other days.


                • Bighead1883 says:

                  Well in this instance Truthy needs the equipment desired and making it is out of the question Jim.
                  I`ll keep tweeting his message 🙂

                  Liked by 3 people

                • Truth Seeker says:

                  Thanks mate 🙂 I appreciate it 🙂


  12. silkworm says:

    I’ve heard that nettle tea is good for lung conditions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • driftwood12 says:

      Nettle and green oats for libido. Nettle for urinary matters. Have’nt heard about nettle for lungs. Lot of people say mary jane is a cure all. Its supposed to help people with or susceptable to Glaucoma. My family has glaucoma sufferers in our lineage and when i’d have a smoke on occasion ,my eyes get high pressure, sore and bloodshot. Dopes biggest ” help” is the vision it gives of ones self. Makes me panic, dont like it, having post stress , i get no help from it. Makes me feel defenceless, guard down to much , does nothing for me at all. Known a lot of heavy pot smokers who were Joe Cool to be with and a touch superior and defensive with it but lunatics and many violently insanely abusive without it and coming down. Paranoid and striking out in fear. Pots addictive, heavily to the mind. You read all the time from people who’ve smoked for years and say it and them is fine. If you can put up with the antics between highs or running out.
      Plants have many strange defenses and chemical uses. Makes me wonder what the plants idea is with pot. Spreading the seeds is one reason and to keep whatevers around coming back. But the whole psyche trips a mystery. I suspect a lot of animals would have been susceptable to predators on it. I wonder if the plant had chemically chosen its victims amongst those that did ok on it. Animals whose habits were detrimental to the plant and its survival.
      Each to their own. Was just reading, pots first weeks sales as legal in Oregon topped 11 million dollars.
      Blueberries are known to increase night vision. Pilots in the war were given blueberry jam before sorties. Supposed to be good for nerves. Blueberries also grow in the region where Multiple sclerosis is most common. Towards the poles where long days and nights play hell with humans. Shift workers have been compensated for getting ms from living under flouro lights and body clock out of whack so somethings been proven.
      We have a lot to learn, what is kept from us for monetary advantage and having an upper hand over life and death is a huge pastime for some who master and crop others for profit.
      Their must be at least 2000 unused electric wheelchairs in this country and oxy condensors laying idle. Its a pity society couldnt come up with a monitoring system for people like in Truthies situation to make the most of and to build on the supply.
      The TPP holds it all and this country has been priming for the TPP for some years installing the bits and pieces of the US style system. Including the psyche and management psyche. And simple affairs like an electric wheelchair and oxy condensor still, in 2015 are such a heavily manipulated item to profit on the ill and weak. There is no reason, other than manipulated profiteering that these items are’nt available by our national community for each other if at least just in true value.
      I will never accept the US system likes in this country. It is a predatory fraud and abomination of management. Only one in 5 Americans has a thousand dollars in the bank. The majority have nothing, juggling day after day. No wonder God is so big there.
      This country is facing a mountain to climb. That we are forced to participate in brutal opportuning on each other.
      Those people afore mentioned of homes and care and profiting, i’ve a few of them and a lot is left desired. Many extremely wealthy and into real estate. The NDIS was born of their rorting. Billions, heights figure on it could only state that and to put a figure on the ceiling of it was imeasureable , anyones guess. It was Tolerated by heights and our management for decades because that was one of the games behind everyones back of wealth and heights and politics. Money definately doesnt make the man. The new world is about brutal rat cunning. Unfortunately, it always has to too many.
      Our health system and store houses full of humanity, wheelchairs, oxy condensors, all gone to houses on the hill in Hamilton and mansions dotted over the landscape and investments. That is a fact and they had a huge say in Brisbane and govt for decades.
      The club , and you aint in it.


      • silkworm says:

        There are different types of pot. Street pot is different from the way it was 20 years ago. It is now virtually pure THC, unfortunately with most of the CBD bred out of it. Consequently, modern street pot is more psychoactive, with some minor negative effects such as paranoia and sedation. However, many hybrid strains have had the CBD bred back into them. Now, while pure THC is still therapeutic, being able by itself to cure most cancers (and depending on dose and method of delivery), having a balanced CBD-THC strain can be even more therapeutic, with none of the negative side effects of pure THC.

        In Australia, CBD has recently been rescehuled to allow it to be prescribed by doctors, though there is no medical education that would allow a doctor to prescribe it. THC, however, remains Scedule 9, meaning it is a poison with no therapeutic potential at all, which is plainly nonsense. in April next year, the UN is reconsidering the resceduling of aqll drugs, and hopefully THC will be downgraded. This will enable scientists everywhere to perform research on this plant unhindered, and from what we already know about its healing potential for so many diseases, from cancer and HIV to schizophrenia (yes, even schizophrenia – it’s the CBD component which does the healing in this case), we can expect an avalanche of scientific information that will force, I believe, the total legalization of this miracle plant.

        Liked by 2 people

        • driftwood12 says:

          I have’nt read any of that info. My own noticings is that there seems to be quite a bit of cancer in the Caribean and west indian families. Could be nothing, just the circles i noted. As far as i know, the concentrated form of pot, skunk its sometimes called , fills psyche wards to overflowing with schizo’s and nervous breakdowns from it. The Logan psyche hospital was treating over a thousand people through the community. Not enough beds.
          My noticings of the streets is some people seem to be able to smoke it with no ill effect, but i’d still like to see what happens when they stop, try or the pot becomes unavailable.
          The old decades pot , bush pot we’d call it was quite tame but plenty of people still stuffed up on it. Effected them. I’ve seen paranoia and nervous breakdowns.
          A lot seems to depend on the person. As far as pot being a wondercure, i havent seen any info on that. There is a psychological effect of wellbeing and confidence with it and pronounced in some. They’ll swear its the tree of knowledge. I’ve read a lot on the psychlogy of illness, placebo etc. That may be where pot does its cures. Ive read pieces saying that many pills are rubbish and the body eventually cures a lot of troubles. Placebo’s do a lot of curing too in tests.
          It makes some people feel really well about themselves and good luck to them. I know from the streets that its troubles are real. You seem to have read a lot on it which i have’nt. That old day leaf was too much for me. I’m over aware and it does me no good. Realities fine by me. I dont get any peace out of it or the euphoric well being and confidence. I feel totally disarmed and like a cat on a hot tin roof. Had a lot of life stress.

          It would already have been tested. Myself, i hope otherwise but i worry of one big stuff up of a social experiment with it. A lot of people are sedate and peaceful on it, a lot are not and the people who want it legalized dont ever mention that part or coming down off a gutful of rum or bourbon on it. Thats why i think the selling is fraud because they dont admit it and that part worries me.How society will handle it. But overall being legal may be the way to go as being available takes a lot of the lure away from it. That feeling of getting something for yourself illegal like your sneaking in a win for yourself against the system.
          I hope your right. I’m fearing gated communities may rise in popularity. The people who are fine on it sell thats the case across the board and it certainly is not. I’ve seen people totally lose the plot. Im not referencing my troubles with it but what i know and have seen with my own eyes. Being legal may stop so many kids getting it pushed to them. Cigarettes, alcohol and pot is the way to be grown up for 13 year olds away from responsable people. People will have to be educated on it. Perhaps its a case of the devil we know and preferable to other street drugs. Or a boomtime for the psyche trade.
          I’ll be keeping my eye out for an island in case.I think Malcolms a smoker.


        • driftwood12 says:

          I just remembered i did read many moons ago that pot has an effect on the hormones which may be where cures are coming from with matters like cancer especially.


  13. driftwood12 says:

    Latest from Wikileaks on the TPP sections basics.


  14. Truth Seeker says:

    Well guys, the home trial for the Inova unit is booked for Fri lunchtime 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. T Gallager says:

    Truthseeker, I read of your plight and though I am in no position to help financially at the moment I did notice this ad .
    my brother in law is wcd and uses one of these ultra portable and he weights in at 150 ks,
    It may get you to your goal quicker and he has this exact brand and is very happy with it

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hi T Gallager 🙂 And welcome to TSM 🙂

      Sorry it took a while to get back to you, but I had to go out to get a new phone for my dad who’s in hospital, and have just finished setting it up for him.

      Thanks for your concern, and the link, I will certainly check it out, 😎

      Cheers 🙂


  16. Terri says:

    There is a bit more on if it helps, and good luck in your battle

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hi Terri 🙂 thanks for that, I did check out the ad, and was going to google the specs when I got a minute, so you’ve saved me some time there 😎

      It is certainly worth considering, and I really appreciate your effort on my behalf 🙂

      So thanks again 🙂

      Cheers 🙂


  17. Truth Seeker says:

    Well Truth Seekers, I went down on Thursday, and bought the wheelchair that Terri kindly gave me the link to 😀

    I’ve been pretty crook, with another infection, so I couldn’t post it yesterday, so I just want to say again a huge thank you to Terri and all those that donated.

    It’s a great chair, and will be a big help to us both.
    It had its first run yesterday with a visit to see my dad in hospital, and will be going in again tomorrow, and I have another specialists appointment next Tuesday in Brisbane, at the Prince Charles Hospital, with many more to come, so it will get plenty of use 🙂

    I will post a pic over the next couple of days all being well 😉

    Cheers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Terri Gallagher says:

    Truthseeker, I’m so pleased I could be of some help and as one on a disability pension myself I know how have it is to get by financially day to day let alone have big outlays on health needs .
    My brother in law was basically housebound till he got the chair the same as yours and now has a degree of freedom .
    I am glad I was of a little help and maybe the savings made on the price of the one you originally targetted will go some way to getting your other items quicker .
    Good luck in you health struggles and I wish your father a good outcome

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Morning Terri 😀
      Thanks for your kind words, and wishes for me and my dad 🙂

      Yes it is hard on the DSP, and it’s even harder now for those, like my BI, who should be on it but don’t meet the new criteria of the LNP’ers 😡

      Take care of yourself, and thanks again 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      • driftwood12 says:

        And prices across the board have been rising. This is a very old , very repeated formula by heights for decades. Even further, heights are going to manufacture their own prey. When other matters should be relieved for stable life, community and growth, we will go the other way. The power behind that enforces this is the same behind the spy regime and 9/11 by plan OR the misadventure. It is the power behind the media and especially US media that invades here.
        More people rolled out of business, homes and ventures. More domestic violence, private health and legal cropped gardens.
        This is pure evidence heights goes in an opposite direction for wealth than what other charts and knowns say otherwise. This is the extents, not only being indulged in but furthered which has been the case in this corporatocracy Australia for many years now.
        This is where and how the US is run with money as God in the heights and whole setup.

        They were shaky on their feet for a while, the net frightened them but as Kissinger said in a Hitler speech prior to 9/11 , they must hold the course and see it through.
        The need of the golden days of politics through thuggery and cronyism and criminality of the Joke years came undone but they are still here. Power distances itself from what it caused and ran with the common “its a new day” theme but its all the same and what is criminal to populace is now attempted to be made into legal law to commit in and under THEIR new structure. Run and maintained on pure bullshit.

        A set of sponge polishing pads is 43 dollars at an auto accessory shop. The same is 8 dollars, will take 6 , free mail on the net. Everything else in the shop is of the same quality and pricing. That is an example of across the board matters in retail Australia. Including health and wheelchairs. It’s crippling people and condemning people to decades more of same . The heights feeding ground. No one , especially our governments ,is finding a way around these things for us. We are prey. The wolves in perpeturity deciding with the sheep what to have for lunch.

        It’s good to see Bill in the article i posted, standing up but its a pity it’s sham and media fodder for the sheep.

        Liked by 1 person

  19. driftwood12 says:

    An interesting piece out from the factory that produces spin and alpha males at whim.Straight out of the duopoly.

    Other matters ? Truthy i think we’ll find that community mob that helps with health matters etc, MASs or something? Won’t be allowed to venture into big markets. Wheelchairs etc.
    If a national registry of sales of such things could be kept for the communities sake , people would be a mile in front.
    And i’ll share something with you Truthy. I have seen two of those portable oxy machines at the rubbish tip in amongst a range of other medical equipment , clothes and personal items and family photo albums from people nursed at home. One was a body builder and from the magazines and etc dumped with it i suspect he was a cancer sufferer from steroids. I have held one of those machines, exactly the same, in my hand and threw it, didnt know what it was and never thought to find out.

    In the ABC today is an article of a Scottish woman who can smell Parkinson sufferers with a 100 percent success rate. I wrote to John Howard of the same ability around 15 years ago and have mentioned it on blogs. My heritage is also heavily Scottish.
    Funny thing, a great Aunt was a psychic. She was playing around holding the hands of her best friend , telling the future and foresaw her friends death. She freaked out and never did it again and lived very quietly and reclusive. Her friend died within the year.
    They were astute women apparently. One of them was the head of Cadbury’s chocolate decades ago for South Africa and was supposed to have started Cadbury’s in America. Not bad for a woman in those old decades. My Gran had to stay with them when my Grandfather was brought down ftom Cooktown during the war with TB. She said they were big women and very overbearing. She was scared of them.

    An insight. My Father was in town with one of them in Sydney , mid war. They were walking across the street and he heard a loud snap and Aunties underwear hit the street from under her long dress in front of stopped cars and she stepped out of them like it never happened without missing a beat of a step.
    My Father was sitting on the gutter in fits of laughter. She hated him and never spoke to him again. The upper class.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Jim 🙂

      Shame you didn’t know mate, cos they bring big bucks second hand as well 😦

      My grandmother was also psychic, and was afraid of what she could do 😯


      • driftwood12 says:

        I can’t indulge in cash in matters like that truthy. Thats why i’m poor. And happily so if that’s the cost. I’d guess the cost is from patents and medicinal grade plumbing and the big one perhaps- patents, monopoly guarded with the threat of death like their sales.
        They will be mass produced in Asia for around a hundred dollars each and have our govts security supplied to function and protect the atrocity.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Truth Seeker says:

    Hi all 🙂 I said a while ago that I would post a picture of me in the electric wheelchair, and we finally got to take one, so here it is.

    We have used the wheelchair extensively for hospital visits, and shopping outings etc since I got it, but we didn’t have the opportunity to take a photo until today 🙂

    Visiting the Eumundi markets, is something Mrs Truthy and I used to really enjoy, but haven’t been able to d for a number of years, due to my lack of mobility 😦 but thanks to all of you that donated, we were able to go there this morning, and spend a good couple of hours wandering around 😀

    So thanks again to all 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  21. JohnB says:

    Great to hear Truthy,
    It just needs GT stripes and a foxtailed aerial to really look the part you old lair.

    You’re lookin’ good!!
    Pleased to be able to help such a good and deserving comrade.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Truth Seeker says:

    Thanks John 🙂 we really appreciate it 😎

    Yes mate, I was thinking of a decent set of air horns too, cos the hooter that it has sounds more like the beep you hear when you set the time on the microwave 🙄 but people are very kind and usually try to get out of the way, when they see me coming… Or maybe they just think I’ll run them over 😯 😉

    From the 19th, I’ll be using it every Tues, to get from the disabled carpark to the hospital for my Lungmax rehab course, so it will certainly clock up the K’s 😀 although we’ve already done quite a few with it 😀

    Cheers mate 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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