How long before we see blood on the streets?

How long before we see blood on the streets?

We can no longer take for granted the relative peace and security of life in Australia.efigy

Not because of some credible threat from an external terrorist organisation, or even from some radical local contingent of terrorists, but because of the LNP state governments, emboldened by a rabid right wing nut-job who through lies and deceit managed to get his grubby mitts on the keys to treasury, and the Lodge.

Now I’m sure that some will be screaming “Alarmist rubbish”, or “Lefty scaremongering”, but is it?

newman_the_dictator_0In QLD, our own little fascist dictator Campbell Newman has taken a radical approach to law and order with the introduction of his “Illegal Bikie Gang” and “Sex offenders” laws which have drawn severe criticism from not only civil libertarians, but also lawyers and the Judiciary, as he has blatantly torn up the separation of powers.

They have also passed legislation banning  the possession of such weaponry as “Eggs” within restricted zones around QLD, during the G20 summit… WTF?

There are alarm bells ringing, as many believe that this is the thin end of the wedge, as Newman claims that he is just listening to the people of QLD, despite a recent survey which concluded that a majority are more concerned with other types of crimes than those perpetrated by “bikie gangs”.

We also see Victorian Premier Dennis Napthine doing similar things, with the support of the new federal government.

These new laws seek to bypass the Judiciary, to impose mandatory sentences, without the regular checks and balances, or right of appeal… Be afraid… Be very afraid!

student protest5student protest3

Early this week we saw students protests in Victoria, as a result of proposed cuts to higher education, in scenes somewhat reminiscent of actions seen across European countries in recent years, with mounted police forcing students to retreat as other young people are man handled by officers in riot mode.

Those students have promised more protests will take place, which is inevitable, as the LNP, both state and Federal look to take a hard line on cuts, as well as the sell off of HECS debt as a way to reduce Federal debt levels.


We have a day of action on Climate Change organised on 17th November, where many people are expected to turn out in support of stronger action, rather than the wishy washy approach of Abbott’s “Direct Action” plan, as more evidence surfaces to further discredit an already discredited plan.

And we are less than 2 months into the term of Abbott’s government; a government thatimages hasn’t even sat yet.  A government that will take a confrontational approach to unions and IR laws, which will in turn create fear, anger and frustration amongst workers, which will inevitably spill out onto the streets, causing more angry protests, and possible riots.

And the question is; why?

  • Are we facing a fiscal melt down?   NO!
  • Is our debt spiralling out of control?  Not yet!
  • Have we been experiencing negative growth?  NO!
  • Are our unemployment numbers growing at an alarming rate?  Not yet!
  • Do we need to introduce Austerity measures?  NO!
  • Were the scare campaigns of the LNP, prior to the election, justified?  Not at all!
  • Do we need the kinds of laws that are currently being introduced?  I think NOT!

The truth is that the things that this country needs;

  •  Positive action to combat AGW.
  • International trade agreements that look after the National interest, as opposed to the interests of corporations.
  • Fair and equitable tax laws that make sure that multinational corporations, mining conglomerates and the mega wealthy etc pay what they should.
  • Infrastructure for the 21st century.
  • Promotion of renewables as a key part of the “New Economy”.
  • Further extensions of the humanitarian intake etc etc.

are being ignored, not for any valid reasons of economic urgency or responsibility, but rather for the sake of rabid right ideology, and nothing more.   😦

We have weathered the storm of the GFC, thus far, while looking on with sadness and, in some cases horror, at the violent riots that played out across many of the worst affected countries in the EU.

Riots brought about by the same types of draconian laws, instigated by right wing regimes, that now threaten to directly affect the relative social and industrial peace and cohesion that we have enjoyed over recent years.

I genuinely fear for the future of this great country, our children and our grandchildren, but my immediate concern, that feeds into the the longer term fears, is for the much revered (around the world)  Australian lifestyle, at the hands of the self serving rabid right.

The old Aussie “She’ll be right mate!” will no longer cut it as we witness the erosion of our civil and legal rights, and the expected degradation of our hard fought for working conditions.

So, with less than 2 months down, in the Abbott’s term, and the state LNP governments feeling a revitalised sense of empowerment to implement their Fascist agendas, the burning question is;

How long before we see blood on the streets?


About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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100 Responses to How long before we see blood on the streets?

  1. “Alarmist rubbish”, or “Lefty scaremongering”, there are you happy now?! Someone has noticed you.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Ominia quaerite, welcome and thanks for your comment 😯

      My hope is that more people see what’s going on 😦

      And as far as someone noticing me, you aren’t the first today, and you certainly wont be the last 😯

      And as far as being happy is concerned, not until this lying, corrupt, incompetent and sad excuse for a government are confined to the annuls of history, and this country is back on track to be a world leader in the areas that really matter, instead of the redneck backwater that Abbott, in record time, has managed to turn us into 😯

      Cheers 😀


    • olddavey says:

      Trolling here now, are we?


    • olddavey says:

      Trolling here now, are we


    • cornlegend says:

      Omnia quaerite
      Dear Omnia quaerite,
      now correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t “Omnia quaerite” mean question everything” ?
      You don’t appear to have done too much of that, otherwise I feel you would be in hearty support of Truthseekers assertions
      I would Omnia quaerite your motives.
      It is obvious that fact is not something you seek.


  2. melaine says:

    Ah Truthie, ‘none so blind as those that will not see’… each time new laws to ‘control violence’ in minority groups are introduced they never go away and just end up being used against all.

    Why are the rwnj’s so afraid of real progress and fairness… for all citizens?

    Once again you have highlighted issues that an uncorrupted media would normally cover… more power to your keyboard my friend 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mel, thanks for that 😀 and sooo true 😦

      They’re afraid of progress and fairness, because they’re NOT in their DNA 😯

      Cheers 😀


      • melaine says:

        We can console ourselves with the knowledge that humanity can survive adversity and often it leads to our greatest leaps forward 🙂 ‘never give in, never surrender’


  3. Fiona says:

    Truth Seeker,
    Thank you – excellent post.


  4. Maybe Fairfax news could start serving their ‘old ideals’ as they were more left than right. They might also gain some more readership (well one can only hope). There have been a few journos who have dared to make some criticism of the new govt. lately.
    There are indeed a lot of very angry people out there in normal land & it will only get worse with everything that Abbott & his mob keep up their stupidity of hitting the have nots in the ‘guts’ all the time. The old saying still rings true – ‘The rich get richer & the poor get the picture’.
    The younger people of today are just as capable of showing us what is right & what is wrong in this world & if we as older people don’t join them in their fight for the betterment of the country we should all hang our heads in shame.
    Keep up the good work Truthie, we need your wise words.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Sandra, thank you so much for your comment and kind words 😳 it means a lot coming from one who is renowned for wise words and insightful comments 😎

      Yes I did make note in my last post that there were at least some in the MSM that were showing signs of
      preparedness to hold the Abbott to account, and I think/hope that as his tenure drags on, and the people become more vocal in their opposition, that those media voices will also become louder and more frequent 😯

      I, like you, also believe that the younger generations will be leading the charge, and it will be up to us to do what we can to support them 😀 both on the ground and through social media 😉

      I will continue to do all I can, and on the subject of good work and wise words, I can only say… Right back at ya 😀

      Cheers 😀


  5. cornlegend says:

    I was one of the many to get arrested in Bjelke-Petersens SEQEB dispute in the 80s.
    This current mob of arseholes have taken it to a whole new level which even Bjelke didn’t dare
    The current rash of LNP governments no longer stand for even the rubbish policies that they for so long proclaimed.
    We now have Tea Party governments , the fascist right, stretching their powers to the limits, and then some.
    We these rancid right wingers and a compliant MSM the future sure looks bleak.
    To steal and alter {just a little bit] 😀 the words of John Pilger

    “Australia has the most restrictive media in the western world. Censorship by omission denies Australians their democratic right to make sense of whole stratas of political and foreign policy. That’s why “TRUTHSEEKER MUSINGS” is a beacon, doing a job of honourable journalism, as an agent of people, not power.”
    John Pilger
    I’m sure Pilger wouldn’t mind 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie thanks for that mate 😎 but I just call it as I see it, and I couldn’t do it without the support of all the great commenters and friends like your good self. 😀

      The future of our great nation is at stake, and as the old saying goes… “Evil flourishes when good men (and women) do nothing!” 😎

      Maintain the rage mate, and keep up the fight 😀

      Cheers (Up Up and Awaaaay ) 😀


  6. consider says:

    You are soooo right. The really frightening thing is that Abbott hasn`t even started yet, as you have pointed out in your comments.
    As for that Dill Newman, He is right when he says that the great majority want the criminals and child-molesters locked away BUT, his `ends do not justfify `the means. Fascist methods only have one sad end. Those who ignore history will unfortunately re-live it .
    The quicker we get rid of the likes of Newman,Abbott and their ilk the better.(politically of course)


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Consider, welcome to my site, and thanks for your comment and feedback 😎

      It is a scary prospect to see our country taken down this long and slippery slope to fascism, and the words of Fitzgerald should be ringing in our ears, when he said that (Paraphrasing) the criminals are usually the ones in power! 😯

      You are dead right when you say “Those that ignore history will unfortunately re-live it” , and Abbott et al should have those words carved into their foreheads 😉

      I hope you can comment again 😀

      Cheers 😀


  7. Joe Banks says:

    Thank you, Truth Seeker. Another good piece… It is what so many of us think but are afraid to say or write. I keep asking myself, what will it take to make the MSM journalists start seeing ‘the bleedin obvious’. OK, their masters are telling them what to write, but surely they are not all stupid. They all seem to be responding to ‘news’ like robots. Consequently, the majority of Australians don’t know or don’t care what is going on in this country, despite being faced with the greatest threat since WW2. Although the ‘alarm’ is slowly being raised in people’s consciousness, I can’t see it making much progress until the MSM journalists start getting their heads into gear and start reporting the truth. I am not sure social media is going to be enough to bring about the change that is needed to rid this country of this corrupt and defective government. But I live in hopes!


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Joe, thanks for that 😀

      If the scenario that I have alluded to comes to pass, then the MSM will have no choice but to report it, and they may be brought kicking and screaming to the table, but they will eventually get there, or at least some will 😀

      You are right about social media, but it’s growing all the time, and in the not too distant future will become a force to be reckoned with 😯

      And we will all play a part 😎

      Cheers 😀


  8. says:

    I can’t wait until some of these MSM journalists get sacked or leave on there own accord then maybe all will be revealed, but maybe these journo’s will have a job for life as they can’t afford the risk of them revealing the stand over tactics .


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Pandrstevenson1, thanks for your comment 😎

      Yes it would be a great spectator sport to watch Murdoch squirm a bit 😀 but we may not have to wait too long, depending on the outcome of the Rebekah Brooks trial 😀

      Cheers 😀


  9. bighead1883 says:

    Good work you have done.
    Good deeds you encourage.
    Good thing we have you
    For the Good things you do
    Truthy,you go from one plane to the next with such aplomb as to awaken the protester inside.
    Gladly do I protest beside thee.and of course CORNY.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Biggy, thanks for that 😎

      Mate, you don’t do so bad yourself 😀

      Cheers 😀


        • bighead1883 says:

          Uploaded on 4 Mar 2011
          Super Stone Slinger is a political spoof played by the renowned, Australian actor, Peter Kowitz. Peter was a student at the time he played the super hero in this short film. The Super 8 film references an event that took place during a state of emergency in Queensland used to control anti-apartheid demonstrations that coincided with a South African Springbok rugby union tour in 1971. The film was shot in Wickham Park in central Brisbane, the actual location where two separate demonstrations had been charged by police without warning, and several people had been seriously injured. The victims included Peter Beattie, who later became the 36th Premier of Queensland between 1998 and 2007.

          After the second police charge on July 24, 1971, the Police claimed this charge was ordered when a stone was thrown that allegedly broke a window in the hotel where the Springboks were staying. However, the offending missile was never produced and glaziers called to fix the window insisted the fall of the glass strongly suggested the window has been broken from inside the building. It was next to impossible for a demonstrator to throw a stone and break the plate glass window as the police had claimed. This film is a send up of the police assertion.

          The actor, Peter Kowitz, is one of Australia’s most prolific stage performers over the last 40 years. He has had roles in classics like Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and A Doll’s House, as well as numerous Shakespearean plays. He has also worked extensively in comedy. Peter has appeared in almost every major Australian television series of the last 25 years with credits including Murder Call, Rafferty’s Rules, Wildside, Big Sky and Swimming With Sharks.

          Peter has won two AFI awards. The first in 1986, when he was named Best Lead Actor in a Telefeature for The Long Way Home, and the second in 1989, when he was awarded Best Performance by an Actor in a mini-series for Body Surfer. He has also received a Variety Club Heart Award for television performance. More recently, he played the character Max in the BBC/FOX comedy “Supernova” series 1&2.

          The music is from DROWNING POOL, a band originally from Dallas, Texas. The track is entitled BODIES from their debut album SINNER (2001 / Wind-up Records).
          Standard YouTube Licence
          Buy “Bodies” on
          Drowning Pool
          Show fewer


  10. Gilly says:

    Little to no chance of accurate reporting from the MSM. To start to do so now would only serve to highlight their lack of responsible journalism prior to the election and their complicity in placing the nation in the hands of a (as many negative, but sadly accurate, adjectives, as are available) bunch of (as many negative, but sadly accurate, nouns, as are available).
    I wonder if this is what JWH’s gun buyback was really about? A self protective measure.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Gilly, thanks for your comment 😎

      I agree, the MSM would be showing themselves up for the liars and hypocrites that they are, but over the last week or so there have appeared pockets, that seem to be at least trying 😯

      And even “Insiders” seemed more balanced than usual, so we may be surprised 😮

      I never trusted anything that JWH did 👿

      Cheers 😀


      • olddavey says:

        Worth a read when thinking about JWH and the buyback:


        • Gilly says:

          Thanks for the link. At the time I found it hard to reconcile the number of head shots in the café with the wild shooting from the house and I felt sorry for him.
          I can find possible motivation in current world circumstances, but not in any circumstances of the time. I doubt that anyone up for such extreme actions is going to be strategic enough to plan that far ahead. Now I want to review what may have been going on around then. Damm it !!


  11. Gilly says:

    Meer minions, self promoting to Masters and usurping Democracy on the way.


  12. cornlegend says:

    11,000 QLD coppers all emailed today warning them of threats to their safety.
    Apparently the Mongols Motorcycle club had issued threats, then suspicion of pipe bombs etc
    Queensland, on alert one day, at threat the next. Onya Campbell.


  13. Blog of Greg says:

    There are many problems in our political system. One is that we have corporations financially supporting political parties that they want to get in, and lobby groups advertising with their own political spin. Then there is of course the main stream media who manipulate and deceive with their own spin, in order to achieve their own agenda.

    When faced with this, it is difficult to fight against a party that has such significant support from the corporations and the wealthy.

    IMO the only way that we are going to beat these sorts of extremist policies, is to continuously take to the streets and defy those in power. If that means civil disobedience, then IMO that is what we have to do in order to take back OUR political system!

    However, this isn’t going to happen in the short term. perhaps not even in the longer term. In order to progress from abuse and slavery, we have to make the public more aware of what is happening, and for most Australian’s, it isn’t that bad yet.

    For instance, most younger people have no idea of where we have come from in the way of workers rights, and as they need jobs to pay the rent, it is unlikely that they will strike (illegally) in order to stand up like our forebears did.

    Unfortunately this would seem that we are stuck at present. That CAN change, but it will take a very bad situation to make that happen – and I don’t think we are there yet.

    It would help of course, if we had a better Labor party that isn’t stuck in the past, but changes are happening, it is just a matter of whether they will once again support the people, or be manipulated by corporations as they have been.

    Of course this is just my opinion.



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Greg, thanks for your comment 😎

      Like all generations, there is always a contingent of student activists, the good thing today is that most of those are long term users of social media, and that will make a difference IMHO. 😀

      As we saw with the protests yesterday, they are not afraid to get out there, and although they are primarily pushing their own barrow, at least some of them will make the connection between what’s happening to them, and what’s happening to the rest of the country. So I think that the message will get wider support than many realise. 😯

      I agree that the Labor party has to get their act together, or get left behind, I personally hope for the former 😉

      Mate, it’s opinions that get the conversations started 😀 so thanks for yours 😎

      Cheers 😀


    • bighead1883 says:

      I was enjoying your post until you came up with a Labor stuck in the past.
      Wow what are putting on your morning porridge BOG.
      This modern conservative Labor is just another right wing able to be lobbied to by corporatocracy.right wing lunacy.
      Sheesh M8 have you got it arse about.
      You sound like right faction spin and us OLD Labor are going Socialist.


      • Blog of Greg says:

        Hmmm. I think you misunderstand me – perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I had almost zip sleep last night with extreme pain – whoops!

        While I might not have expressed myself very clearly, I have NO love for Labor in its current form (perhaps not at all – but not sure – not old enough to have previously known it), and yes I agree it is right wing, and has been for many many years – even though some idiots continue to refer to it as left wing – daft!

        I have been involved in politics for many years and am very aware of what is really going on! At least try to be!

        Perhaps I should have said that it is run by dinosaurs who have vested interests, and financed by some in the corporate world, or are old party hacks attached to power without any concern or interest in whom they should be representing – They have lost touch, or never had touch, with the people. Perhaps that is what I mean by stuck in the past – I will have to think on that 🙂

        The fact that Labor has been slowly eroding our hard fought conditions, along with wages, welfare, privatisations etc. for many years demonstrates clearly that they have no interest in governing for the people.

        When the Kawke/Keating govt introduced The Accord, with full support of, and cooperation with, the ACTU was the day that Labor showed its true colours (at least of the current leadership), and set the field for what is now transpiring in Australia.

        However analysing my last paragraph of my initial response I said:

        “but changes are happening…”
        What I mean is that, at least on the surface, there has been a slight change to a more democratic party, not fully, but at least it is a start.

        I then said:
        “it is just a matter of whether they will once again support the people, or be manipulated by corporations as they have been.”

        Clearly I am saying that Labor is influenced by the corporates and that they don’t support the people. So not sure where you got the idea that I was sounding like right faction spin.

        So sorry if I sound like right faction spin, but I can assure you, I have no love for the right.

        Right’s just plain wrong 🙂 sorry 🙂

        have a good night.


  14. bighead1883 says:

    Your last paragraph BoG.
    “It would help of course, if we had a better Labor party that isn’t stuck in the past [been neo con since Keating but the left still held most sway], but changes are happening,[right killing off left,starting at pre selection and hijacking Labor`s first democratic leadership election,killing off democracy] it is just a matter of whether they will once again support the people [not any more], or be manipulated by corporations as they have been”.{as they are now and not nearly as much in the past].
    Did George Wright hire you to spin this BoG?.


    • Blog of Greg says:

      It is quite amusing that you referred to me as BoG. I didn’t get it at first but now have. Whoops bad choice of name I guess. It could be _interesting_ if used incorrectly 🙂

      I might point out that I am quite allowed to analyse, and comment. It is quite annoying to read your level of debate. Perhaps a little less sarcasm and attack would be nice. While I might not have everything correct in your eyes, everyone has different eyes, and is affected by what happens in different ways. That makes everyone’s opinions valuable – even mine – god help us 🙂

      I have ZERO love for Labor. I do not vote for Labor, I do not like Labor and would not Vote for Labor! BUT I am allowed to comment on what I see or what I feel, and I should be able to do so.

      For many years, Labor has been VERY undemocratic. IMO. Even though it is a small step, isn’t it good that Labor has had a slightly more democratic internal vote.

      Personally if I were a member of Labor I would be pushing for a different situation where the droves stood up and said NO! or resigned en masse, but I am not, nor would I every be, a member of Labor. They don’t represent my views!

      Personally I would rather see Labor disposed of and replaced, but that isn’t likely to happen and would likely be severely problematic in the short term for politics in Aus. God help us we would have more parties like the shooters party, palmers party, catters party and so on. Can you imagine it. It would be raining cats and dogs in palm trees with shooters all around… while the LNP would be having a Tea Party on the grounds outside the ring… god that is a pathetic attempt at humour 🙂

      Unfortunately there are too many powerful people in Labor, and they need to be disposed of if Labor is ever to become a better party. IMO.

      You are making my arm ache, and my brain hurts!

      I am quite happy to debate, be encouraged and educated, but please, less rudeness! 🙂

      Have a good night!
      BoG is drying out and needs water!


      • bighead1883 says:

        Hmmm rudeness say you.
        Never intent of mine be to you rude I say.
        My Yodaness allow this not as hurt your feelings may be.
        Investigative appraisal needed to weed garden as weeds when young resemble flowers that never will blossom
        Nurturing these has a flowerless future.
        Retirement battles fought now not with light sabre but with en-light-en -ment.of understanding..
        Be of good cheer and have a good soaking to replenish tomorrows growth spurt and flower.


  15. Ann says:

    Just wait for the return of Work Choices. They are coming, it is only a matter of time.


  16. olddavey says:

    Posted this a bit further back but I’ll do it again here. It’s a bit hectic back there tonight.

    Worth a read when thinking about JWH and the buyback:


    • bighead1883 says:

      How interesting olddavey,never seen that one before,it certainly requires thought..
      It`s like the no plane wreckage on Sept 11 at the Pentagon.
      The whole Polish gov in a Russian plane crash.
      JFK and so many more.
      But one thing is certain,conservative governments will scaremonger [real and perceived] in order to diminish human rights and to curtail freedoms.
      Political correctness has change the words from “Fascist Government” to “Conservative Government”.
      Both are the same in nature.


      • olddavey says:

        Or the other plane on 911 that just happenned to dive straight into a disused mineshaft, Like the Pentagon one, it must have had folding wings like a carrier plane.


  17. bighead1883 says:

    So here in WA whilst the East Coast sleeps the gnawing of Reptile Mudslinger grinds the conscience.
    Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has used Tony Abbott’s elevation as Prime Minister to highlight Australia’s emergence from a nation once riddled with “stuffy, narrow-minded elitism”.
    How elitist a statement is that,it rivals,Socialists lose government when they run out of other peoples money.
    He even welcomed Australia into global corporatism and trade.
    Meanwhile the arse lickers in the audience saved stomach space for for their private dessert with Reptile later that evening.
    NO reporters though..”Shultz,if you seez juss von of dem,execute on zer spot ya”.
    As you say Truthy,the gift that keeps on giving,but hey it`s going to be a lo————-ng three years.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Biggy, yes who the hell cares what Murdoch says about Australia, as it’s all coloured by his own senile self interest 😯

      What a megalomaniac PRICK! 🙄

      Cheers 😀


  18. cornlegend says:

    I’m pissed with the ABC promoting this scumbag Murdoch as “back on home soil”
    The prick is a bloody Yank,
    send him back to home soil.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie, me too, started swearing as soon as I heard them say it 😯

      Cheers 😀


    • bighead1883 says:

      There`s nothing these fuckwits will stop at to brainwash and stain with their shit for brains dogma.
      Every branch of anything governMENTAL or QANGO will be infiltrated by their minions.
      The orcs are spreading out driven by the sickness that is the LNP.
      I heard the Lycra Loonies response to Shorten not giving over on the carbon tax unless it`s replaced by an ETS whilst driving home North from Kalgoorlie today and .it sounded like a chastised schoolboy.
      Sick sick sick Give Em the Flick.


  19. cornlegend says:

    I look like being in Kalgoorlie Dec 5th and 6th.
    Might find me some hidden wealth 😀


  20. cornlegend says:

    Officers who question Qld police bikies crackdown told to ‘reconsider their future’

    Queensland police who disagree with the crackdown on bikie gangs have been told to reconsider their future with the service.

    The Queensland Police Union (QPU) says internal emails sent to rank and file officers warn them to carry out the mission or be shown the door.

    One email says: “Government considers that we – the QPS Senior Executive – have failed to adequately and professionally respond to this matter – consider this in all your communication and thinking”.

    “This is a crisis – has been compared to a terrorist act – we should be developing our strategies locally based on this type of thinking.

    “The mission is clear – to rid Queensland of criminal motorcycle gangs (CMG) – it is to be achieved in conjunction with normal business, priorities and the current change process – if this is not personally acceptable to you, consider your future with the QPS.


  21. cornlegend says:

    Queensland police want to take guns home to protect families amid bikie fears –

    POLICE want the power to take their guns home while off-duty to protect their families, as fears mount they will be attacked in their houses by outlaw motorcycle gangs.

    Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers has told Commissioner Ian Stewart officers should be able to “independently determine” if they take home police-issued Glocks after the State Government introduced tough anti-bike laws.

    The move follows police intelligence that outlaw gang the Mongols are prepared to kill police to avoid arrest and are attempting to stockpile automatic weapons.

    “These new laws imposed by the Newman Government put their existence at risk and there is real likelihood of resistance from them,” Mr Leavers wrote in a letter obtained by The Courier-Mail.


  22. diannaart says:


    Trying to catch up on my 5th estate reading. Took some time out because… Just getting too much.

    This bikie beat-up… In your state and mine (Vic)… What is that about? Off the top of my head bikers make up about 4% of organised crime in Australia, but 99% of the bleeding obvious! hardly covert little petals. So just what is the sleight of hand going on here with the Napthine & Newman (BTW whenever I read ‘Newman’ I hear Seinfeld’s Neeeeewwmannnn) what are they hiding by this massive tax- payer funded focus on a bunch of blokes on bikes?

    What major issues do Victoria & QLD have in common, I would say CSG, but NSW has same issues, although O’Farrell may start in when the QLD&Vic bikers move state – as if!

    Now I’ve got that out of my system… Abbott is rabid, believes his own spiel, what a lummox, he thinks he can behave on the international forum, like he does back in backwater Aus.

    Knowing there are like minded people out here in the land of Aus keeps me from complete despair.

    Cheers to all, wish I could keep more in touch.



    • Truth Seeker says:

      Dianna, thanks for your comment 😎

      Yes, on the Gold Coast, where all this started, bikies contribution to organised crime, according to the police, is around 1.9% 😯
      IMHO, it’s all about distracting us from the other things they are doing, or plan to do, but I believe they are doing it now because they have a supporter in Abbott. 👿

      We all feel despair at times, but keep your chin up, and know you are among friends here 😀

      Cheers 😀


      • diannaart says:


        Thank you for your kind words – they help more than you can imagine. Not only do you provide good analysis inspiring discussion, you mix that with some cutting poetry AND respond to the many contributors – priceless.

        While I don’t expect our leaders to suddenly burst forth with a merry rhyme, there is much to be learned from the interaction, exchange of ideas that has been neglected by the first estate, while the powers-that-be pursue goals based on a fantasy.

        It is not rocket science to work towards a sustainable, equitable future for ourselves and all other creatures on this living planet. There is no need to exploit or suck dry resources, also, there is enough for the rich (just not AS rich) and no need for people to starve for want of food, or succumb through lack of shelter. While we continue this disparate spiral, the greedy are signing their own demise.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Dianna, thanks for all your support 😀 sadly, our politicians in general don’t understand the need for open and frank discussions, but believe their own press releases that say they are the only ones that know what’s needed 😯

          The exchange of ideas is what pushes us forward, whereas the total belief in ideologies closes the mind, and in essence becomes regressive rather than progressive. 😀

          And the truth is that most immovable ideologies either have a foundation in greed or the unshakeable idea that theirs is the only way. 😯

          Compromise is a requirement for all good relationships to work, and likewise in politics.

          As you say, “It’s not rocket science”, but it is about considering others, instead of only considering ones self. 😯

          I believe very strongly in treating other as you would like to be treated yourself, and that’s why, whenever possible, I try to reply to comments on my site, because it lets people know that they’ve been heard. 😀 and we all want to fell like we’ve been heard. 😀

          Cheers 😀


  23. Excellent article. Keep up the good work.


  24. cornlegend says:

    What a shit fight this is going to create.
    Palmer is off to the Courts, to have the first vote upheld.
    Xenophon is baying for a new Senate election.
    The newly “announced” winners are crowing.
    I was reading some ancient articles I had a few days ago and can’t see this panning out well.
    Given the AEC didn’t want to do the recount, It looks worse.
    I figure, if you are going to have a result, its best the first one., but wouldn’t be surprised if the taint gets so strong, another Senate election for WA is inevitable
    The taint of 1400 odd votes missing makes the current winners seem illegitimate.
    Shades of the Bush election, dimpled chads, pregnant chads etc.and that nasty Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, who oversaw this fraud on the American voting public


    • bighead1883 says:

      Now corny I am an volunteer ambo here in my Ntn WA Goldfields town and liase with the local Aboriginals here and the surrounding communities and guess what?The AEC did not go into many communities and set up the chance for them to vote.
      Many of these communities do not have enough transport for them to go to a regional polling centre.
      I`m going to email PUP in WA of this knowledge today.
      How do I know this?I asked at some of the communities I visit and was told FIRST hand.


  25. cornlegend says:

    Clive Palmer to launch challenge to Western Australia Senate recount

    West Australian voters are poised to go back to the polls, with mining magnate Clive Palmer confirming he will launch a challenge to the Senate recount with the High Court.

    The Australian Electoral Commission declared late on Saturday the Australian Sports Party’s Wayne Dropulich and the Greens’ Scott Ludlam had won the final Senate positions in a recount on Saturday – despite the fact 1375 votes remain missing.

    The recount reverses the original result, which had knocked Mr Dropulich and Senator Ludlam out at a crucial point in the count, which hung on just 14 votes, installing the Palmer United Party’s Zhenya “Dio” Wang and Labor’s Louise Pratt.

    Mr Dropulich and Senator Ludlam appealed, saying the close result warranted a recount.

    But during the recount, 1375 ballot papers somehow disappeared. On Friday, Electoral Commissioner Ed Killesteyn apologised for the missing papers, which he said could not be found despite “exhaustive efforts” to locate them. The votes were classified as 1255 formal above-the-line ballots and 120 informal votes from the divisions of Pearce and Forrest.

    Mr Palmer said the recount should not have been held in the absence of the 1375 missing votes, telling Fairfax Media on Saturday evening he would speak to his lawyers and lodge an appeal. The appeal would be heard by the High Court, sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns, which has the power to order a fresh election.

    Mr Palmer and other objectors have 40 days to petition the High Court.

    “It’s pretty devastating, isn’t it?” Mr Palmer said. “If you look at the lost votes, and add that to the result, we would have won. If there’s another election, we’re absolutely certain we’ll win and we might even pick up another spot.”


    • bighead1883 says:

      Done corny,I emailed Anthony Fels here in WA and told him to tell Clive my findings.
      These are easily verifiable by anyone of interest just visiting these communities to fact check this slackness of the AEC.
      Voting is compulsory here in OZ as we all know so why were these communities disenfrachised?it can only be political.


    • bighead1883 says:

      I also sent a copy straight to PUP headquarters in Brissy.


    • bighead1883 says:

      Anthony Fels PUP`s failed House of Reps WA candidate was surprised at the disclosure I gave him Truthy.
      He told me that it would have had no bearing on the current result but if a WA Senate re-election happens it surely will,but of course this I knew.
      It`s going to the High Court for sure this AEC bungle.
      In small and strange ways we all may be able to assist in kneecapping this fraudulent LNP/Murdoch coalition.


  26. TimePasser says:

    Truth Seeker, Cornlegend, Bighead1883…. Do you never sleep or eat?
    I see the comments have flowed back and forth at all hours while I have snoozed and munched.
    Thanks for all the time and effort you each put in to keep us informed and inspired.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Time Passer, thanks for your kind words and encouragement 😎

      I must admit that I for one don’t get a lot of sleep, and many times it feels like I don’t get any, but that’s just me, and it’s been that way since I was a kid 😯 I always felt that time asleep was time wasted 😦 but now I would like to get some decent sleep occasionally 😀 bu the pattern’s already set 😦

      Cornie on the other hand is just a legend, and I think Biggy lives in WA.

      Thanks for your feedback, we all appreciate it 😎

      Cheers 😀


      • bighead1883 says:

        Timepasser I`m in WA so when Truthy and corny sleep I fan the flames,and run amok..
        It`s going to take a lot of vigilance to keep this mob from from enslaving our grandchildren


    • cornlegend says:

      Don’t know if its a blessing or a curse, but never have been able to sleep for more than 4 to 5 hours.
      Gives me plenty of time to annoy the crap out of Truthseeker and the Truthseekers who come to his site for inspiration. 😀


  27. cornlegend says:

    What a lotta rubbish,
    “when Truthy and corny sleep I fan the flames,and run amok.”
    You don’t need us sleeping to do that 😀
    Keep it up though, I enjoy it 🙂


  28. consider says:

    If the likes of Bighead, Cornlegend and Truthseeker stop their comments at any time I will jump off my patio.
    Reading their views and opinions keep me sane!!!! knowing that likeminded people are still `out there`’ Keep up the good work.
    (By the way my patio is 9 inches off the ground)
    Cheers all.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Consider, Thanks for that 😀 and I don’t want to be, in any way, responsible for sprained ankles, nasty bruising or dirty feet, knees etc 😯

      I can only speak for myself, but I don’t intend stopping, at least until Abbott is confined to the scrap heap for rejects from the annuls of history 😀

      And the other two are pretty hard to shut up 😯 and we wouldn’t have them any other way 😀

      Cheers 😀


  29. cornlegend says:

    Now with threats like that, you realise the three of us are gonna come around, sit at the foot of your patio with a safety net, and pull off the heroics.
    Anyone anti Abbott , and sticking with the fight, like you do needs protection 😀


  30. cornlegend says:

    You know, I have a feeling big Clive is growing on me 😀
    His policies are crap, his DOG party is a joke , a rich mans plaything and he is from the opposite spectrum of politics from me, BUT
    He is taking the fight to the main parties, but best of all, he is gonna create chaos over the WA Senate debacle, and when Parliament sits I’ll be glued to Question time.
    Big Clive will be the main attraction, running amok and asking curly questions and getting the inevitable 1 hour exit.
    I’m tipping, to make an impression big Clive will turn up to the firdt sitting and land the “copter on the lawns of Parliament


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie, we are cheering him on too, for his threats to Newman, and the spectacle to come 😀

      Mate there’s no better a spectator sport than watching 1 RWNJ, taking down another RWNJ 😯

      Cheers 😀


    • bighead1883 says:

      We will all share pie with Clive because he wants to share.
      And you know what they say corny,sharing is caring.
      Cheers “consider” for your ability to not take the 9 inch death plunge
      That would be in “consider” ate of you if you did and we would have one less to share Clive`s pie with.


  31. bighead1883 says:

    Just as an big aside,I just came back from another hospital to RFDS transfer,so all you fantastic folk in blogland please remember if you see an RFDS donation tin give em a little because they do a lot.


  32. consider says:

    Thanks all for your kind words of encouragement I can say that I have now stepped back from the edge.
    Here in Qld I honestly believe that Adolph Newman (The nickname given to him courtesy of a member of the Vietman Veterans M.C.Club) has bitten off more than he can chew and if we need the help of Big Clive to get rid of him (I never thought I would EVER hear me say this), GO CLIVE GO.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Consider, as a fellow QLDer , I completely agree, and will support anyone who will give it to Adolph ( laughed when I heard the Vet say it 😆 😆 )

      Like you, I never thought that I would be cheering on clive 😯

      Cheers 😀


  33. bighead1883 says:

    Our WA Treasusrer Troy Sniff Boswell a Liberal of course.
    I dare you not to LOL at the second video.


  34. diannaart says:

    Gawd ‘elp us all…

    ….when the enemy of our enemy becomes our friend in the form of Clive Palmer, I run screaming from the room and I live on the side of a hill, the drop for me is about 15 metres, pathetic really… not enough to remove me from the pie-share but just enough to disable me a bit more…. there is no god….


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