The Lounge.

The Lounge. images Have a drink… Have a bite to eat… Have your say!

the-lounge   So grab a drink and something to eat, make yourself comfortable, sit back and enjoy the show, or better still… be a part of it 😯

Baby photo of Charlie, the "Lounge Dog"

Baby photo of Charlie, the “Lounge Dog”

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris. :grin:

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris. 😀

Charlie lounging after his 5K walk, this morning, in the rain .

Charlie lounging after his 5K morning walk, in the rain .



The newly installed “Mulled Wine” Spa.  😉

To maintain the fun and “Oasis in a desert of political madness” feel of the lounge, what I would ask of all our great and valued commenters at TSM is when commenting in the Lounge;
• All political comments, memes and links should be about current Australian political events (within the previous 24 hours or thereabouts), and kept fairly light, in the spirit of fun and consideration for other loungers 🙂
• Any and all “rants” on Aussie politics are welcome, but should be placed on either the Soapbox, the Dungeon, or Cornies page.   😀
• Any rants about overseas politics are welcome, but should be restricted to the Soapbox, where they can be readily viewed and discussed by those that are interested in international political affairs, and the deeper political questions    😉

All other areas of silliness, fun and personal sharing are welcome, and in fact encouraged, as we are all adults and friends here   😯    and that was what the lounge was originally intended for 😀

And finally, if a comment gets inadvertently posted in the lounge, which I deem to be better suited to another page, I reserve the right to copy and paste said comment to the relevant page, with a moderators comment that it has been moved, and where to find it. 😉

As has always been the policy at TSM, I will not delete or moderate comments except in extreme circumstances, but will rely on the decency and integrity of all truth seekers, as I know and appreciate that you are all really good and decent people, with no deliberate intent to upset or offend.

After all, we all love this great country, and are united in the common cause of fighting and ultimately defeating the real and present danger of rabid right wing nut-jobbery 😀

Enjoy!   😀

1,627 Responses to The Lounge.

  1. mel says:

    Evening Folks 🙂
    Trying really really hard to avoid the news again … my brain is starting to implode with all the crap going down … a few vat laps hasn’t helped either 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Mel 🙂

      Yes mate, it’s all pretty depressing 😦 But on the bright side, the implosion of the rabid right will be fun to watch… Like the slomo train crash that you just can’t look away from 😉

      You might need a couple of my enhanced cookies 😉

      Barkeep |_| |_| |_| |_|


      • mel says:

        Yes but when it is several slomo train crashes all descending on the same spot on the brick wall … has my eyes spinning in their sockets … probably not helped any by over medication and those damn fine cookies buddy 😉
        Heading for another humid nite down here, guess I’ll have to head to Botswana to get away from it all 😆
        Barkeep …

        Liked by 1 person

  2. TechinBris says:

    I see everyone is on holidays. Love and best wishes everyone. I am so glad this last year is over. It was dreadful.
    I hope everyone is doing OK and all is good. Hugs to everyone and apologies for my absence for so long. The hours of each day do not seem to be enough to get everything done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Techy 🙂 good to hear from you mate 😀

      yes, it was a pretty ordinary year, and like you, I’m glad it’s over too 🙂

      Hope the new year is a good one for you and yours mate, and although many truth seekers are feeling a certain level of political burn out, and high levels of frustration, we are all hoping that 2017 will be the year of revival, where the unprecedented levels of “stupid” are finally put to bed, and we can return to what’s in the best interests of our country and planet, 😛

      Having said that, the Donald T(party) Rump phenomena is a very scary issue for the world to deal with, and the advent of “Post-truth” and “Alternative facts” show that “STUPID” is alive and well, and residing in the black hearts and vacant minds of the rabid right 👿

      We can only hope that the Turdball induced reincarnation of PHON will come back to bite the LNP on their lazy, fat arses, as the right and rabid right fight amongst themselves to the point where they tear themselves apart 😀

      I’m hoping that with so much material to chose from, and the LNPee’ers displaying yet again, their embarrassment of… Embarrassments 🙂 that this year, I’ll be able to get my head back into gear, and write some more poems and articles 😯 But we still have a few lingering issues from 2016 to clear, like the leftovers from the bout of pneumonia last December, that nearly took me out 😦

      Anyway mate, it’s really good to catch up, and I look forward to all of us taking it up to the nut-jobs in the weeks and months ahead 😉

      Barkeep |_| |_| |_| |_|


  3. olddavey says:

    Hey, Truthy,
    I’ve seen you a few times on GA but not much else.
    Hope you’re hanging in there (was going to say”doing OK” but at our age hanging is probably a better word).
    I’ve recently been diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia which according to the doc is fairly common and just needs to be monitored.
    It’s probably no worse than Chronic Turnbull Ranting Syndrome, which is making His Lordship look like a total Dickhead.
    Anyway, mate, look after yourself. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Olddavey 🙂 Great to hear from you mate 😎

      Sorry to hear about your latest ailment, and I hope all goes well for you with it 🙂

      As for me, i’ve had the worst summer, with one infection after another, and am really struggling ATM with the leftovers from the last couple (Viral pneumonia just before Christmas. and a low level virus that attacked my airways, which I’m still recovering from) 😦

      Haven’t been able to write anything but relatively short comments that don’t take too much effort or concentration, and it’s driving me nuts! 😡 But I live in hope that with the cooler weather, and a bit of good luck, I’ll be able to start again soon 🙄

      I did just about lose the weight I needed to, to see about a lung transplant, but then in about 1 week, I put back on nearly 3 kgs which turned out to be all fluid, which I haven’t yet been able to completely shed again 😦 although I have lost most of it again now 🙂

      On a brighter note, you’re right about Turdball and his ranting, it’s like he has a remote controlled shotgun attached to his tongue , and every time he opens his mouth, he shoots himself in the foot 😯

      What a wanker! But then the entire LNP are like the slow mo train wreck that you know is going to end in carnage, but you just can’t look away 🙂

      Anyway mate, thanks for checking in, and I hope to catch up again soon

      Cheers |_| |_|

      Liked by 2 people

      • olddavey says:

        Thanks for the reply, old buddy, hope you get up to speed soon.
        According to my doc my ailment is fairly common and can go on for years without treatment. ( my good lady’s uncle hung around for 30 years)
        He’s referred me to a haematologist but said to do it at my leisure, so I won’t get too stressed about it.
        I really think that 45 years of smoking and drinking has set me up for life!!
        But,shit, old chap, I’m out of here and off for a good snooze, just remembered that SWMBO has another job for me to do tomorrow!
        Speak to you soon.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Russ says:

    Happy Easter every Bunny

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ, 🙂

      Happy Easter mate and to all truth seekers 🙂

      Barkeep |_| |_| |_|


      • olddavey says:

        Hey, TS, hope you’re feeling a bit better since the last time we spoke.
        Would love to see the blog up and running at full speed again.
        Cheers, mate, and look after yourself.

        Now, old buddy, just a quick medical note, because I know you’ve had some breathing issues.
        I have been prescribed a drug called Seretide which comes in an inhaler like Ventolin and another one called Spririva, which is a capsule used with a silly thing called a “handihaler”.
        I have to say that as a reformed smoker of 50 years who has been diagnosed with moderate emphysema i’m breathing like a champion.

        PS, I might make the odd political comment here if that’s OK with you.
        This mob “in charge” are pissing me off more than they ever have before.
        Turdball is a gutless prick, and he knows it.

        Hey, TS, I’m going, the crankies are starting to set in!!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Truth Seeker says:

          Hey Olddavey 🙂

          Mate, I’m hoping to get TSM back to full speed, but my reduced oxygen is really playing havoc with my head, as I find it really difficult to concentrate or focus for very long 😡 but I’m hoping to hear from the Prince Charles within the next few weeks, about getting on the transplant list??? 🙂 Anyway mate, in the mean time please feel free to comment as much as you like, and I’ll reply as much as I can 🙂

          WRT Seretide and Spiriva, they’ve been my mainstay meds for years now, although late last year, I went on to the latest Spiriva Respimat, which does away with the capsule in favour of a new delivery system which, when primed, gives a very fine spray, which I find better for me. 😉

          I really appreciate your kind thoughts and concern, and look forward to your further contributions mate, as you’re always welcome 🙂

          Cheers |_| |_| |_|


  5. Russ says:

    Howdy Truthy and all thrillseekers.
    I am just laying under the beer tap checking the pipes.

    I am planning to join the queue in Hobart to congratulate the bloke who allegedly bopped glass jaw Abbott on the mouth.
    If he really exists, I will shout him a beer.

    Cheers truthy, I will chuck myself out if I get too pissed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂

      Good to see you mate, 😀 and hope all’s well?

      Things have been pretty quiet of late, but I’m hoping that will change soon!

      Yes, as much as I don’t like violence, like you, part of me would like to buy him a beer, and give him instructions on how to give a proper “Liverpool Kiss” 😉

      I’m sure you’ve checked the taps too 😀

      Cheers mate 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • JohnB says:

        Hi Russ & Truthy,
        I also dislike violence, but ‘the people’ are being backed into a corner by corrupt anti-democratic plunderers of national commonwealth – is there a viable alternative?
        These treasonous LNP kleptocrats deserve much worse than Abbott received for the damage they have done to the people, economy and infrastructure of this nation.
        I despair.

        Here is a speech from Bernie Sanders at US Westminster College that I found outstanding.
        If only Australia had a “Bernie”.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Truth Seeker says:

          Hey John 🙂

          Yes mate, I agree entirely, the anger out there is palpable, and they were warned long ago that any plebiscite or Postal survey may well get ugly, so they have no-one to blame but themselves, and they could have done so much more for Australia with the $122 + million they’re wasting on this stupid “Survey”!

          Thanks for the link John 🙂

          And WRT Bernie Sanders… Yes mate… “If only” 😦

          Cheers 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Russ says:

    Must have fallen asleep under the tap.
    Howdy John B , Truthy and any other Lounge watchers.

    Hey Truthy, heres a challenge for your special skill set. How about recording a parody of Liberty Vallance, in regard to the bloke who claims to have bopped Abbott.

    i.e., The Man who bopped, Lliberties Abbott, etc. Just an idea. You could really tip a bucket on the squealy turd.
    Maybe, (thinking out loud here) the story line could run similar to Kevin bloody Wilsons Manuel the Bandito, as in the bully got shafted.

    I’m just going back under the tap. Pipes are fine by the way Truthy, but I will give you a second opinion.
    Cheers everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂
      Sadly mate, at the moment, my skill set is a bit depleted, as I haven’t recorded anything for around two years now 😦 But I might be able to make it a poem???

      Leave it with me, and I’ll see what I can come up with 😀

      In the mean time… Carry on with your inspections mate, I know you’ll do an upstanding job… until you can no longer be… Upstanding 🙂

      Cheers mate 😀


  7. Russ says:

    MorningTruthy, I must have gotten carried away with testing your beer taps. My tongue feels like the poo fairy shat on it this morning.

    Note to self, dont wash painkillers down with a couple of beers.

    Hope you are feeling betterish real soon Truthy.
    As soon as I shave my tongue, I have a list of chores that my wife has made for me to do during the holidays. I guess I should attempt at least one of them.

    try to keep cool mate. Cheers.
    PS. I just read your latest and it is another cracking effort mate. Good on you, for maintaining the faith whilst under the pump healthwise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Morning Russ 🙂
      Mate, don’t “Chore” yourself out, spread them over the entire holls, and make sure you take some time to enjoy yourself too, and be careful shaving that tongue… That’s one area where you don’t want to cut yourself shaving! 😉

      I’m hoping that my next visit to the hospital on the 5/10 will give me cause to feel at least somewhat better, but that’s in the hands of the transplant team???

      It’s supposed to be 33º today, so I will stay out of the sun and maybe put the aircon on???

      Glad you liked my poem mate, it was the first in months, so I was just glad to finish something 🙂

      Cheers mate 😀


  8. Russ says:

    Good Morning Truthy,
    Just popped into the bar to see how your waiting list is progressing.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better mate, if that is possible.

    Seasons Greetings everybody.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂

      Mate, you wouldn’t believe it, but we got “The Call” this morning 😯 Then as we were about to leave for the hospital we got another call saying that the donor lungs were not good enough 😦

      It’s a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but we’re hanging in there! 😉

      Hope you and yours are doing well mate, and seasons greetings to you too 🙂

      Cheers mate 🙂


  9. Russ says:

    Geez Mate, I cant imagine what sort of emotional roller coaster that you and Mrs Truthy are on.
    No doubt you would be stressing to the max over having the op, in the first place, without the on again off again aspect.
    I will be thinking of you both and send my prayers to you both for a wonderful outcome.

    Take care Truthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂
      Yes mate, the surgeon told us it was all a mental game from the time of getting on the list, and he wasn’t joking 😦
      The transplant coordinator told us that there can be up to 10 false alarms, although the average would be around 2-3, so we were warned, but it’s still a let down when it happens, and left us both pretty flat today, but hopefully, we’re one step closer, and know a bit more of what to expect now 🙂

      Thanks again for your kind thoughts and prayers mate, we greatly appreciate it.

      Cheers 🙂


  10. Russ says:

    Howdy Truthy. Do you still keep in contact with the esteemed lounge member, Frankstone?

    I saw a tweet on Q&A last night from Frank of Frankston and it instantly reminded me of our dear friend. He seemed like a real gem , always had good knowledge and real integrity.
    Just wondering mate.
    Take care Mr and Mrs Truthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂
      Sadly mate, I haven’t heard from Frank for a long time, but the last time I did, I seem to recall he said he was having a bit of a battle???

      Funny thing, I was thinking about him a couple of weeks ago, and wondering how he’s doing? 😯

      And right back at yer mate 🙂

      Cheers 😀


  11. Truth Seeker says:

    Merry Christmas all and I hope 2018 is a much better year for all of us! 🙂

    By way of a quick update, I’m still on the transplant list, and have had one false alarm call so far!

    Cheers to all 😀


  12. Russ says:

    Merry Christmas Truthy and Mrs Truthy, I hope Santa found his way to your special part of the world. I hope the weather was kind to you mate and that you are whittling down the waiting list.
    Seasons Greetings to all truthseekers.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Russ says:

    Thanks mate, I spent a few hours in casualty on Christmas eve after copping some shards of twigs and leaves in my eye , from the lawnmower that I bought my wife for Christmas (joke) whilst doing a hurried tidy up in the yard.
    Copped a shard the size of a match head in my left eye on the margin of the iris and pupil, which has resulted in a corneal ulcer. (having left it til the wee small hours to present at Casualty.)
    I live with chronic pain normally, but this was a whole ‘nuther type of pain, which nearly caused me to swear a bit. I guess the lesson is, don’t mow the lawn. The pain has pretty much subsided after much help from DR Tooheys and Anti bacterial drops.
    I’d better go and top up my fluids now.
    Happy New Year mate .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey mate 🙂 Sorry to hear about your “Mowing” incident, and I hope the drops worked as well as DR Tooheys did??? 😀

      Take care mate, and don’t mow the lawn again! 😉


  14. JohnB says:

    Hello Truthy,
    Haven’t heard from you for a while – wondering how you are faring in the health stakes – is your lung transplant still progressing or has it already progressed to a reality?

    See your contributions on the Guardian from time to time – and you are still making a lot of sense cutting down the LNP/neolib trolls.
    Hope you & Mrs Truthy are keeping reasonably well.

    The Aust Guardian is trying its hardest to look ‘independent’ & progressive but I remain unconvinced – it is still a product of corporate masters, and when the serious political shit hits the fan (so to speak) they will revert to corporate supportive MSM.
    I suspect the Guardian owners are exploiting the growing niche market of disillusioned ex MSM/Murdoch subscribers. The local G.A. staff insist they are independent of corporate ‘management’, however I think they are deluded dreamers. I observed what the GA did during the US primaries in backing Clinton rather than Sanders – even though Sanders promised WW2 level mobilisation action on AGW. Rusbridger’s much heralded stand against AGW was abandoned without a second thought.
    GA journo’s persist in writing copy with an eye to future employment careers in the Murdochracy – they almost always kow-tow to right wing conservatism.
    They have never backed Labor or progressives at election time – their economics commentary is solidly orthodox neoliberal.

    Perhaps I’m just getting old and cynical.
    I have been looking for a word/s that describes what the GA is doing – but can’t find it. ‘Fair weather friend’ comes close, but it doesn’t incorporate the cunning opportunist commercial deceit of the parent corporation.

    Anyhow -best wishes Truthy.
    John B.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey John, thanks for your concern mate, and I’ll get back to you shortly with an update. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey John 🙂 sorry it’s taken me a while to get back to you, but I’ve been crook since the start of summer, and had more test and stuff yesterday, and started another dose of AB’s 😦

      So far we’ve had 3 false alarms, the worst one in Jan, where we got the call at 10.45 pm, on a Friday night , arrived at the hospital at 12.45 Sat morning, was x rayed, showered, and prepped for surgery by 2.00 am, outside the operating theatre by 8.30 am, and at around 10.30 am told the lungs were no good, and to get dressed and go home 😦

      It’s a really hard and very weird ride that we’re on, but you have to take a fairly pragmatic approach to it all, or you’ll go mad.

      They did tell us that we could have up to 10 false alarms, with the average around 3-4, so hopefully we won’t have to wait too much longer?

      Summer’s been an absolute shocker for me, but we’re hoping that things will settle a bit as the weather cools???

      Anyway mate thanks again for your concern and on-going support, and I hope all’s well with you and yours?

      Take care mate, and I’ll update again soon, all being well?

      Cheers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • olddavey says:

        Hey, Truthy,
        Good to hear from you.
        Hope you can get some new air bags soon.
        Unfortunately, your model, like mine, is probably way too old to get a recall!
        On a less serious note and in the vein of John’s post, yesterday I posted this off topic just to get a response:
        “Dear Guardian
        Why am I unable to comment on these articles
        3 x articles listed
        Is it because of legal reasons etc?
        Thanks for your response”
        Now I’m being pre-moderated.
        They appear to be getting a bit too sensitive lately.
        Anyway, cheers and hope all goes well.
        Look after yourself!

        Liked by 1 person

        • JohnB says:

          Hello olddavey,
          I reckon the GA will sell us progressives out again come the next Federal election. All the signs are there, ‘Corporate blood’ is never far below the surface in MSM – a corporate profit seeker always remains a profit seeker – deals are quietly done when the price is right, then they get on with ‘the business’ of courting the punters.
          However, the GA is the only Australian MSM outlet that one can voice protesting progressive commentary – but I harbour no delusions as to where their ultimate loyalty lies.


      • JohnB says:

        Hi Truthy,
        Hope the new bellows turn up soon – must be very wearing – being in constant anticipation is very consuming of one’s daily life.
        Always enjoy your inputs to GA – keep firing in the comments; every progressive voice is needed to beat these vandalous avaricious neolibs who are ruthlessly taking control of the world.

        Had a few shots at Jericho recently – I’ve concluded that he too is a promoter of fake economic knowledge ‘hedging his bets’ to maintain a career in MSM. They sell us out for ego and peanuts.

        PS I no longer receive email TSM comment alerts – is that function disabled?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Truth Seeker says:

          Mate, thet arrived on Monday night 🙂
          I,m very sore, but doing well, having said that, it’s just taken me 15 minutes to write this much on my phone l, so i’ll kepp it short for now, bu just… WOOHOO! 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          • olddavey says:

            Hey, you old bastard,
            Fantastic to hear that the new airbags have been fitted!
            All i can say is “there but for the grace of god go i”.
            Pity about the god shit, but apart from that it’s a good saying.
            Look after yourself and we’ll talk again shortly.

            Liked by 1 person

          • JohnB says:

            Best wishes Truthy,
            I won’t get in your way here – hope you’ll soon be back in fighting form.


            Liked by 1 person

  15. Russ says:

    Excellent news Truthy. Hope you get them run in soon. We are delighted that your long anticipated wait is over.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Judes says:

    Good morning Mr Russ.. I have been peeping through the curtains from time to time waiting for the Main Man himself to feel well enough to Pop in, put his feet up and tell us about how he’s handling the new set of bagpipes. I’ve springcleaned and brushed the ‘illegals’ from the veranda, the mulled wine spa is bubbling again and the lap pool sparkles. The kitchen is ready to churn out those famous ‘Mel’s Specials’ fortified custard tarts..well any tarts actually, as it’s been so very quiet around here lately. The new barkeep looks promising ..I’m sampling his concoctions as fast as I can but without Mel here to help it’s a big job, but someone has to do it 🍾🥂 🍹 🍸
    The decorations and balloons are all in place for a welcome home party 🎉 For TRUTHY 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Russ says:

      Howdy Judes, sorry to leave you peeping thru the curtains for so long, but I only drop by occasionally now too, to see if Truthy is playing his harmonica again.

      So glad that you have been looking after the illegals for us, and see if you can persuade Summy into putting on some Yum Cha to lure Truthy back in to say hi.

      If Mel is behind the curtains tell her I said hi to her as well.

      I’m soo glad I didn’t walk around here in my undies whilst you were spring cleaning,,, better make that autumn cleaning now.

      Cheers Judes, lovely to see ya.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Russ says:

    Anybody interested in forming a 3 phase, all electric, solar powered, no talent all star band to play gigs here in Truthys bar, to encourage his recovery?

    Neither talent, ability nor a good voice is required as noone can hear us.

    We also are recruiting talent for an Irish Dancing troupe, to perform as well.

    Free drinks in endless quantities are available from the bar. Just help yourself folks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • olddavey says:

      Sounds a bit like the LNP.
      1 phase, all imbecilic, coal powered, less than no talent, all hot air band, with a bandleader who’s arseholery expands exponentially by the day.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Russ says:

    Too right Davey, The band of which Fizza spoke when he said ” the band is back together”, consisted of not so much Virtuosos, as virtue alsorans and complete bloody no-hopers and arse holes.

    There isn’t one of them .who could cut the mustard as second reserve, third triangle player in any decent mob.

    Just makes me shake my head at how we got to this point.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. olddavey says:

    “Just makes me shake my head at how we got to this point.”
    Me too, and the polls still have them almost in a winning position.
    It beggars belief. I’ve been voting in NSW and Vic since 1965 and I can’t recall a more inept bunch of spoilt brats on either side of politics.
    The closest is probably Billy McMahon, although he wasn’t trying to wreck the country, and Kennett in Victoria (who did his best to do as much damage as possible).
    All this shit doesn’t affect me too much, but I worry about my daughters generation and younger who will have to try and fix the mess.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Truth Seeker says:

    Hey guys
    Just a quick update
    8 weeks post transplant. And still i nhospital.
    Went home for 4 days over easter, and was readdmitted on the monday, as my lung function was dropping. 😦
    Hope to be home again by the weekend, and then I’ll try for a breakdown of my last 8 weeks…not a pretty story!
    Anyway thats about all I have un me for now,
    Except to sayI agree with all you’ve said
    Cheers Truthy.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Russ says:

      Hey Truthy, sorry it has been such a rough trot for you but despite the brave face you have always put on it, it is still a really major operation and I really admire your strength and fortitude.
      take it easy mate, and our best wishes to you and Mrs Truthy.
      Must be a harrowing journey for both of you. much love to both of you.

      Liked by 3 people

  21. Russ says:

    Hi Truthy, I think about you and Mrs Truthy often. I hope that you are doing as well as you can mate.
    Much love to both of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Truth Seeker says:

    It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you all that our beloved Mel has passed away.
    She finally succumbed to her illness yesterday, after collapsing at home, and a short time in ICU.
    Mel was a great friend to those that knew her, and a truly beautiful soul that will be sorely missed by her friends and the love of her life Tim.

    Vale Mel 😦 😥

    Liked by 2 people

    • Judes says:

      My very brave and special friend has gone 😭 I will miss her wisdom, her quirky sense of humour and our ( yes..most times quite lengthy ) frequent telephone chats.
      I first met Mel here in Truthy’s Lounge several years ago and although we never met I felt that I’d known her all of my life ..perhaps because we both grew up and lived in the same parts of NZ. We became part of each other’s families and shared the inevitable ups n downs.
      I take comfort in knowing that Mel is at last pain free … possibly even now, running around as Chief Advisor to those A1 Lady Detectives in the Botswana she loved to read about…or serving her special fortified custard tarts to her beloved French Detective.
      Mel’s passing leaves a huge gap in my life, I will miss her so very much.
      One for you Mel …BARKEEP ! …

      Liked by 2 people

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Hey Judes, yes, she was a true treasure, and although my liver is now playing up, and I’m advised not to drink anymore, I’ll take the chance and join you in one for Mel…. BARKEEP!

        Here’s to you Mel. Cheers mate!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Judes says:

          Thank you for joining me Truthy I have always enjoyed your company. Perhaps when ‘things’ begin to behave themselves once again, we will find more time to catch up with friends back in The Lounge. Meantime HO and I wish you better health in 2019 and send our kindest regards to both you and Mrs Truthy.

          Liked by 1 person

    • olddavey says:

      Very sad to hear that, TS.
      Hope Tim’s OK, and you too.
      We must all have a chat soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Hey Olddavey, yes mate, very sad.
        Tim and Mel were together for 30 years, so I’m sure he’s doing it tough ATM.

        I will be posting an update on the progress of me transplant over the next week or so, and yes it would be good to catch up.

        Cheers mate


        • Bighead1883 says:

          Hi Truthy it`s time to catch up

          Liked by 1 person

          • Truth Seeker says:

            Hi Biggy, yes mate it would be good to catch up.
            It’s been 10 months since my transplant, and quite a journey. The new lungs are doing really well, with no rejection thank God, but loads of other stuff has gone a bit whacko, the last of which being my livers a result of my ongoing Alpha 1.
            Back down to the Prince Charles tomorrow for another infusion so I hope to have some time after that to post a bit more detail of said journey.

            Cheers mate.


            • Bighead1883 says:

              I know Prince Charles well Truthy as I took my dad there in 1993/4 many times,finally fitted with pacemaker-you`re in good hands mate
              May joy flow through all you do
              May it ever be waiting for you
              May there be sunshine on your cloudy days
              May there be rainbows in your sky
              May you remain blessed & happy
              Glowing & knowing others think of you

              Liked by 2 people

  23. Bighead1883 says:

    Oh dear,what sad sad news
    I have a million up-ticks for Mel

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Russ says:

    Hi everybody. What a sad blow to learn of Mels’ passing. I hope you are doing as well as possible truthy and Mrs Truthy. I look forward to catching up.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hi Russ, yes mate very sad. 😦 . .
      After 10 months I feel like I’m finally turning the corner, but it’s been a long hard road, and pretty hard on both of us.
      Will have more details in a few days.

      Cheers mate. 🙂 .

      Liked by 2 people

  25. olddavey says:

    Hey, Truthy,
    Please say a word if you can.
    Or in Hansonese “ploise spoik”
    Your insights and humour have been sadly missed.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Russ says:

    Hey Truthy, just wanted to send you and Mrs Truthy a Christmas gift but want to know that you are still able to receive it.
    I think of you often and truly value your ethics and values. Cheers dear friend. I am guessing you still have have my email addie,

    cheers and Merry Christmas to all seekers of truth.

    Liked by 1 person

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