The Late Tony Abbott?

The Late Tony Abbott?

imagesNow I know that many would revel at the thought of the demise of the Abbott, me included, and given time that will happen.  This is simply about the sad reality that we have a PM that has little or no understanding of diplomacy, propriety, good manners or respect.

Watching him make a speech is an exercise in gross embarrassment, as he um’s and ah’s and er’s, his meandering way through,  apparently thinking about every word that dribbles from his disconnected mouth (disconnected from his brain that is), in a monumental effort to not place both feet firmly in it, and kick his own tonsils to death.   🙄

Being able to say “we told you so” to all those sadly misguided souls who voted for the LNP, in the vain hope that they would be the “Adult” and “Crystal Clear” government promised prior to the election, gives little satisfaction, as he actively trashes our reputation on the world stage.

When Abbott said that we should not act beyond our station, that should have been a hint for those preparing to vote for the LNP, that he had no freakin idea WTF he was doing.

And true to form, in his first foray into international relations he has portrayed us on the world stage, as a rude and ignorant diplomatic back water, who voted for a PM who can’t even be on time for important  meetings with world leaders, cos it was more important for him to be chewing the fat with a mate and likeminded right wing nut-job.AbbottSleeping1

I suppose that we should be grateful for the fact that he didn’t also fall asleep like he did after arriving late for a delegation of Aboriginal elders, who travelled for three days,  to meet with a parliamentary committee that he was a member of.    He didn’t even apologise for being late, just found his seat and dozed off.   😯   As reported in an article on IA.

Or like the time that he was 30 minutes late for a debate with Nicola Roxon, at the National press club during the 2007 election campaign.

He also missed the debates on pieces of key legislation in the parliament during his time as LOTO.

English: JAKARTA. With President of Indonesia ...

Russian President Putin with President of Indonesia Susilo Bаmbang Yudhoyono. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So Abbott has form in being late, or not turning up at all, but I think that being 20 minutes late for a formal meeting with world leaders, and making the host, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and the Russian President Putin, start without him, is the height of arrogant rudeness.

During the election campaign, (His entire term as LOTO) he was late or a no show, when it came to;

  • Policy detail and costing.
  • Honesty.
  • Decency.
  • Integrity.
  • Answering questions.
  • Being an “Adult”.
  • Being “Crystal Clear”.

So, should we be surprised that we now have the same ignorant, rude and gutless political bully and thug, as PM, that he was as LOTO?

Should we automatically respect a man (?) who was sold to us by the MSM as the best option for PM, with no regard for his ability or skill (or lack thereof) to do the job, when he set the example of no respect to the previous and first female PM?

Should we expect more from our elected representatives, or should we just accept the fact that we now have a government that is morally, emotionally and brain dead, led by the most morally, emotionally and brain dead of them all:

The late Tony Abbott?


About Truth Seeker

Musician singer/songwriter, guitar teacher.
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70 Responses to The Late Tony Abbott?

  1. melaine says:

    Excellent piece Truthie, thank you for your tireless work. Sad that most of the citizens of our fair land are so disconnected from reality, thanks to the efforts of the msm to keep their brains so full of the trivial crap that passes for entertainment these day, that they just seem to let all of tiny tones increasingly insane behaviour pass them by. Much more interested in their (non)reality shows and corporatized sporting events than in events that actually affect their lives and their children’s future. Sometimes it makes me wonder why we bother getting up each day… then I log on and find the Truthseeker’s among us fighting for our liberation and realise we each have our part to play, no matter how small or big, we can all keep at it and make sure the truth does get out. And even if we only reach a few they too will reach others and so it will grow…


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Mel, thanks for that 😀

      You are so right when you say that the MSM are keeping the minds so full of trivial crap, 😯

      Even with the rorting, they are focusing more on the $400 of Dreyfus than the $$$$ of the LNP 🙄 to take the heat out of it. 😯

      And we do all have a part to play, to make sure the truth gets out and keeps the pressure on those LNP bastards 👿

      Keep up the good work 😎

      Cheers 😀


  2. Kate Ahearne says:

    Hi Truthie. Great to see that you’re going strong. Yes, turning up late to a meeting bristling with international leaders was a real good look, not. It seems, though, that the media have accepted his explanation. Was there actually an apology? God give me strength! And smite my enemies or something. Or send them to the naughty corner till play lunch. Or bring forth and multiply a bunch of whistleblowers with irrefutable information about stuff like the implant in his ear through which his instructions are conveyed in 3-5 word bites.

    Great stuff as always, Truthie. Thanks. Please forgive my neglect – still not terribly well, but today I’m trying to chew through some household chores and stuff like attending to my Inbox – which is done and dusted and involved nothing more onerous than marking as ‘read’ or deleting about 1,000 Google Alerts. There’s always another way to skin a cat.

    Cornie, I owe you an email.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Kate, thanks for your kind words and support 😀

      No need to apologise, just take care of yourself, as your country and friends need you 😀

      Hope you start to feel a bit better soon, but in the meantime take things easy, and concentrate on your own needs 😉

      Cheers 😀


  3. Truthie, I just want to hang my head in shame, not that I should have to really, because I didn’t vote for this man or his party. I am cringing now, because, as you say, we all knew what Abbott was like & how he would be likely to make all of us look like idiots to the rest of the world.
    My hope is that TA (can’t call him PM) keeps on giving, so that when parliament sits, whoever leads the opposition will make mince meat of him & his party.


  4. davo says:

    He is not only habitually late. When the questions get tough, he also has a habit of leaving early.

    Often at a run.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Davo, I was nearly going to include a section on that in this piece, but thought that it has been covered sufficiently for now, but I’m sure there will be more opportunities to remind people in the weeks and months ahead 😀

      Cheers 😀


  5. Fed up says:

    davo, spot on. Yes, and he does not big note himself. How do I know, he just told us so.

    His MC fell out in Bali. So maybe he will not have to run, this time.


  6. Bighead1883 says:

    Tony the Tool of a Fool will make the USA`s Dubya Bush look intelligent.It`s important to comment on as many news sites as possible to keep pressure up on MSM journo`s to expose his crap.
    Albo`s stance on the TPP will also need to be known.


    • davo says:

      That’s good advice, Mate. Keep the pressure on. Keep the blowtorch applied.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Bighead1883, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      The truth is the Abbott makes a house brick look intelligent 😯

      Albo, is a good man, although I wasn’t that happy with him saying that some of Abbott’s claims for expenses were fine 😯 but we’ll wait and see 😉

      The TPP is pure BS, and should be opposed at every opportunity 👿

      Cheers 😀


      • Bighead1883 says:

        To support the left of political thinking is honourable,It shows a social conscience lacking in right wing genealogy.I expect much serious debate because opinions are like arseholes and we all have one,but some opinions require the decimation of a legions Proctologist.I have enjoyed your analysis of leading up to and post the election TS a see that the band of merry people has to grow..Trough swilling although a greater Tory trait is not the lone Mohican of their genre alone.The age of entitlement is over all right,theirs.Thanks for the kind words and may corny garner strength to those he loves..


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Bighead1883, thanks for that 😀 and it’s great to have you on board 😎

          I agree with your comments, 😯 and as far as Cornie’s loved ones, they are in good hands 😀

          Cheers 😀


  7. Truth Seeker says:

    Hey Truth Seekers, have been tied up this morning, and am of out for a while, but will reply to all a bit later 😀

    Cheers ;grin:


  8. diannaart says:

    For six years Australia gave the impression it could elect leaders of merit and intellect (despite my misgivings about Rudd, and it need be noted that Gillard did win the 2010 election), for six years maybe we fooled the rest of the world that we are not a nation of greedy hicks.

    Thanks Tony for lifting the veil of sophistication to reveal our simple, opportunistic roots.


  9. Janie Woods says:

    Tony the Toady I call him:-)


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Janie Woods, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      I think most have pet names for Tones 😀 one of my favs for him is “DICKHEAD!” 😯

      Cheers 😀


      • Janie Woods says:

        I call him toady, because because it a more dignified name than a$$ licker:-).


        • Truth Seeker says:

          Janie, thanks for your comment 😆 Love the way you think 😀

          It’s good that at least some on our side maintain a level of decorum and dignity, cos that ship has sailed and sunk for the LNP and their supporters 😯

          I do try to maintain a level of dignity myself 😯 but I fail miserably when it comes to the LNP, as IMHO they deserve all the ridicule that can be heaped upon them, and in that regard I do my very best 😀

          Thanks again for your input 😎

          Cheers 😀


  10. Gilly says:

    The late Tony Abbott… RIP Once a mans man now a lackey to a women (Peta) and never threw a son. O, poor tormented soul/sole.


  11. orangefox says:

    And this fool will get a lucrative tax payer funded pension. The reward for being an arse hole. Makes me angry.
    We can’t afford 3 years of this jerk.
    I truely believe that the best tactic to use is keep pounding away with the expenses rorts and corruption links then finish him up with the TPP issue.
    If there was ever a reason to justify blocking supply and forcing a DD it would be over the TPP.
    The Greens and Labor should declare no confidence in this government if he attempts to sign our sovereignty away.
    With the TPP attempting to be rushed through it gives little time to respond that’s why it is important to mention it to as many people as possible. Hopefully it will gain exposure in the MSM.
    Then the next worry will be the free trade agreement with China, Abbott is keen to sign. There was a good interview on Lateline last night with John Hofmeister mentioning the dangers of free trade agreements. He also talked about direct action policies and Emma Alberici didn’t look comfortable.
    Regarding Cornlegends sister in law I would recommend they also investigate alternative treatments as chemotherapy is very damaging to ones immune system. Eating apricot kernels may help.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Orangefox, thanks for your comment 😎

      I also hate the thought of Abbott getting all the benefits of being an ex PM, but sadly that ship has already sailed thanks to Murdoch and a relative handful of swinging voters 😦

      I agree that blocking supply would be the county’s best bet, but there would be a hell of a fight with the powers that be to get him, or at least the LNP, re-elected. 😯

      The TPP would be a disaster for this country, and would be a good trigger, and I also agree that the current formula for free trade agreements is far from ideal, and combine that with the gutless approach of Abbott and the LNP, then we will be in big trouble. 😦

      This government is a scary prospect for the future of this country, and as you say we have to keep the pressure on 😉

      Cheers 😀


  12. Evening all. WRT a Double Dissolution , during the last years of the howard govt. ,i listened to an interview on the ABC between John anderson [?] and a gent who was the full bottle on the election process , in particular, the effect that A. LANGER ‘s approach to filling in a voting form [1, 2 ,2,2 etc ] to reflect a restricted preference . j. howard later made that method of voting illegal .However , one little pearl that this expert [ wish i could remember his name ] dropped WAS that -on the first day of the new government , ALL elected members of parliament had their SUPER for the next 3 years paid into their fund accounts or SMSFs.YEP , all up/day1.SO if an early election is called , the overlap [what remains of the 3 year term /the start of the new govt. ] does not have to be paid back should a member be re-elected .Double -dipping ! This could happen if a DD is called. CLIFF knows that they get enough money out of us .If any of you have the time to investigate and establish the truth of that claim , please do , as my spare time is limited . Thank you .’george hanson ‘


    • Truth Seeker says:

      George Hanson, welcome to my site, 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      I’m not sure if that situation still applies, but even if it does, IMHO it would be worth it, and still be cheaper for the country than keeping Abbott and the right wing nut-jobs in power for three years 😯

      Having said that, if there’s anything to find out, I’m sure that one of our fantastic truth seekers will know or find out for us 😉

      Despite your limited spare time, I do appreciate your input, and hope you can find the time to join in with our conversations again 😀

      Cheers 😀


  13. Bighead1883 says:

    I penned this quite some time ago.Time for a resurrection.
    In the not too distant past there was dignity.
    It may only be a seven letter word,yet it`s connotation expounds a virtue bound to rich and poor alike.
    It abounded in vocational fields where breadwinners acted with and received dignity.In return for this dignity attributed to the breadwinners,they in turn treated their employer with a mutual dignity at the two privileges,one being gainfully employed and the other in having the dignity of grace accepting that the employer was fortunate enough to be in their respective position.
    Yet this seven letter word is easily brought undone and sullied by the five letter word greed.Greed takes away all dignity from the giver to the taker hence it being one of the named seven deadly sins.
    I`m not a religious person but I fully concur with the values of the seven deadly sins and the seven virtues.Yet dignity does not exist as a virtue from even the ancient Greek Philosophers texts to the more modern Christians values—
    So what I`m saying is that dignity is a special concept,it`s virtuous in nature with the added appendage of grace,Yet dignity is not listed as a grace.So therefore it`s special status is even more adorned in humanity.
    It must therefore be a value,but we can only see that values are a code of conduct in the Tata Code of Conduct regarding how employees treat their employer.
    So again dignity escapes definition,it`s not a deadly sin that`s for sure,it`s not a virtue according to philosophy or theology,it`s not a grace and it`s not a value.Hmm,dignity is truly hard to pin down yet it`s importance as a human condition is paramount,it`s felt deep inside,it pours and seeps into the very being of existence.
    So after much philosophical bisecting and analysing I`ve come to the conclusion that dignity is the most important of all,as it is the SOUL of being.May when Democracy is again found,we regain our dignity.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Bighead1883, Thanks for sharing that fine and well written philosophical piece 😎

      The only part that I would dispute, from a philosophical stand point is that IMHO dignity cannot be taken, only relinquished, as the dignity of one can transcend the greed of many.

      So I believe and would argue that the strength and depth of dignity is the defining factor, as in my reply, I am prepared to consciously relinquish a level of dignity for the sake of a deep seated belief that the LNP are deserving of ridicule, and I am prepared to do my best to deliver it, at the expense of my dignity (real or perceived) in that area. 😯

      Having said that… Love your work 😎

      Cheers 😀


      • Bighead1883 says:

        Well TS and corny cheers.
        Now as I said in my welcome,strong debate is good so TS Dignity goes much further..
        You see it`s a door,a window,a key but most of all,an allowance.
        How? I hear your mind ask.
        As an allowance dignity gives one the ability to use the word honourable.
        Honourable cannot exist without dignity.
        Dignity is a door that allows passage for respect,no respect,no dignity.
        As a window we can all see dignity,it`s an invisible truth so revealing as to be visible to all.
        Then most importantly,dignity is the key,it unlocks all.


        • Bighead1883 says:

          Now TS your point of dignity being only able to be relinquished and not taken rests in the truth of the particular democracy or Aboriginal condition.If the democratic/Aboriginal is usurped by a greater force then even if the remnants appear to display a dignified persona you surely realise it is only a phantom.
          Long term subjugation leads to loss of respect,including self respect.
          This is why dignity is a door,it allows passage for respect,no respect,no dignity.
          But hey it took me a good long shower to mull over your response,bloody marvellous of you to debate so well.


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Bighead 1883, sorry I couldn’t reply last night, but the yearning of my sad old body was for sleep, so I had to succumb to the sirens call of my four poster bed 😉

            But I do love a good debate 😀 and I agree with your analogy of the door, and the relationship between dignity and respect. But I would take it one step further to say that when the door of dignity is built into a bastion of self respect, and reinforced with a strong self belief, then even when the physical manifestation of that fortification is torn down, the true bastion remains. 😯

            I have come across many stories from both history and personal account, where despite physical hardship, degradation, humiliation and, in some cases, torture, people have still managed to live and die with their dignity and self respect truly intact, as the spirit remains firm. 😀

            Cheers 😀


  14. cornlegend says:

    m8, I think you nailed it


    • cornlegend says:

      I reckon a classic example of what you have written, above, would have to be Nelson Mandela


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Cornie, yes, a classic example, and another one was a story that was made into a movie called QB7, about a doctor who was accused of war crimes, and although he was acquitted, was awarded only 1 farthing, the smallest denomination available.

        We have a personal knowledge of this case, as the doctor in question was our family GP when I was a child in London. The court case destroyed him physically, but his spirit was strong and his dignity remained to the end.

        Cheers 😀


        • Bighead1883 says:

          Good morning from WA,the current heat/wind wave has passed and heads East.
          An excellent example of courage as described corny and Nelson Mandela certainly fits that bill with Gandhi and Aung San Suu Kyi along with the imposing image from Tiananmen Square where a lone protester faced a line of tanks..
          The philosophical debate on dignity will continue TS because it`s needed in this current political climate to show up how Abbott&Co have degraded our Democratic process.
          The same goes for MSM and most importantly for Rupert Murdoch.


          • Truth Seeker says:

            Morning Bighead1883, yes and just as those are examples of dignity and courage, so the LNP, the MSM and Murdoch are the antithesis of dignity and courage 😯

            Keep up the good work 😎

            Cheers 😀


  15. Garmin12 says:

    Slowly (or should that be quickly) the wheels of the Abbott band wagon are falling off and it can’t come soon enough. I must say he has done wonders for my electric bill, as I don’t watch TV or turn on the radio as it is to embarrassing to listen to the little twerp.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Garmin12, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      I agree that it can’t come soon enough 😯 , and I like the way you think WRT your electricity bill 😆 😆

      I hope that you can join the conversation again 😎

      Cheers 😀


  16. Truth Seeker says:

    Truth seekers, I will be tied up for most of the day, but will be in and out, as I am in the middle of fitting the second leadlight to our en-suite, and have a darts flogging booked for this afternoon 😀 complete with copious amounts of scotch and lemonade 😯

    So I apologise in advance if it takes me a while to reply to comments, but will get to them ASAP.
    Although the later it gets, the less coherent they may well become 😉

    Cheers 😀


  17. Bighead1883 says:

    Now sorry if my mirth shows a bias here but I`m so amazingly astounded by Clive Palmers acumen.
    This is Karma at work to thwart Abbott at every opportunity it can.
    In my minds eye I can see it “Arr ahh come on Clive,we still think you one of us,arrh arr hmm,look mate just pretend to Rupert you`re against us,he`ll write you up good and arr ahh arr you know we`ll all get what we want,arr ahh look I`ll ahh arr ah ahem you know arr ah arr do anything you want Clive,arr ahh arr you know it was never me that was against you it was arr aha you know Erica Abetz and that arrahh Mal Brough,look we`ll arhh arr sacrifice Mal for ya Clive,we`ll ar ah arr out him ourselves,pleeeeease Clive”.
    Shite,it was so painful to write like Abbott speaks.


    • davo says:

      I reckon Palmer will know where a few bodies are buried too.
      The Coalition won’t want to piss him off too bad.


  18. Fed up says:

    I do hope, whoever is elected on Sunday keeps in mind,, they are the leader of a team, a team that one does not listen to at their own peril.


    • Bighead1883 says:

      Why is the MSM pushing so hard for Shorten,Fed up?.It`s all Shorten this Shorten that.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Bighead 1883, I think the answer to that is simply that they know that he will have a target on his back over his involvement in the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd destabilisation and dismissals. 😦

        An easy target for more headlines and destabilisation 😯

        Cheers 😀


        • Bighead1883 says:

          That is the only answer TS,
          The right wing Labor Tory faction have made a Murdochcracy deal to continue the status quo toward global corporatist unelected rule,IMO.


  19. Fed up says:

    Some expert said yesterday, with Abbott in control of both houses, we will have stability in government, for the first time in six years.

    The last six, have been quite stable and productive, in spite of the behavior of many in caucus.

    We seen in the last, minority government that independence have more power, by pulling together. This does not mean they have to agree on everything.

    I suspect, we might be returning to the days of the DLP and Harradine in particular.

    Recount of Senate vote in WA. Only above line votes. Seems this is the first time this has happened. With the numbers so close, this appears t be the correct action.

    Seems our bested friend today, is Japan. Wonder who it will be tomorrow,


  20. Fed up says:

    I wonder how one polls this conquest?


  21. Bighead1883 says:

    Fed up says:
    10/10/2013 at 12:06 pm- Now M8 the Vince Gair comparison is scary indeed,I remember it well.Yet I feel things are different on a number of levels.
    The first being,the shoe is on the other foot,meaning a conservative ideological split.
    Then the degree of MSM vilification toward PUP and the having to change political party names both for PUP and KAP.
    At whose political insistence was this all brought about?,this was not an AEC thought bubble deliberation of it`s own accord.
    Ideologically Palmer being pissed off at US style lobbying will jack off Liberals no end.
    Clive`s willing to pay his fair share of tax,he`s stated this and the tax cuts for the rich are now not so guaranteed,another Liberal jack off.
    Clive is not so privatisation promoted as he calls foe an old style retention of resources,ie:3% of coal/gas should be retained for domestic use with a subsidised price as once was in Australia,another Liberal jack off.
    Then we have value adding our mined products to restart manufacturing in Australia,another very big Liberal jack off.
    I know there are more but the greatest jack off the Liberals is Clives dislike of the IPA.
    Then there is Mal Brough basically calling Palmer a liar.
    So Fed up,it may well be that Clive Palmer is the LNP`s Vince Gair or the Libs Don Chipp.


  22. Fed up says:

    “Why is the MSM pushing so hard for Shorten,Fed up?.It`s all Shorten this Shorten that.:

    The MSM believes he carries more baggabe than Albanese.

    Which, sadly, could be true.


  23. Fed up says:


    Interesting times ahead.

    I believe some of those so called journalist are going to get used of doing some homework, and get a little history under their belts, if they are going to report politics.

    Abbott is going to learn quickly, his idea of a mandate means very little.

    In fact, it is not long ago, that Abbott himself wrote a essay on the subject.

    Time for those, who support a ETS and addressing carbon emissions, get back out of the street.


  24. Fed up says:

    I also believe that Clive Palmer has less in common with Abbott, than many would like to believe.


  25. tony says:

    I enjoyed the article and most of the comments .. but must say that its not just Australia that has gone under to corporate fascism and various other weird illnesses !! also Canada the u.s ,England !! are already victims (e.g when did Monsanto buy off Obama ??)it appears to me that it is better for me to move to N.Z (short term !) Russia ( too cold ) or China ( too Polluted ) b4 everything gets too the next stage TPPA !! and read Nostradamus again , to find out exactly when where and how these bastards are going to fuck it all up totally !


    • Bighead1883 says:

      The US has two right wing parties.The CMD will keep you up to date.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Tony, welcome to my site 😀 and thanks for your comment 😎

      I’m not sure that moving will help, I think we’re better off trying to force Abbott to call a DD 😀

      What does Nostradamus say about the mad monk? And does it relate to him being dickhead? 😯

      And I don’t think you need to Nostradamus to know that the answer to your query is here and now 😀

      Cheers 😀


  26. cornlegend says:

    I can understand Albo and Shorten having leadership on their mind, and I for one will be pleased when its done and dusted.
    Over a month has passed now, since the election and I would really like to know where the other 53 ALP MPs are ?
    The bloody silence has been deafening.
    The Murdoch-Abbott Government are getting away with blue murder and the “OPPOSITION” are missing.
    There is about as much noise coming from this lot, as the sound of one hand clapping.


    • Bighead1883 says:

      Corny M8,this is the best politicking that could be done.The Lying Nasty Party think they are clearing the decks.Albo has detergent,and detergent is slippery.Can`t wait for the real big slips once the game is on.


      • Truth Seeker says:

        Bighead1883, You just have to wonder if they will sit this side of Christmas, the way the Abbott ids going?????

        Cheers 😀


        • Bighead1883 says:

          Oh,they need to stew awhile because the scum floats to the top and when this stew gets skimmed we`ll all see that there`s no substance in the pot,TS.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Cornie, should be done and dusted on Sunday 😀

      Still think Shorten would be a mistake, 😯 Hoping Albo gets the guernsey. 😀

      Cheers 😀


  27. cornlegend says:

    Truth Seeker
    I know this is a long stretch, but I think there is something wrong with the bloke.
    Since his run from the media, I have been watching him, not listening too much though.
    I think he is shit scared of Parliament resuming, shit scared of being in a position of having to go “unscripted”, and shit scared of the pressure that will inevitably come
    I think he is in need of some serious psychiatric help.
    Pauline {the nurse} worked for 10 years in psychiatry, and she was the one that initially drew my attention to it.
    a friend, heavily involved in the day to day of politics said the family situation needs to be watched, plus one other larger development, which he would not be drawn in on.
    He reckons some heavy weather ahead for the “Lycra Loonie”
    should be an interesting ride,
    I want to be there, stirring the pot whenever or wherever I can 😀
    Karma sure can be a B****


  28. Fed up says:

    cornlegend , I have the same concerns myself. I also get the feeling, he is scared stiff.

    Not to sure, of who frightens him the most.

    We have see

    The man does not look well. He does not appear to be confident. One could say, it is just because he is out of his depth.

    Good head kicker, loves stunts, but not much use at anything else.

    I have been listening closely to what he has to say. You know what, he is saying nothing. There is simply no context, just raving on. just empty words.


    • Truth Seeker says:

      Fed up, I think that there isn’t much that he isn’t scared of 😯

      Like all bullies, when it comes down to it he’s just plain gutless 🙄

      And during his tenure as LOTO he never said anything other than his slogans, but the problem is you can’t run a government or deal with world leaders by quoting slogans, and that’s all he has 😯

      Even at APEC, he trotted out the old “Let me make two points”… He’s a monumental laughingstock, and complete DICKHEAD! 😯

      Cheers 😀


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