The Lounge archive V.

The Lounge. images Have a drink… Have a bite to eat… Have your say!

the-lounge   So grab a drink and something to eat, make yourself comfortable, sit back and enjoy the show, or better still… be a part of it 😯

Baby photo of Charlie, the "Lounge Dog"

Baby photo of Charlie, the “Lounge Dog”

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris.   :grin:

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris. 😀

Charlie lounging  after his 5K walk, this morning, in the rain .

Charlie lounging after his 5K morning walk, in the rain .



The newly installed “Mulled Wine” Spa.  😉

Enjoy!   😀

2,578 Responses to The Lounge archive V.

  1. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂

    How strange O_o , There is an article on the Guardian about Gillard’s lawyers rejecting that her conduct was unprofessional in setting up a union slush fund. I posted a comment saying “she did NOT set up the slush fund, only an association!”
    I then went on to say “But Abbott DID set up a slush fund, and where was the RC into him?” 😯

    It was moderated out? 😯 WTF???? Maybe they objected to the use of CAPITALS??? O_o :/ Or the truth? 😯

    Cheers ❓


    • bighead1883 says:

      The Guardian is a turd polishing entity as well Truthy :Smile: and I hardly comment there any more as it`s likely to be moderated out-[I`ve learned to de-stress by omission] O_o
      But the article was resonable in that it clearly show 🙂 Gillard ^^’ was having none of this LNP 👿 cloud hanging over CRAP 😈


      • cornlegend says:

        You pair need to develop thicker skins and just accept that us bunch are unloved ;-}
        by all Media, and some online sites
        I start from the point of knowing they think I’m a fool, lunatic, idiot ALP supporter , and just go from there and I don’t mind that cause I knew before I started that they were scumbags.
        The thing that gets up my nose is crap like on IA today where a supposed lifelong member of Labor, who takes every single opportunity to bag Labor comes up with this rubbish .
        “I am giving some thought to joining the Greens too BUT WITH A HEAVY heart because they CANNOT FORM government. ”
        That smacks of just wanting to be on the winning team.
        If the part of being on a “winning team” is important, join the bloody LNP , because over a century, they win 70% of the time
        Now if I abandoned Labor just because I thought they would lose , I would have spent half my lifetime in limbo”
        My whole philosophy is we are either gonna have a Labor Government or an LNP one, so guess which mob I will be fighting for.
        I will probably get kicked off IA sometime today, as I do believe in loyalty ,and that seems some concept that DD struggles with .
        I couldn’t in all good principle maintain a membership in anything that I wasn’t prepared to give 100% to.
        I might disagree, but that’s for the Party room or those I disagree with .
        I don’t mind giving them a kick in the arse when they deserve it , but a relentless, monotonous attack , while professing membership gets on my goat .
        I’m getting to be a cranky old shit in my old age but I really do value loyalty


        • Gilly says:

          Yeah Cornie, the emphasis on “winning” and “team” are at odds with “progressing” and “nation”. For every winner there is a looser, so I will concentrate on the equitable policy.


        • bighead1883 says:

          So wots this then ?a bleedin lecture to a mad lunatic rampant Lefty from another about how Socialism is unloved in a Fascist world of me and me Sheesh you`ve copped a shellackin off Fran and it shows -haha.
          Onya 🙄


          • cornlegend says:

            I got the email.
            I’m not stupid , and you were warned that I was sharing the blame :-}


            • bighead1883 says:

              I tell ya am I having fun with Telstra,they don`t give a hoot and charge for platinum service where there is none-yes I`m a platinum customer 😯
              we have 1 service here


              • driftwood12 says:

                “Is this the phone i need to get next G at Woop Woop? ” “Yes thats the one”
                I got reception everywhere and behind the black stump with Optus. Mother had Telstra and a phone fit only to hold the map down in the wind.
                Asked a techie fixing Sat phones on the Nullabor. He said Telstra quietly sold its towers to Optus to force country people to buy their 2 thou sat phones.
                Your not playing along properly Biggy 🙂


    • cornlegend says:

      heres a challenge,
      Go try to post on Pickering ,Bolt or Michael Smiths sites, then you will feel unloved :-}


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Hey Cornie, just got back in 🙄

        Mate I’ve got better thing to do with my time than waste it on any of those arsewipes 😯

        And I agree with what you said, and have argued the same points about Labor or LNP.

        I might get pissed with Labor at times, but I will never vote for any other mob! 😉

        Cheers mate


        • cornlegend says:

          Mate, I often make a quick trip to Pickering and Smith just to see what spin they put on rubbish and am astounded at the number that congregate there , 2000+ on Pickering.
          I did notice one regular, with a star is Bruce R Whiteside who used to be a regular on IA and a continual annoyance to me.
          The Pauline Hanson bloke


  2. Judes says:

    Morning all … Take heart. None of the G20 circus performances helped the Liers gain any ground. This mornings NEWSCORP polls have Labor ahead by 10points. … Just think how much further ahead they would be if they had a ‘barnstorming’ leader. !!!
    HELLO ..HELLOoooo…. Is anyone there Labor. ,?
    You have a huge truckload of ammunition to use, idiot boy dropped it off just beside your door !
    Don’t trip over it on your way to the next ‘Team Australia’ love in.


  3. bighead1883 says:

    Meanwhile in GooGooLaLaLand


  4. cornlegend says:

    Hey I just noticed something funny on IA.
    I reckon Frank Ston has Diamond Joe rattled .
    I haven’t seen him on there for ages, but if ANYONE has a positive thing to say about the Greens ,
    PUFF, up pops DJ .
    Then I went over a few articles over the last 2 weeks .
    Diamond Joe lurks in the shadows, unseen , but all knowing just waiting for the word “green” to upvote the comment.
    Miraculously, a couple of other upvotes appear at the same time, one being Mark Jackson, but in the year of so they has been around, none ever comment .
    They just follow DJ as loyal upvoters
    I think he has it set up somehow to sound an alert in his house when the word GREEN is typed on IA, and he slings on his cape, adjusts his mask, dashes to the keyboard for a quick response or upvote .
    Bloody marvellous those super powers of his.
    It seems Frank Ston is his kryptonite though


    • Frank Ston says:

      I think you’re being unkindly sarcastic.
      I just hover, waiting for Joe so that I can assist him by helping test his theories. I’ll continue to do so until he disappears up his own fundamental.
      It is a fair observation though about his “up-vote” team. Why would anyone register with Disqus just to upvote someone else and never contribute in their own name.


      • cornlegend says:

        I worded that wrong Frank.
        I’m bloody tired as I was up half the night dealing with overseas issues in their day time
        I didn’t mean you hovering , I meant DJ .
        I think he worries that if he comments, you will pounce.
        Just on what I went over, he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time upvoting but staying hidden
        Sorry if I you thought I meant you.
        I actually look forward to your little attacks, and I guess I am a bit guilty of fanning them along sometimes :-}
        Poor old DJ has the same basic patter that he uses for every issue , and seems to have no concept of polling and their relevance on timelines.
        I can’t wait till you stick it right up him again mate.
        he doesn’t answer me, just waits till someone else does and refers to me as “another poster” and has a little dig


        • Frank Ston says:

          I wasn’t having a go at you my friend, it was more like having a crack at myself because there have been the odd moments where I have actually enjoyed baiting and stirring our friend.
          DJ reminds me very much of Doug Evans but he will occasionally concede a point which I never knew Doug to do.
          I’ve got admit that I don’t frequent IA anything like as much as I used to, but I’ll keep an eye out for his posts.


      • consider says:

        Frank, how do you get away with having a go at DJ without being moderated? I can’t, that’s why I’ve given IA away. Censorship, not Moderation in my opinion.


        • cornlegend says:

          I have found that the censorship triggers are arguing loyalty ,rubbishing Green falsehoods, being ctitical of “a chosen few’ who can say do and curse all they like or giving the slightest hint that you don’t believe DD can walk on water.
          I was going to give it away, but changed my mind and will let him boot me.
          He has sent me about a dozen emails about somee do in Sydney, but shit I couldn’t put up with the mutual admiration society


          • consider says:

            Cornie, I’ve had a gutful of IA. When I cancelled their Newsletter, they asked me for a reason. The following was my reply and I’ve yet to receive a response or comment from IA.
            October 2014.
            “Due to my experience on the site regarding moderation of my comments and the response I received from David Donovan to my email concerning the matter, I am of the opinion that I was treated unfairly and the moderation appeared to me to be more of censorship than moderation. I asked a simple question to another subscriber and my question was moderated without giving the person a chance to reply. I can understand if my question was insulting or did not conform with the rules, but it certainly did not (D.D’s. response to my email was that it was off topic and personal). In my opinion, it was not. Hence my view re censorship.

            I have left the site because whilst I don’t mind being moderated or even censored, it’s pointless to try to prove a point to defend oneself from others, as my comments or questions disappear almost immediately after posting.

            My view, for what it’s worth, is that I believe the moderation of comments on the IA site is becoming very inconsistent and subjective.”

            By the way Cornie, in one of my emails to DD on this subject, when I pointed out to him that DJ was constantly editing his comments AFTER people had cast their votes on his original comments, thus changing the comments to the exact opposite meaning, thereby giving the impression to others that those who voted originally now support the edited comments. DJ did this to me and when I asked him does he make a habit of doing this, DD moderated me out before DJ had a chance to respond. I told DD that DJ was being unethical by doing this and DD AGREED. I’ve notice that DJ was still up to his tricks (with Frank) even after DD was made aware of it.

            I’ve been tempted to go back onto the IA site because the great majority of comments are worth responding to, but on principle I will not.

            I suppose DJ thinks he’s had a victory, but he is protected by DD.

            Finally, I suppose if I was as small-minded as DJ, I could have posted a comment stating “how great the Greens are” then wait for the inevitable vote-up by DJ and then go on and edit my comments to change it to the exact opposite, (rubbish the Greens) and see how DJ likes it. However, I don’t operate that way.

            Cheers Mate


            • cornlegend says:

              “how great the Greens are”
              I was seriously thinking of stealing your idea and dashing off and doing it, but he won;t respond directly to me but waits for one other to respond and says things like “a psychotic previous poster….”
              It is obvious who it is aimed at, and Frank has even asked him to name the “previous poster’ but he doesn’t respond .
              The same with Marilyn S.
              I cop heaps of her, but the majority of my responses never last 5 minutes, and usually aren’t half as voriferous as her original.


              • consider says:

                Cornie, you’re welcome to use my devious plan. Try going on as a “guest”.

                Cheers 😀


                • cornlegend says:

                  My daughter was on there when she got back from os chatting to Fran about getting moded.
                  the whole conversation got cut so my daughter gave IA a miss.
                  I will get her to post it


            • bighead1883 says:

              I made the same complain to DD concrning DJ`s post edit making his comments/replies totally out of context from the original
              DD told me to flag him and then email him as to what was happening because he has all the pre-edits.
              Since then DJ has not done his edit shit to me.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Hey Consider 🙂 glad you survived the heat 😀


          • consider says:

            Only just Truthy. We were out all day Sunday and when we came home the house was like a furnace. Turned the aircon and fan on in the bedroom, but after a couple of hours the aircon turned itself off – it had had enough.

            Then we remembered what our “great” leader said that global warming was “crap”, so therefore we weren’t really hot at all – it was all in our mind. So we rolled over and had a good, cool night’s sleep. NOT!!

            We were thinking of how you must be coping with the heat and humidity.

            Cheers 🙂


        • Frank Ston says:

          I got moderated on a couple of occasions and communicated with DD about the reasons. It still seems to me to be a bit inconsistent – I know that I’ve had pretty innocuous posts deleted and the offending posts to which I had responded have been left unscathed.
          I had a recent exchange with DJ over preferences and that subject will always get him on the hook, like a fat ‘scrubbie’ to a trout.
          I used Australian Electoral Commission results and challenged him to prove me wrong. That type of approach will usually quieten him down and it seems to get through DD’s mods filter.


          • consider says:

            Frank, I’ve been watching the events unfold on IA since my run-in with DD. I saw that exchange between DJ and yourself and noted DJ’s constantly edited responses to you.



            • cornlegend says:

              My daughter just used your idea under Frank Stons comment.
              It will cop a major edit once DJ responds


              • consider says:

                Can’t find it – which IA post is it on? Maybe it’s already been moderated.


                • cornlegend says:

                  Tony Abbott: The Loaded Dog of Australian politics
                  in amongst the Frank Ston DJ discussion
                  duck quacks don’t echo Frank Ston • 2 hours ago

                  Frank Ston.
                  What is needed is a very strong Green vote Federally and in all the States.
                  but it will get edited to include,
                  ” but that will never happen as they have had 20 plus years and still remain on the margins”


                • consider says:

                  Corny, found it, thanks mate.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Hey Frank 🙂


  5. driftwood12 says:

    I think IA is a great site, good articles, good people. Has its own personality, modding is a hell of a job. To me , with my concerns, the site seems to be able to turn ANY topic to a “fact” that a President and a republic will cure all when the Presidential aims and with and of our system has got us into many of those troubles. It’s a whole stacked world and system behind and beyond a President and he aint the peoples. Owned by other.
    Under those terms all parties contribute to ills of the majority under powers ethics and aims and bullying and capabilities.
    Bob Brown has hit Twitter with a statement that a vote for lib or lab will destroy the mountain ash forests and hold out stronghold of Leadbeaters mountain possum etc.
    I see all all parties , piecemeal decorating and tending corpirate.
    Where have we been going under all and any? The cream of the one percent is going to surpass the wealth of the 90 percent in short weeks for the first time since the 1920’s.
    Spin and hype perveys the cry of No choice, desperation, war and sabre rattling amongst the fearmongering and a business class cashes in and pass through the gate of conquer to profit with the power of problems that are No Choice. In gangster droves and veils of righteousness and projected power.
    Meanwhile this country of only 20 million bellows and churns with the management of desperate hype of a nation with 300 million to tend. Eating our own and ploughing them under for obscene profits and leeways.
    50 % own more than 60 % of the housing. That should easily be 75 % ownership in this country if it wasnt for brutalities and lies and manipulations of those who suck Murdochs, lets say tit.
    They sell a situation that only exists for their thriving and gangsterism.
    Health, housing, education, environment.
    The only way to spread wealth is growth and we have plenty in the stalls but it is being arranged for a viscious pirate ilks course as per ten decades previous. A minorities views, well being, concerns and mentalities puts itself ahead of all.
    Their sock puppet President doesnt cut it.


    • cornlegend says:

      I notice you don’t hang at at IA anymore.
      I miss your contribution.
      That is the problem, a lot of the regulars , too many to mention are gone, replaced by ????????


      • driftwood12 says:

        Sorry, missed this one Corny. I got banned. Flattered you think my frustrations are worth the effort. I have a whole view of my own on matters. A lot goes over peoples heads, some of it off the mark, some of it aimed at the net ghosts or theming applied to me and even addressing veiled slur on other sites i visit when its obvious i have global tails. You guys are onto matters on a whole different front and level. I find it educational and a wealth of views here.
        Death by bill stress, harrassment and hypocracy seems to be order of the day and future, i cant see us getting out of this now, ever. Thats why I harrass Presidential push. An ilk has its takings and comforts and systems for it , stashed north of the President- the place reserved for him, like laws of nature, the commandments, sold into psyche , to address them is to offend the self styled gods and nations defence. I’m up for it.


  6. driftwood12 says:

    An eg of matters. Political ministers in the UK, billionaire Benyon brothers who live in a castle, bought a block of housing and proceded to throw 92 people onto the evercrowding street for profit.
    What is wrong when growth is available to plan, house the 92 or half of them , start building taller modern housing on the block proceding to the other end replacing the 100 yr old existing and rehouse 300 for profit?
    Thug and irresponsability rules. No planning, do what you like short of public riots and guns to stop you. The onslaught is here too.


  7. Truth Seeker says:

    Oh dear 😯 10 point lead for Labor TPP in the latest news poll O_o Labor well ahead on first preference, Shorten preferred PM… 😯

    Abbott must be crapping! 😀

    And if that’s News Poll, what are the true numbers????? 😉

    Cheers 🙂


    • Gilly says:

      My suspicion, News getting desperate and trying one of three things, get the rabid one to up his game, an endeavour to get him a sympathy vote or get the no-alition turf him. OK I am off to spread the rumours. Ha ha ha he is about to be replaced by a woman.


  8. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂

    What a mad day yesterday going here, there and everywhere 😯 and sadly another one today 😦

    Doc app first up, then idiot / bureaucrat app just before lunch 😯 , and even… sadder more again tomorrow 😥 but on the bright side…. Well there isn’t really a bright side 😯

    BARKEEEEEP…. O_o :/


    • bighead1883 says:

      Sheeze move over Truthy 🙂 as I`ve got busted lip probs 😦
      NO not a punch up,something caused mt bottom lip to swell like a quadruple botox injection
      How do O know about a quaddy botox injection I hear you think.
      Well Russ and I tried it out at Joe`s Botox R Us for thar complete Treasusrer look after a night of backstroking laps in the vat.
      Shit mate it peels the skin and then ya moe and beard hairs get stuck in it so when ya open ya gob in the morning it peels the skin off ya lip which stings like a Libs beind asked an entry fee and starts bleeding.:mad:


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Biggy, mate that sounds like fun 😦 NOT!

        You sure Darling 🙂 didn’t slug you one in your sleep? 😯

        Sounds like you might have got bitten by something O_o mate might be time to visit the docs yourself 😉

        Mine’s just my regular specialist visit 😉 where he relieves me of lots of money, to tell me… well… not much O_o :/

        Hope your lip gets better mate 🙂


        • bighead1883 says:

          Yes the likelyhood that I was slugged in mt sleep by darling ❤ is very high 😯
          Hint-grease your notes as they slip out of your wallet quicker O_o


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Mate, it’ll be eftpos, as I couldn’t carry that much cash 😯

            But pretty much everything in my wallet is greased cos it all just seems to slip away 🙄


            • bighead1883 says:

              Hey mate can they give you a new lung?
              Soz to ask but I`m O_o like that you know 😯 :/


              • Truth Seeker says:

                Why, have you got a spare? 😉

                Yes mate I will qualify for a transplant, as my lung disease is genetic, but you have to get down below 29% lung capacity before they’ll even look at you, and mine hovers between around 45% down to the low 30’s if I get sick 😦

                My biggest problem is lack of fitness, as it’s pretty hard to exercise when you don’t have much oxygen in your system, to run the muscles 😡

                But SWMBO takes very good care of me, and although It’s a degenerative disease, my numbers have been stable for a long time now, so as long as I stay away from serious infections, I should be able to bumble along as I am O_o :/ 😉 But you never know what the future holds ❓


                • Frank Ston says:

                  You just pushed me to the bottom of the pile.
                  I’ve recently been admitted to a ‘double blind’ drug trial for COPD. My wind bag function is down to a stable 22% so I know what you mean about staying free from infection etc.
                  It makes the arse-end view of Abbott even more of an imperative.


                • Truth Seeker says:

                  Frank, mate I feel for you 😦

                  I was diagnosed with Alpha 1 around 15 years ago, with 38% lung capacity, but in those days I still had some fitness.

                  I then did some google searching and found that Alpha 1 is a predominantly Northern European disease, with a life expectancy of around 40-45, so I thought I was already on borrowed time 😯

                  Being genetic means that I will get on the list, but at 22%, you should also be on the list?

                  Have you spoken to a transplant team yet?

                  The good thing is that they are making great advances all the time, and in the mean time mate I just hope that the trial goes well. 🙂

                  People just don’t realise how debilitating lung disease is, and how it affects every part of your life 😦

                  Hang in there mate, and let us know how the trial is going. 🙂

                  And as far as Abbott’s arse goes, it certainly is imperative but hopefully he’ll be long gone while you’re still kicking along mate. 😉

                  We’re with you mate 🙂

                  Cheers 🙂


                • bighead1883 says:

                  Wow now I`m freaked as I`d never before heard of or knew of Alpha 1 ❓
                  The amount of diseases out there to get us seem innumerable and no wonder good health is treasured by all :smile;
                  Thank you both Truthy 🙂 and Frank 🙂 for this learning curve 😯


                • Truth Seeker says:

                  Biggy, Alpha 1 is a fairly rare genetic disease. Its full name is “Alpha 1 antitripsyn deficiency”, which means basically that my body doesn’t make the protein “Alpha 1 antitripsyn” which protects the lungs, Liver and skin 😦 people can be carriers, and never suffer any problems, and you can only get it if both parents are carriers, which mine are 🙄

                  There are a number of types with ZZ being the worst… I’ve got… ZZ 😯

                  But although it’s degenerative, my specialist has just informed me that my capacity is the best its been in nearly 5 years, at 49% 😀

                  Sadly that doesn’t relate to me being able to do what I could do 5 years ago, as my “gas exchange is pretty ordinary, and my fitness is non existent 😡

                  He wants me now to do a sleep study, as he thinks my sats are dropping when I sleep 😯

                  But that’s for next week 😉

                  Cheers mate 🙂


  9. bighead1883 says:

    Holy guacamole`Truthy 🙂
    Darling ❤ and I can can only wish you the very best in that somethingis found to better your situation 😦
    All goodness vibes to you mate 🙂 ❤


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Biggy, and Darling ❤ thanks for that 🙂 but I'm still plodding along (Plodding being the operative word 🙄 people used to complain that I walked too fast, now I get overtaken by old ladies with hopper frames 😯 ), and ok most of the time, although I'm supposed to avoid crowds, kids and anyone who's sick, as I'm immunosuppressed, and a good dose of the flu, or a bad chest infection could take me out O_o :/ 🙄 , but Frank at 22% will be really struggling 😥 so please send your positive vibes his way too 🙂

      They do do "Gene replacement therapy" in the scandinavian countries, but it's not even available here, and even if it was, it's very expensive, around $30K per year 😯 , with some heavy duty side effects 😥

      Cheers 😀


  10. Truth Seeker says:

    Turdball trying to rewrite history… What a complete COCK! 😈

    No cuts means… NO CUTS! 😯

    LNP = Liars all 👿


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Thanks mate 😀


    • Frank Ston says:

      Thanks for the thought mate.
      Basically it’s Diamond Joe, and people like him, that keep me going (if you know what I mean).


      • bighead1883 says:

        Well Joe is a kid playing at being adult and I`m trying to grow him up a little in my discourse with him but he then wanders into the innane again where he deserve what he gets.
        One of his co-conspirators ex Greens candidate against Costello Winston Smith or Smythe can be a barrel of fun as well old sage.
        So do put the trip ropes out as I`m getting a front row seat.


        • cornlegend says:

          Frank, you stirred up Dickhead Joe,
          I complained and got the following deleted

          “I would love an explanation as to how “political necrophilia” is even a concept
          Necrophilia is a pathological fascination with dead bodies, which often takes the form of a desire to engage with them in sexual activities, such as intercourse
          I would love to hear how this is simply possible and if it is a personal slight at me, I find the use of that terminology highly offensive.
          Could you take me if that term was expressly targeted at me ?
          note that DJ, I show my edits not do sneaky content changing ones.
          I actually find the term “political necrophilia” and it’s association to me, by stealth disgusting and intend to flag that comment and make my displeasure known to the moderator .
          That is sinking to low disgusting levels.
          And it rates at about the level of respect I show for the comment and its author. ZERO


          • cornlegend says:

            I’ll see how long this lasts , my response to DJ
            “your sneaky content changing has been reported to the moderator by a few others. not me
            I have just watched you do it
            I suggest you check with the editor whether on at least 3 occasions seperate posters have lodged their concerns about editing
            The fact that the Greens were grave robbing was initially reported
            as such in many Media sources
            one being
            Labor accuses Greens of ‘grave robbing’ Gough Whitlam after logo placed over former Labor prime minister’s image
            Opposition MPs have accused the Greens of “grave robbing” after the minor party placed its logo on top of images of former Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam.
            Andrew Greene
            Updated 22 Oct 2014, 9:15pm



          • Truth Seeker says:

            Cornie, Maybe Peta could explain it, after all she is screwing this country via Abbott, a dead politician… rocking (I was going to say walking, but that’s not what he does 😯 )

            Just a suggestion ❓

            Cheers mate 😀


  11. driftwood12 says:

    I know the life Frank and Truthy. A 100 yard dash will leave me blacked out or going purple gasping for oxygen.
    On milk thistle Truthy.- It was a staple diet of caucasions in the north. It has such a long term relationship with humans we have a marriage. We spread its seeds, it has a component that actually triggers the human liver to regenerate. Your livers a major component of all other organs and bodies health. The milk scavenges poisons, old wastes out of the body.
    It is highly recommended prior to drinking as it minimises damage. There are lots of poisonings in Japan from mushrooms. They tested milk thistle. One year half of the 360 poisoned were given milk thistle, all but 11 lived , half of the other half died. Up until recently- it may still be the case, i wouldnt know, aids drugs were artificial copies of milk thistle as pharma companies cant copyright nature by law. All artificial copies have side effects. Your liver is vital for eliminating bad hormones , many cancer causing etc etc .
    Caucasions do not have milk thistle in their diet anymore.
    Towards the north and south pole extremities , the incidence of MS grows significantly. It is related to daylight hours. As is melanin – skin, breeding hormones and cycles. Sleeping included. Copper has a relationship with melanin and testosterone. Testosterone is a protecter. Etc etc etc . Copper is important for fighting many ailments and matters of our environments.
    Too much to say, but pays to know and the assoc.
    There are many natural supplements that would help you and Frank enourmously that have no side effects.
    Was just reading a headline from wikileaks. Swedens chipping people with implants and says not surprising from one that takes dna and assigns a number to babies at birth. The master race?


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Jim, 🙂 thanks for the info 🙂

      SWMBO has had me on a supplements program for ages, which must be helping, as for a degenerative disease, I’m still doing ok, best lung capacity for nearly 5 years Omega 3 being a big part 😉 certainly helps 🙂

      My big problem, as I said before is my lack of fitness, and I have never fully recovered after my liver crapped itself around 3 years ago as a result of an allergic reaction to an antibiotic I had been taking for years, another side effect of Alpha 1 😡 had to change all my meds after that 😦 but my liver did recover fully 😀 But I didn’t, 😦 I just have to be careful now with what I take 🙄

      Cheers 🙂


  12. driftwood12 says:

    There is a simple test for vitamin and minerals involves a hair sample. To map yourself of necessities or failures. I suspect it would change with seasons. Havent bothered yet myself but interested.


  13. cornlegend says:

    Here you go, I will post your message here ,
    You might like to look over just how many had exposed you as a fraud with your editing .

    A Message from “Dickhead Joe ”

    DiamondJoe Cornlegend • 12 minutes ago

    To recap, scattergun labelling of Green people as “grave robbers” is OK by you, and you love to continuously post that extraordinary primary school-level behaviour by certain Labor MPs, but when someone fires back and uses the term “political necrophilia”, because of your penchant for constantly digging up and fiddling with dead subjects in attempt to gain political advantage, you start bawling? Interesting morality you have, Cornlegend.

    And yeah, I know exactly what you’ve been up to on that other website. I’ve known for a long while. Amazing you actually thought I wouldn’t find out. I know how that little effort to try and run me down to DD has been working too.

    So don’t even bother pretending you’ve not been involved in – and orchestrating – such antics, including this campaign of smear about my posting. I know full well you’re in this stuff up to your neck.


    “Dickhead” Joe

    My edit
    What a wanker .


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie 😀 What a wanker indeed, O_o maybe he should be called Zirconia Joe, 😉 a cheap shiny fake 😯

      And it’s people like him that will make sure that the greens never move much above their 11% despite their best visions of aggrandisement 😉 and certainly not an alternative government 😀 Not in a pigs arse or in a Zirconia Joe’s fundamental…

      Cheers mate 😀


      • bighead1883 says:

        Yeah Truthy 🙂 that Cornie he`s been on that other web site conniving and plotting against our mutual Cibic Zirconic friend O_o “Dickhead Joe”
        Bloody heel Truthy 🙂 I don`t know how Cornie does it all you know organises African Security for Australian volunteers and still has the time to catch out a bloody post editor on commenta and replies on IA.
        I`m trult amazed Truthy that this Cornie has so many irons in the fire and has time to visit this other website where Cubic Zirconia know all :/ and is the newest suppository of all preferences 😯


        • cornlegend says:

          who knows, it might even stop the re editing , but I doubt it ,
          And you are right Truthy , they are a bit like a yoyo, 20 something years 11% oops 8% ,10% , 7% you wait till next time, well, maybe the time after that, because the time before, , with the wind blowing in the right direction , and if only, but because of Labor, , but the poll at the tuckshop on the second monday said, but .

          Sierra Leone is all setting and done and dusted , no dramas .
          Now they just need to fight Ebola


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Yes mate, and now with Hanson rejoining the fray, and PUP falling out with Lambie it’s becoming more like a nut-job petting Zoo, than an “Adult” Government 😯

            And the more I’ve seen Turnbull, turning bull into and art-form the easier it is to see that the LNP and Abbott in particular, are very nearly terminal! 😀

            I love the smell of Tories imploding… In the morning… or anytime really! 😯

            Cheers mate 😀


            • cornlegend says:

              They keep carrying on about Julie Bishop taking over from the Lycra Looney.
              I always remembered this article, from 2010 and knew it would be rehashing sometime

              Greg Sheridan was right! About Julie Bishop that is…
              Bernard Keane | May 26, 2010 1:15PM

              What’s the point of Julie Bishop’s political existence?


              Scroll back 15 months, to February last year, when she gracefully exited the shadow Treasurership under pressure from some less-than-graceful male colleagues. Admittedly, she’d made a hash of the position, and in record time, but she was still deputy leader, so she needed a senior portfolio. So she was hidden in Foreign Affairs, where usually only Greg Sheridan actually notices if you stuff up.

              In fact the principle task of a Coalition foreign affairs spokesperson, either in Government or Opposition, is simple: keep The Australian happy, which means pretty much keeping Greg Sheridan and Paul Kelly happy.

              Problem was, she did stuff up, and Greg Sheridan noticed.


          • bighead1883 says:

            Some days are diamond some days are cubic zirconia and most are just paste 🙄
            All good mate and I`m here to make ya have a chuckle cause this shitz all to real O_o


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Biggy, mate that’s why he’s a legend… Corn legend that is 😉 and a real cobber 😀 He has ears everywhere O_o


        • cornlegend says:

          You know, I will probably lose a bit of sleep over that
          not :-}
          It might stop what a lot on here know was going on , and he still denies it.


        • cornlegend says:

          Thats enough taking the piss out of me mate,
          go easy on me I’ve had a big day :-}


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Mate, I meant every word 😉 I was just making the comparison… you to Bond, James… not Alan 😯

            Love your work mate 😀


            • cornlegend says:

              Mate , I need to be the bloody capped crusader to deal with a diabolical council and a nightmare sister in law at the moment :-}


              • bighead1883 says:

                here`s a tip for this weekend Cornie
                Not a half bad horse from what Ive been told and see
                [video src="" /]


              • Truth Seeker says:

                Are you still having troubles with your SI? 😯

                Notice I left the Council till last, as them being “diabolical” is a given… It’s what they get paid for 😉 At least the mayor that cost us $100,000 + so as to set his son up, is long gone 👿 otherwise you’d be longing for… Diabolical 😉

                Hope it all sorts out soon mate 🙂 although the SI is a bit of a worry 🙄 she was giving you shit before you left! O_o :/

                Cheers mate 😉


  14. bighead1883 says:

    This time
    3rd time lucky


  15. Truth Seeker says:

    Well you crazy kids 😉 I’m calling it a night 😀 so… night Biggy, Cornie Jim and all, sleep well and dream of better days 😉



  16. driftwood12 says:

    Goodnite fine people, sitting on a lot here:) like a volcano.


  17. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂
    Sadly I have another day of running around like a mad man O_o :/

    But there’s just so much stupidity and right wing nut-jobbery going on! 😯

    There’s fortified treats for our patrons 😉 and the coffee machine is working overtime 😉

    Barkeep, I’ll have a half strength cap thanks 😀

    Cheers 🙂


  18. consider says:

    Truthy, you are right about the Omega 3 being good for the lungs.
    Emu oil is another good one, (Omega 3,6 and 9).
    Our son-in-law suffers badly with psoriasis and 3 years ago it really flared up and he tried every thing, to no avail, On a visit to Montville at that time we discussed his problem with a lady selling various natural skin products (she was a nurse), and she recommended emu oil.
    Our SIL initially was hesitant about using it, because as well as rubbing it on the skin , it had to be taken internally as well, for best results.
    But he did and it worked, and is still using the product.
    Wonderful products.

    Have been following the hi-jinks with DJ, and noticed that he is being moderated quite a lot now on IA.
    I reckon if he had answered my question to him in October, about him editing his original comment to change the context, maybe he wouldn`t find himself so much on the defensive now. In one of his comments on IA, re my unanswered question, his response was that he did not see it. He probably forgets that each time someone responds to you on IA, an email is sent to you outlining the question or comment. Therefore even though my question was deleted by the moderator, DJ would have seen it in the email. I can understand why he saw fit not to reply, because his actions since, show that he continues with the same unethical practice and obviously has no intention of stopping it.
    On principle I will not go on IA with this comment, but, who knows, maybe DJ just might sneak across into the Lounge and see it !!!!!!!.

    By the way Truthy, Cornie , Biggy, Frank or anyone in Truth Seeker Land, I need help here, ( I have a mental block). Would someone tell me which Party it was that negotiated a Carbon Price with Julia Gillard to allow her to form Government, (forcing her, in the eyes of some, to renege on a promise), and which Party was it that wouldn`t support an ETS in the Senate?
    Don`t tell me it was, wait for it – – – – – – – THE GREENS !!!!!!!!!!!!.
    Cheers all.


    • cornlegend says:

      And even though the ETS wasn’t perfect it had LNP support .
      It could have been continually tweaked to keep us with or ahead of the rest of the world.
      Not lagging at the arse end of the scale
      and who can we thank ?


      • cornlegend says:

        LNP support. pre Abbott.


        • consider says:

          Cornie, this morning, I noticed dqde`s comment with the edit was there, but surprise, surprise it is now gone.
          I wonder who flagged it?


      • bighead1883 says:

        Because the frigging GREENS wanted only an ETS their way and wouldn`t support Labor`s ETS then the “Just A Simple Tax On Carbon” is how I`d do it in Phoney`s words.
        It wouldn`t have matteres to Murdoch and his attack on Gillard it would have just been in another way.
        The Greens are Australia`s junior Leftist Party and should come along for the lesson


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Consider 🙂 hope all is well with you and the lovely Considerette 🙂

      Yes mate, it’s good stuff 😀

      Will catch you later 🙂


    • driftwood12 says:

      I’ve ran into that type of thing before over the years. Gone back to posts and the post is not what i answered to.


    • driftwood12 says:

      The oils are good lubricants, help dry skin too. The omegas can cause irritability on their own, you need to take them with a mix of others to balance. But i get away with it as i only take one a week.
      The mix of olive oil and lemon juice frothed up and swallowed to get rid of kidney stones, it eats them , also lubricates and is wide known of having a side effect of relieving back pain and in many cases, severe back pain.
      I am wary of the olive oil fad even though i’ve dealt to kidney stones successfully with it as having delved in metallurgy and engineering, olive oil is known to eat copper . So i dont know if that causes an imbalance taken by humans.
      Another matter i learnt of too was though apples have a good name for health, it was their leaves they also often planted for by pioneers as they are antibiotic.


  19. Truth Seeker says:

    Hey guys, 🙂 Just got back… AGAIN, and now have lots of work to catch up on, so I’ll try to get back for some comments later O_o o_O

    Barkeep… Buckets all round s’il vous plait 😉


    • bighead1883 says:

      Hey Truthy 🙂 quiet day today O_o

      BARKEEP !!


      • driftwood12 says:

        One of Pilgers pieces is how tories screwed labour over to make a one party state in the UK. Seems to be global.


        • bighead1883 says:

          It`s not even being covered up anymore
          Open slather anything jim
          I`ve had a few sleepless nights dreaming the perfect tamperproof ballot box.


          • driftwood12 says:

            Totalitarian plutocracy. It was whispered to me well before Iraq that elections are rigged. I know Murdoch etc etc does it by psyche by monopoly outlet.


            • bighead1883 says:

              Yes I`m glad for al my personalities as I can gang up on most all on my own.
              These arseholes change whole ballot boxes
              Not contents,whole boxes that`s why we lost two over here because they got pissed and drove off with the wrong ones-my theory
              Samo happened in the last UK election,two boxes gone Psst and a hung seat.


  20. driftwood12 says:

    Anyone notice the ABC cuts come the same time the 25 dollar deal for foxtel shows up in letterboxes? So i guess asio will soon be moving into its new google headquarters for continuation of business.


    • bighead1883 says:

      You`re onto it jim and I reckon they`ll have Foxtell doing the first electronic voting through the ABC`s the Drum polls


      • driftwood12 says:

        That’s scary. I wonder how long before they pull that off over the public compulsory.
        The new changes to welfare are going to have side effects. Lost homes, court cases, donestic violence , survival and anger crimes and suicides.
        Something has to happen.


  21. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂

    Mel says a big hello and the custard tarts will be back on the bar sometime next week 😀

    I’m still trying to wake up! 😯

    Cheers :/


  22. cornlegend says:

    another good one abandons IA

    Lao_Tzu Kaye Makovec • 10 hours ago

    Kaye, my apologize, for the offense, this is my last post. Good bye.


  23. bighead1883 says:

    Well I see Kate McClymont is gaped at the prospect of Ian MacDonald and Eddie Obeid ending up with a guilty finding.
    I must admit Eddiee ust said on Twitter 2 days ago that he`d never be charged with anything as they never had the guts and next day he has been charged over the Restaurant Family Trust dealings,
    Well we`ll see what transpires between the crooks brigade as Eddie appears to be the only thief with any honour.


    • bighead1883 says:

      OOH adding also because the LNP believes ICAC has been such a toothless tiger it`s thinking of enhancing legislation to further enable more prosecutions HUH
      Toothless tiger=11 LNP scalps
      Enhancing legislation=creating new laws and backdating retrospectively? possibility.


  24. Frank Ston says:

    Good morning fellow knights of the road
    Woke up this morning like Snow White. I wasn’t sure whether I was feeling Happy or Grumpy.
    I did think to myself that waking up each day must be like Alice in Wonderland – you just don’t know what absurdity will follow the current one.
    I’m thinking of remaking the movie, try these;
    Alice – Jacqui Lambie
    The March Hare – Abbott
    The Red Queen – “Off with their heads” Bitchchops (the elder)
    The Cheshire Cat – Snot Moralsnone
    The Mad Hatter – Bananaboy Juice
    Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee – Peter Dutton in dual roles
    The Door Mouse – Whispering Bill (I hope he’s not around as long as Whispering Jack Farnham)


    • bighead1883 says:

      That`s beautiful Frank and for that here`s my latest meme


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Good one Frank 🙂

      Yes thanks mate almost awake now 😯 its only taken about six hours 😉

      Darts day today, so I’m gearing up for a flogging… Just not sure who’s gonna get it 😉

      Barkeep 😀


      • Frank Ston says:

        “Just not sure who’s gonna get it” – that reminds me of some of the parties I used to get to when I was a whole lot younger (and fitter).


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Mate, any upper body work knocks me around, so even playing darts takes its toll, 😦 and when I hit the wall… I really hit the wall 😯

          So if I don’t get an early lead, its me that gets the flogging :/ O_o

          So I might hit the oxygen before he arrives 😉 o_O


      • consider says:

        Morning everyone, Considerette says she’ll put some carrot cake or perhaps banana cake or for the ones with a really sweet tooth some caramel slice, on the bar while Mel’s away. Can’t have everyone going hungry 😀

        Hope Mel’s OK.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Morning Consider 🙂 and a big thanks to the lovely Considerette for her wonderful treats, which I can personally recommend, having been a previous recipient of some of her delicious work 😀

          Mate, Mel’s just taken some time out to deal with a couple of family matters, and some gardening, but assures me she’ll be back next week, so in the mean time I’m sure she’d appreciate some good positive vibes being directed towards her and HWO’s over the next few days 🙂

          Cheers mate 🙂


  25. Truth Seeker says:

    Ah, the flogging he had to have 😀 (Darts that is? 😉 )

    The scotch also got a flogging 😯 along with my diet 😦



  26. driftwood12 says:

    The totalitarian plutocracy used her for great headway last round.


  27. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers O_o and another weekend comes around… Until the LNP sells them off too 😯

    So enjoy it while you can 😉 Which is somewhat easier while the Abbott is MIA… again!

    Cheers 🙂


    • bighead1883 says:

      Good morning Truthy 🙂 I hope your well beingness is as well as can be under all these circumstances currently being rained down upon us 😦
      Truthy I was just talking with itztimeagain [ex Dissenter exGailT from AIMN fame]and mate se`s copping a hard time in here carers role of her dad 😦
      I invited her here as I know she`s been here before but may have forgotten 🙂


  28. Russ says:

    Hi Thrillseekers, just a few quick vat laps,and a flying visit to the bar.
    Have missed you all and I’ll pop back in tonight.
    Just a note for my dear buddies Mel an Truthy, if you are still struggling with major fatigue, (as I was for the last 100 years) do yourself a favour and get some Fusion (brand) Revital 8., Resveratrol & Green tea tablets. I am jumping out of my skin and have more energy, better attitude than I have for as long as I can remember. As of yesterday, 10.5 K’s have fallen off me in probably 6 or 7 weeks. I went back to the health food store yesterday to get some more and the young girl there abandoned her customer to come and high five me, WooHOO., how good is that!
    I hope I don’t wake up and find it was a dream.
    Cheers all, catch you later.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Russ 🙂
      Sounds like you’re going well mate 😀 good to hear 🙂

      Will have to check them out 🙂

      Catch you soon mate 😉

      Cheers 🙂


    • bighead1883 says:

      Darling ❤ ordered a bottle online
      50 caps just under $40 delivered by post
      Cheers Russ


      • Judes says:

        Howdy Biggie .. Just looked them up on the net, they range from ? Low $30s – $44+ then plus postage. Where did you order yours from … I’m going to try them for lack of energy.. And perhaps they may even ‘uplift the downfallen’. ( dreams are free). 🙂


          • Judes says:

            Thanks Biggie ( and Darling ), I am on to it. Can’t get then for under $40 though, as they’re $34 + $9.95 postage. … Sure your Darling ordered the right stuff ? ( perhaps she saw the ones for $30 which also act as an aphrodisiac ? )… 🙂


            • bighead1883 says:

              No you`re correct Judes 🙂 as I was dyslexic in the postage costs thinking they were $5.95 as I was looking at somrthing totally different and Darling ❤ confirmed my stupidity O_o DOH !!


        • Russ says:

          Judes, I have suffered from major chronic fatigue and compromised immune system for Donkeys years, after having Ross River Virus, then encaphalitis from alll the parasites that entered my body from the bites. It took about a week for me to notice the effects of the revital8, but I do everything flat out now, instead of being flat out resting.
          I was too sore to walk, now I’m walking flat out every chance I get, and more or less pain free. Woo Hoo.


          • Judes says:

            Russ, I remember how you were feeling so very down after your ‘manflu’, and just couldn’t shake it off. I am glad that you are ‘in the pink’ now. 🙂
            Thank you for sharing this info with us.
            With HO’s chemo treatment and cholesterol a bit high, he was advised to take something with Tumeric and black pepper in it. We see that these Revital8, Resveratrol & green tea tabs also contain both of those ingredients. We are ordering a bottle each! Did you take one or two tabs a day as a starting dose, or just one each day from the beginning?

            .. Pleased to report that HO’s recent scan, after 2yrs of chemo, shows no sign of the dreaded lurgy! He is on ‘monitoring’ watch only from now on… Our new beginning begins tomorrow .. 46yrs wedding ann and HO’s birthday the day after. ( he has no excuse for forgetting our anniversary!). So here’s to popping the tabs for a healthier life…. Heavens knows, we will all need HEAPS of help if this rotten bunch of LNP crooks keep stomping on us!


            • Russ says:

              Hi Judes, I have mostly taken one pill, except on the days when I couldnt remember if I’d taken one. occasionally I do take a second one later in the day though.

              Its all natural stuff, apparently the main active ingredient is derived from something found in grape skins. Some call it the red wine pill, I believe.

              Really glad for your hubbys’ results Judes, and happy anniversary.

              I feel like I have rejoined the human race, I feel the best I have for years, I hope you get the same relief Judes. Very best wishes to you and your hubby Judes.


            • Truth Seeker says:

              Hey Judes 🙂 wishing you and HO a wonderful day for your anniversary, and also for HO’s birthday on Monday 😀 and hoping for many more of both 🙂

              Cheers 😀


            • cornlegend says:

              Heaps of good wishes to you both.
              It’s our anniversary on the 27th , so when I’m knocking one down, I will toast you boast.
              Have a wonderful day tomorrow and always


            • consider says:

              That’s great news regarding HO Judes. Best wishes to you both, from Considerette and I, for a very happy 46th wedding anniversary tomorrow and hope HO enjoys his birthday on Monday.


              • Judes says:

                Good morning Truthy, Consider, considerette and Corny. HO & I thank you very much for the good wishes. They are much appreciated. 🙂
                Just enjoyed a family skype from across The Ditch, little 4yr old played her ukulele and sang for us. It’s a shame they grow up so fast. Had one of HO’s famous celebratory bacon and egg breakfasts, now looking forward to a pleasant sleepy Sunday.
                Off to lunch with friends tomorrow .. So may need to diet for the rest of the week!
                Will be thinking of you on Thursday Corny, and will begin to toast you and Mrs Corny from tomorrow… ( my liquid diet )


      • Russ says:

        biggy, thats five bucks cheaper than I get them for at the shop. Well done Mrs Biggy.
        You wont need the prop on your hat mate, you’ll be low flying.


    • Judes says:

      Yay .. Well done Russ. 🙂


  29. Gilly says:

    Is it just my imagination, or are there more right wing nutters commenting on the ABC website, now that the LNP are out in the open, about bashing the ABC over the head with budget cuts?


  30. olddavey says:


    I had a comment moderated out yesterday, but it turned out that the comment I was replying to had been modded, and all replies went out with it.

    Maybe yours went that way. I find I can be as abusive as I like and they all get through, except for one where I abused you and I was censored.

    Go figure, I just called you a RWNJ and they cut me off at the knees!!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Olddavey, if the one you mean is on the Lambie and Muir post, they’re still there 🙂

      Maybe Ramjetman flagged it for being offensive to RWNJ’s ❓ 😉

      Cheers 😀


      • olddavey says:

        TS, Is there way to put Ramjetman’s ramjet up his arse and send him into orbit?
        He is becoming a serial pest, unlike TimofAltona who looks to be coming slowly to our side.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Mate, I have to say I haven’t noticed any mellowing from Timmy 😉 I thought he and ramjet were the same troll? ❓ 😯

          But WRT a ramjet up the arse, it would work well for both 😀


          • olddavey says:

            I have actually agreed with the Timster a couple of times in the past few months,..
            only a couple of times, mind……


            • Truth Seeker says:

              Mate I have seen a couple of those, but they’re usually followed by more of his stupidity, so I just wrote them off as atolls of sanity in his usual sea of madness 😯


      • olddavey says:

        “Maybe yours went that way. I find I can be as abusive as I like and they all get through, except for one where I abused you and I was censored.
        Go figure, I just called you a RWNJ and they cut me off at the knees!!”

        TS: That was bullshit, I just made it up.


  31. olddavey says:

    Evening all,

    Hope you are all well and kicking goals, or LNP arse.
    Been a bit busy lately so haven’t had a chance for a good chat.

    But, because we are all getting on a bit (well I assume we are) I have some interesting stuff for you to have a look at.

    A while back I mentioned my son who is intellectually and physically disabled and needs full on care (NDIS, what a joke). He is 27 but luckily he is only a little fella so he is fairly easy to move around.

    But, lately it has been a bit hard getting him into the back seat of the VY commodore (can’t put him in the front. he’s a button pusher/switch clicker) and although he can assist himself most times he can’t really get into the back of a regular wagon.

    We have got him a device called the Turny Orbit with the Bev seat fitted to a Kia Grand Carnival and it is a revelation. (a large vehicle but has rearward sliding doors and is plentiful on Oz roads)

    There are some elegant solutions that in most states attract a grant to help you out. We got $10k from SWEP in Victoria and the balance to pay was around four grand. A lot of money, but these things are a must have.

    Check this stuff out, it’s absolutely brilliant and top quality. A Swedish company but sold here by a number of installers.

    PS: If you do what we did and buy the Kia, don’t go earlier than 2012. And they are inexpensive. Ours had 50k on the clock for 25k drive away.


  32. olddavey says:

    Now, this is another revelation:

    There’s nothing I can say about this because there is nothing to say apart from WATCHIT..


  33. Truth Seeker says:

    Night Olddavey, Biggy, Cornie, Russ, Jude and HO and all Sleep like babies and dream the dreams of peace and contentment 😉



    • Russ says:

      Morning Truthy and all.
      The downside to feeling healthy, is that my procrastinater valve has died. BUGGER!!!!
      I cant lay about even on my day off.
      Thanks for the Guitar link Olddavey, lovin it mate, Woohoo.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Morning Russ 🙂

        Mate it’s good to hear you so full of beans 😀 which means you must be carbon neutral, 😯 cos they’re a great wind generator…. Or maybe not? ❓ :mrgreen: 😉

        Cheers mate 😀


        • Russ says:

          Mate, my wife reckons I could easily get a job on a wind farm. Not sure what she means though.


          • Russ says:

            She wants me to trade in my trouser trumpet, I thought maybe guitar may be more pleasant. Can you teach me by correspondance?


  34. Sum Ting Wong says:

    Aww Misser Tluthy, prease dont teach mr Luss to make any more noises. He is big enough noisey barsard lound here now! Sheesh, noise come from every oriface in this house


  35. bighead1883 says:

    Good interview with Craig by Wixxy
    There are a couple of idiots 😡 already posted there Russ 🙂


    • Russ says:

      Thanks for the heads up biggie, what a pair of Pyne grubs.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Biggy, yes mate, it was a good interview 😎


      • Judes says:

        I hope Craig remembers that he has an army of people .. Most of whom he has never met and will never see, who are still walking beside him, and will be there with him tomorrow.
        Obviously if true justice had not been railroaded in the first place, he would not be in this situation !
        The interview with Wixxy shows just how much dignity Craig has managed to hold on to …. This is a strong and innocent man !
        Perhaps a fearless judge will have the courage to defy his ‘masters’… and find Craig doesn’t have a case to answer .. and NEVER did !


  36. bighead1883 says:

    Man my computer was hijacked and I had to do 2 system restores as Yahoo 7 came out of nowhere and knocked out my Google Chrome with all it`s bookmarks and half my brainbox.
    😡 😡
    It`s back now


  37. consider says:

    Hey Truthy ,if the link below works, I reckon there is a message for Abbott in there.


  38. bighead1883 says:

    And the moral is


  39. cornlegend says:

    I emailed you :-{


  40. cornlegend says:

    I spoke to Fran by phone this morning and during our conversation she suggested this link might give readers a better idea of the current state of play in Sierra Leone

    A Deadly Chain: Tracing Ebola In A Sierra Leone Village

    Published On: Tue, Nov 18th, 2014
    (NPR-News-November 17, 2014)

    It began with a little boy.

    A 4-year-old who was feeling sick. His family sent him to a neighboring village called Royail, where his grandmother lives, so she could care for him.
    In this tiny place, surrounded by tall grass and palm trees, the grandmother lived in a house on a dirt road. Her name was Sinnah Turay, but people refer to her as “the mami-back” — that’s what some folks in Sierra Leone call a grandmother.
    What happened in Turay’s house has set off a deadly chain of infections in a country where Ebola is now surging, where government and aid groups are scrambling to build treatment centers and where local communities, like the district that Royail is in, are straining to care for patients, with mixed results.

    Standing outside the house, a youth leader, Samuel Bangura, tells what happened. The grandson’s symptoms became really serious. Vomit. A bloody nose. Bloody diarrhea. All classic signs of Ebola. The other villagers were alarmed. At their insistence, Turay sent her grandson back to his home village. He died there, a week ago. But by then Turay had already started to feel sick, showing the same symptoms.

    The villagers called an ambulance. Turay’s son, Alpha Fofanah, says when it arrived, his mother refused to get in. She said she only had pain. She didn’t think she had Ebola.

    All last week Turay grew weaker. Finally another ambulance came for her. Once again, she resisted. She said, “I’d rather die at home.” And right then, right there, that’s what she did. With the ambulance still parked outside.

    But Ebola wasn’t done with this village. A traditional healer named Baby Sesay had treated the 4-year-old boy. Now she was feeling sick. When the ambulance first came for her, she hid in the jungle. The villagers say it’s not surprising — there are a lot of myths surrounding this outbreak. Many people believe that if you fall sick and are taken to the hospital, you’ll be injected with poison and die.

    The next day, Sesay changed her mind and asked for help. The problem: Right now there are only a few Ebola treatment centers for all of Sierra Leone. So officials will refer only those people with the most severe symptoms — what they call the “wet cases” — for treatment. The “dry cases” — people like Sesay, who present with only a fever or body aches — are sent to a newly built community care center to wait until they can be tested for Ebola.

    The nine-bed center is a cement block building surrounded by two rows of tarp fencing. The man who runs it is Alfred Kamara, the local chief. When we arrive, he says Sesay is feeling well enough to speak.

    A middle-aged woman in a print cloth dress walks out. She moves very slowly, and grips a pole to steady herself. We speak to her from the other side of the fence, about 12 feet way.
    I ask, “How are you feeling?”

    Foday Kamara is the leader of Royail, a tiny village now battling Ebola.

    She says, “My body weak, I have a headache.”

    Suddenly, her body seizes up. For several seconds she’s rigid, hands locked on that pole. Eyes wide and frozen, breathing heavily.

    Just as suddenly, she’s back. Still, it is clear she’s in no condition to give an interview. I urge Kamara to take her inside to lie down.
    Sesay staggers back toward the building. Another patient watches nervously. He came in with a mild fever to get checked out. But it’s taking days to get his test results. Now his fever’s gone. Stuck in a small room with Sesay, he’s worried he could get Ebola from her: “I don’t want her to be so close.”

    Kamara agrees this is a dangerous situation. Instead of stemming Ebola, this community care center could be spreading it. He gets on the phone with an official to tell him Sesay’s condition is deteriorating. He wants her sent to a treatment center. He says she can’t wait. “Ebola is not waiting,” he tells me. “He’s aggressively destroying your important systems inside your body.”

    When he finally hears back, it’s not the answer he wants. There are no free beds. Baby Sesay will have to stay.


  41. cornlegend says:

    Two of the world’s top health organizations released predictions Tuesday warning how bad the Ebola outbreak in West Africa could get.

    Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization agree that the epidemic is speeding up. But the CDC’s worst-case scenario is a jaw-dropper: If interventions don’t start working soon, as many as 1.4 million people could be infected by Jan. 20, the agency reported in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.


    • bighead1883 says:

      Check your email mate


    • Gilly says:

      Yeah M8, and we have been lumbered with a mob of reprobates who wont listen to any one. Will not listen to science, will not even listen to their God, the Pope or even previous senior LNP members. I am positive that very, very few people are aware of the short, medium and long term damage being wantonly subjected on the economy, national security, democracy. the separation of church and state, the separation of powers, Many of the ramifications extend from individuals to the Asia Pacific and beyond. It is hard to envisage a more mendacious plan that could be planned and implemented on purpose.


      • cornlegend says:

        The thing that concerns me also is the perceived lack of interest of the Oz public as well.
        Probably because the Government and Media have been so silent.
        Biggy has given it more publicity with his memes and rally calls than that lot


        • Gilly says:

          Yeah M8, the electorate are being mushroomed under a cloud of subjective opinion being couched as objective journalism. Then we have politics being promoted as having the honourable goal of governance rather than the perverted persuite of power it is. We are fed the distraction of the adoration of egotistical winners over the elevation of generous volunteers. Sh*t M8 the majority of what is passed off as humour is little more than personal putdown


          • driftwood12 says:

            Yes Gilly, i agree strongly. Topic and communication ability increasingly realigned accurately by monopoly and psyche and intelligence plays. Total control.
            Fox 25 dollar deal a big win and key in the process. But once sucked in you find out you have to go that extra 40 dollars to get a site worth paying for. I always watch globally for other alignments of matters.There were a few with that.
            Engining much but never spoken of is the US style health system of elitism and cash for the insurance chopping tables. The background to much conquering , murder and political mayhem and intent.
            Having a bit of a musical ear, the background music , like in the jungle, is always interesting.


  42. bighead1883 says:

    Goodnight Truthy 🙂 and to whomever is about
    Pleasent dreams ZZZZZZZZZZZZzz


  43. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂 And I wonder if Abbott will raise his ugly head this week, to answer why he LIED, or if he’ll stay in hiding, and let the rest of his Mendacious Mob of Miscreants do his dirty work? 😯

    Gutless and dishonest… Abbott… what a mistake-a to make-a 😦


    • bighead1883 says:

      Goodmorning right back at ya Truthy 🙂 and I believe that the Lycra Looney is getting this weeks instructions from Rupie in subliminal tapes that play over repeated an nauseum and learned by rote.
      Budget Suffiency Measure
      Labor`s Phantom Surplus
      ABC is Bad et al
      Right at the mo I`m doing the Telstra maze to fix my email inbox 😡


  44. bighead1883 says:

    I`ll check back later as I`ve got chores to do 🙂


  45. Frank Ston says:

    Jude , Jude’s HWCBI, Truthy and Mrs Truthy
    Belated best wishes for anniversaries, birthday’s et al.
    Russ, slow down son, you’re getting me out of breath just reading about how well you feel.
    Mel, old Davey and I get a chance to gazump all of that when we dump Naptime on his ask ya’ mother for sixpence next Saturday.(I hope)

    It’s interesting that there is some agitation to keep Abbott out of Victoria and to shove Bitch Chops Jnr in the voters face.

    It’s also curious that her carping snipe at Obama has received plenty of coverage especially in relation to her “expert panel that are overseeing the protection and preservation of the reef. A group of scientists at ANU have claimed that nothing that the group has uttered makes any scientific sense. That must be right because minimal news of the rebuttal has made it into MSM.
    WTF – go figure!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Hey Frank 🙂

      Mine was a while ago, but Cornie’s anniversary is on Thursday I think 😉

      Yes Toxic Tony is to be kept well away, but I doubt it’ll help much as it’s the LNP as a party that’s on the nose, nearly as much as the Abbott himself 😯

      Cheers 🙂


    • Judes says:

      We thank you Frank.. And will thank you THREE FOLD when you, Mel and Old Davey get the job done on Sat ?!! Extra wine in the vat and a HUGE pavlova that night ! 🙂


  46. Frank Ston says:


    Sorry about – I must have a dose of Russ’s former porridge head.
    Cornie and Mrs Cornie, congrats and best wishes.


    • bighead1883 says:

      Hey Frank 🙂 want some cheap fun?
      It gives that real unwashed :/ effect O_o to your eyeballs 🙄 and helps you realise that there is another species on Earth with us 😯


      • Frank Ston says:

        I used to go there for a laugh and to stir some of his regular nut cases.
        I gave it away when I realised it’s like trying to take the piss out of a single cell amoeba.


      • driftwood12 says:

        Spin, tactic, politics , misdirection and see through as Greens diplomatic releases on China, Vietnam and Whitlam years. Watch the other hand. The only thing missing is Macarthy, but i still see him around.
        Lambie’s situation and all the politics of it still needs watching. I think Clive’s going for an Oscar.
        Always interesting and often humouress , if some of the subjects were’nt so detrimental to TRUE freedom and direction for Australia whole, to see the so called forced compelled choices our heights feigns to in any situation. Underneath, there is always some national security or “great thing” subverted for dropping the penny on self stuffing greed or handouts of the ruling business class and marauders. Same as the hits they do on you, many levels, many fronts and excuses, many ways out and to backpedal and in all of it, their aim is construed as the victory.
        Soon, even our low life bastards coursing , ruling and marauding and self stuffing above, will be taken over by international.
        Team Australia they call, -knowingly- as they piece their own lives on a rat infested ship.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      No worries mate 🙂 It’s the thought that counts! 😀

      Cheers 🙂


  47. driftwood12 says:

    Morning good people, just a couple of comments about matters.
    Pondering ebola, fruitbats are a suspected culprit, they are’nt sure about birds yet. Locals that kill and dress bats for food are at risk from eating them or infected fruit. Ebola gets knocked out by alcohol washes. Perhaps ebola, unless it gets humans or animals to spread as hosts, may cycle in the forest. I’m thinking it lives in the ground perhaps, cycles with forest fruit cropping and fermentation of the fruit may quell it.

    Another matter yet to kick into awareness in Australia, another suspect case –
    There was another recent case in Toowoomba with a horse stud farm and a mining company airstrip and break and enters and stolen goods, laptops, stolen car, The vet. I would say the guy driving his car is a private D of some sort. The people victims involved have absolutely no trust in local police whatsoever.
    The first case above, again with mining and people protesting what appears to be corruption linked to political. I will say that these people are being hacked and monitored without any doubt. And their whereabouts known down to metres.
    Recently Clive again postures over putting investigators onto Lambie. I copped the same stuff up the Sunshine coast with political and police involved and phone and pc monitoring .
    I think it is safe to put a public call out on state corruption as a warning.


  48. bighead1883 says:

    The ebola pandemic began in late February in the former French colony of Guinea while UN agencies were conducting nationwide vaccine campaigns for three other diseases in rural districts. The simultaneous eruptions of this filovirus virus in widely separated zones strongly suggests that the virulent Zaire ebola strain (ZEBOV) was deliberately introduced to test an antidote in secret trials on unsuspecting humans.
    Another possibility as the are lots of stories on this jim


      • driftwood12 says:

        Thx for those Biggy. Seen plenty of others too. Nazi’s live and i think anyone is a fool who doesn’t think that somewhere in horror houses, mad scientist experiments are’nt going on , on people. I think it pays to, to look beyond the US as the monster has grown and spread wings many years ago with compadres. Is gene therapy already on the way or already happening?
        With Monsanto, microsoft and zuckerberg in Africa, my confidence is somewhat shattered and the endless fight of good having the upper hand over evil gets diminished with money in play on such a widespread scale, especially with intelligence privatised to corporate whim.
        The mechanics of the politics and policing that births and maintains Fitzgerald situations the standing example and becoming official play. As i have said, heights wants old powers back and has taken them. As old ways of thuggery are too open and known these days. The blatancy today overshadowed by the gangster creed – What are you going to do about it-


  49. cornlegend says:

    The Senate is usually nearly empty but they all turned up to listen to Lambies bye bye to PUP.
    Then business got around to the ABC
    some of the cuts but didn;t get them all.
    I went to see Abbott and a snivelling grovelling Shorten launch the KMart Xmas tree.
    still dry wretching
    You will all get to see the pics
    The Morwell, Wagin, Port Augusta, Gladstone and Nowra offices of the ABC will be closed.

    Radio bulletins are likely to be shortened. The top of the hour news will no longer be ten minutes.

    Newcastle will be downgraded to a regional station.
    400 jobs – or ten per cent – of the workforce will go

    Pynes petition failed , as he would have expected

    The Adelaide television production studio will be closed.

    One quarter of the redundancies – 100 jobs – at the ABC will come from news

    The Auckland bureau of the ABC will be closed

    Four Corners, Australian Story and Landline face cutbacks,

    The irony of it all was The Prime Ministerial Christmas Tree launch coincided with exactly the moment ABC Managing Director Mark Scott apologised to employees who would be out of a job at Christmas.


    • driftwood12 says:

      I suspect that this will only be the foot in the door. This is all for much more than just Fox. Sites for alternative viewpoints or truths will dissapear by the dozens over coming years. It will also come with assaults around the globe on the weak by political and corporate. That’s why I poke that north of the President with a stick. Before it sets or thinks its invincible or righteous. We are under assault as our nation and resources and daily existance and hard won simple pleasures.
      Fresh air- 2 dollars a bag.


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