The Lounge archive V.

The Lounge. images Have a drink… Have a bite to eat… Have your say!

the-lounge   So grab a drink and something to eat, make yourself comfortable, sit back and enjoy the show, or better still… be a part of it 😯

Baby photo of Charlie, the "Lounge Dog"

Baby photo of Charlie, the “Lounge Dog”

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

The new leadlights for the en-suite window.

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris.   :grin:

And this is our latest facility courtesy of Techinbris. 😀

Charlie lounging  after his 5K walk, this morning, in the rain .

Charlie lounging after his 5K morning walk, in the rain .



The newly installed “Mulled Wine” Spa.  😉

Enjoy!   😀

2,578 Responses to The Lounge archive V.

  1. cornlegend says:

    Rupert and the Media moguls must be tearing their hair out .

    They do the selling of Julie , so she can take over from Abbott , but as soon as they do she stuffs up again

    You would have to be living in a cave to have missed the blitzkrieg of Julie Bishop puff pieces in recent months. It seems that the only woman in Tony Abbott’s Cabinet may be the solution to all of the Governments woes? I won’t provide links to all these so-called ‘real’ Julie Bishop pieces as they don’t deserve the click through advertising that the publications themselves will make from them. Just Google and you will see for yourself if you have been hiding away from the headlines 😉

    Mr Murdoch may be deciding that Mr Abbott has stuffed up one time too many and is getting ready to replace him as head of our Government. OR, he could just be using the elevation of Julie Bishop in the public’s eye as a distraction from the fact that this Government is pretty much in a stalemate position. Giving the Government’s backers a bit of space to kick their MP’s butts to get the budget through. Obviously before too many Australian’s realise just how worse off the budget really is for them

    The Age
    Julie Bishop
    Julie Bishop amuses her Twitter followers.Returning from a busy few days as president of the United Nations Security Council, Ms Bishop took time out from her schedule on Sunday night to entertain more than 85,000 Twitter followers by replying to tweets using nothing but Emoji characters.
    The Age
    After proving herself as a strong presence on the world stage following the MH17 tragedy, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop✓ has earned herself Harper Bazaar’s Woman of the Year award.

    Just because Julie Bishop, our briskly efficacious Foreign Minister, has been busy leading the Australian response to the MH17 disaster, eyeballing President Vladimir Putin and basking in the praise.

    Julie Bishop stares down Russia:

    David Wroe, Defence Correspondent Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has dramatically stepped up Australia’s condemnation of Moscow over the flight MH17

    The Australian
    HOW did Julie Bishop, the epitome of political polish and today the most powerful woman in Australian politics, wind up skulling beers from the bottle to wash down a $3 curry

    The talented Miss Julie
    The Sydney Morning Herald‎ – Sep 2013
    The student was Julie Bishop and she wanted to know about a career in diplomacy. … The talented Miss Julie, former champion debater and head prefect of Adelaide’s most prestigious …

    A woman of steel … so what made Julie Bishop cry?
    Herald Sun‎ – Aug 2014
    JULIE Bishop has tears in her eyes. She’s sitting in a hotel room in Myanmar, down the corridor from US Secretary of State John Kerry, while Secret Service agents pace up and down …But it’s not this confrontation, or the relentlessness of the 20-hour days she’s working, that’s led to this crack in her famously steely facade.

    It’s the Maslin kids from Perth, Mo, Evie and Otis,


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Yep, positively vomit inducing :mrgreen:


      • cornlegend says:

        I am now ;-{ looking for any positve articles the media ever produced on Julia Gillard


        • bighead1883 says:

          The IPA Nazis have been going through any positive Labor newspaper or online articles and erasing them.
          They`re attacking everyone who is of the Left that they can mate


          • driftwood12 says:

            Noticed ABC comments have a set lifespan before deletion now. So history can be forgotten and written anew? Dissapears like the ink type on medical and govt files copies pertaining to compensation cases. Here’s an interesting piece on new day power posted by Russell Brand. About the AVAAZ founders view. Has a transcript button too.

            All the one world stuff may be desirable by many but there are aspects we are losing on amongst others wants and desires.
            I guess to extents we are caught up in global banks and corporates wants of change to China etc monetary system. But good times are far from assured here to playing along.


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Cornie, is there a reason for this search? ❓


          • cornlegend says:

            Well Truthy,
            I sat there and pondered, and wondered and pondered some more and then I thunk for a good ten seconds to realise my mission to find a positive Julia article in any mainstream Media would be in vain,
            so I went out on the verandah looked at the stars and had a cold ale instead :-}


            • Truth Seeker says:

              Cornie, mate there were plenty in the 5th estate, including “The man in the Arena” by moi! 😀

              But WRT the MSM mate, you chose the best option 😉 Cold ale on the verandah 😀

              Cheers mate 🙂


    • driftwood12 says:

      Saw that starting some time ago corny, purile vomitus. Hard to know where it’s going considering old tactics of stacking, especially closing in on election and silent agenda matters. I only see one party- Laberal, including the Greens too often. The chart of the one percent shows unaltered climb, nearing 1920 highs, life in OZ shows a course. US style takeover, without firing a shot back.
      Many who could make change have comfort, and found it other decades, a lot goes over their heads. Those teetering on the chopping blades and bashed to edges of the level playing field have a more discicive view. Unfortunately their pain only delights heights nervous system of self worth and accomplishment and forces more of the same by the insecurity assault above amongst the plastic people and fake jewellery.
      The stacking may be for getting the budget through, too hard to tell what’s genuine, can only go by life to date and coursings.


      • cornlegend says:

        the problem is the spin machine is so efficient the suckers believe the bullshit.
        While I was on my holiday we were in America for a bit, mainly because of flight stop overs and my wish to see the Tesla cars.
        The middle class is just about gone there, but one bloke I talked to who lived in a rented apartment , drives a 10 year old car and is on about $50,000 a year insisted he is middle class.
        They play on their psyche.
        To him, now the definition of working class was a person with a couple of part time jobs, cheaper rental area, and surviving pay to pay.
        The unemployed and homeless don’t rate mate
        The gap is wider and wider,
        but they play on the American rubbish of doing better than the next bloke,
        I also met one woman who works 3 [yep three} part time jobs, all on minimum wage of $7.50 an hour and a Union member .
        When I bagged her employer, she got all defensive and started to blame the Chinese , Mexicans etc , and gave me a lecture on how they needed to grow the business to protect his interests .
        The Yanks are mad mate.
        Mad and bloody dangerous because they believe their own hype


        • bighead1883 says:

          A couple of days ago Vox ran a story about a new Ipsos-MORI poll showing that Americans think the unemployment rate right now is an astonishing 32 percent—higher than during the Great Depression. The correct answer, of course, is about 6 percent. And this is not just a harmless bit of ignorance, like not being able to name the vice president. “It matters,” we’re told, “because the degree to which people perceive problems guides how they make political decisions.”


        • driftwood12 says:

          Yeah, it’s amazing, like glaze eyed hypnosis. There is a peerage to be like that too. Or your not in the club.
          Maybe it’s the 75 lbs of sugar a year each one is responsible for. Love Americans, but you do hear the most bizarre positivity and spruiking. There is a forced desperation.
          I feel it heavy here now too, in politics and media, the same glazed eyed rhetoric and posturing, snake oil salesmen looking for takers.
          I wouldn’t mind a look at the new hydrogen car as well.


        • driftwood12 says:

          Idle wealth.
          Ended up in the company of a US girl here for some months, ex high society and ex US electricty magnate family. She’d speil all that while i was feeding and housing her, had great fun. All in a Southern accent and Gone with the wind theatrics, Hollywoods never far from a lot, I listened to a half hour spiel of the good ol’ mighty and powerful USA, the homeland ,protecter, beside a driftwood fire on the beach, the water was green glowing with phospheressence and patterning in the waves with fish ghosting trails, she’d never seen it before. After she finished and a little silence i said you don’t believe that crap do you. She said Nah! In that drawl.
          She slapped the back of my head on the way past to the water and said You hang onto it sometimes. A preachers daughter. She’d known a few famous people, once interviewed Bob Marley. The best part was sitting for a half hour watchin her swim naked in green phospheressence, playing like a child and pulling poses yelling out look!. An extroadinary light show. I can still see most of it but want it on film. She’d had a hell of a life, Father died and bastard step father moved her on very young. Street wise, smart as a tack. We had the whole no Father upbringing thing bonding. Learnt a bit off each other.
          Lots of hugs and going to sleep on my lap, that’s as far as anything went though i only had to step there. Different relationship. Magic. She had been stuck here, desperate and seducing for security and getting punched around for it. Big eyes, slightly protuding teeth, i nicknamed her Bugs and with the US accent. She had a terrified rabbit in her though. Got her into better company and she moved to the south coast with them.
          There was a big desperation bordering terror and a lot of brave front.
          Written songs about lessor, that ones yet to come. The time was a gift. Don’t know what to make of it to put into lyrics. But you get that.


    • Gilly says:

      Oh heck Cornie, that has properly stuffed up my cheese cake and scotch & dry,


      • cornlegend says:

        Ah mate, despite all the shit in the world . a year or two back a brave young medico that I know said ” you know Corn, I woke up one morning years ago and decided I wanted to be happy, so i am ”
        I guess it isn’t a bad goal , despite all the trouble and strife


      • bighead1883 says:

        I forgot how good this was
        The spacials are special indeed


        • driftwood12 says:

          The world is going to eat us. Got to be kidding.

          On other matters Biggy, just found out only 13 percent of ebola cases in Sierra Leone are isolated. What a nightmare.
          Time to do Cornies trick. Have a lonely can of J Walker calling for a sit on the verandah. Then i’ll come and empty a thin tin with the galvanizing gone , maybe a custard tart and sing and dance till Truthy says uncle.


  2. Truth Seeker says:

    Well truth seekers 🙂 it’s time for my bed, so night Biggy Cornie, Jim and all sleep well, and pleasant dreams 😉



  3. bighead1883 says:

    Goodnight Truthy 🙂 and whomever is still about CheerZZZZZZZZZZZzzz


  4. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂

    I’m watching Abbott talk on domestic violence, and rather than hear the important message, I just want to hit him 😯

    Cheers 😀


    • Truth Seeker says:

      And earlier saying how Shorten was not being honest with the people about ABC cuts… WTF? 😯

      You’re the one who LIED, Abbott you dickhead! 😡


      • consider says:

        Morning Truthy. I know the feeling. Don’t worry, his time is fast approaching. I saw him talking too.


      • driftwood12 says:

        It’s still all about the sheep and projections from Murdoch. Blatantly and openly. Nothing has changed.


  5. bighead1883 says:

    In Conservative Land
    1- It`s your wife`s fault that you abuse her physically/mentally/sexually
    2- If someone leaves anything lying around-it`s yours
    3- It`s never your fault
    4- Lying is normal
    5- Cheating is aspirational
    6- Legal for me,illegal for you
    7- Genuflection expected/given
    8- War is Peace
    9- God when nescessary
    10-Repeat #9


  6. bighead1883 says:

    Oh Soz goodmorning all 🙂


  7. bighead1883 says:

    Hug those you love or send them a message of how much you care.
    Our St John`s paramedic has had ongoing PTSD for many years after her time in the ADF where she acknowledged and likened herself to Jacqui Lambie was found dead yesterday in Kalgoorlie.
    She committed suicide as a number of us tried to get her to seek professional help for her PTSD.
    We ambos here are getting together talking about this and I`m sharing with you all just how close these things really are to us all-6 degrees of seperation between us all-no I now think it`s less.


  8. Frank Ston says:

    I wish we could all share your hurt – our thoughts are with you, and all those that are in your thoughts at the moment.


  9. consider says:

    So very sad. Our sincere condolences to all family, friends and colleagues. Our thoughts are with them all.


  10. Truth Seeker says:

    Morning Truth Seekers 🙂 so after Turdball went to such lengths to argue that Abbott didn’t really lie, he now admits… that he did in fact lie… WTF?


  11. Frank Ston says:

    Good morning – bright eyed and bushy tailed, I hope.
    What a confidence builder, when a member of Team Australia, our esteemed, battle hardened, war weary Minister of Defence (he initially thought he was Minister of The Fence) announced that, “he wouldn’t trust the Australian Submarine Corporation to build a canoe”.
    I wonder if cornie’s favourite fantasy squeeze is still on the Board of ASC.
    It struck me, that making comments like that already has him in a canoe of the barbed wire variety and situated in a well known minor waterway.


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